The Conference

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Conference is to be held in a famous five star hotel of Mumbai. Media has been already there to cover the program as it was the biggest medical conference held in India to which doctors from worldwide will be there and prominent personalities will also be there. Some media will be outside covering the entrance and some will be inside for coverage of the program.
Some media and reporters will be outside some famous hospitals including Sanjeevani.

Atul will be clinging to Armaan as if he leaves him Armaan will be vanished. He was afraid to lose his brother,his best friend,his family again. Rahul and Muskaan observes this and Armaan's gloomy behaviour and becomes worried.

"Rahul I am worried"

"Yeah me too"

"I talked to ridzy but I don't think she will agree to go back to armaan"

" I understand it's not easy for her too,she is a wife of a person today Muskaan,she has some responsibilities and she can't just run back to Armaan......she needs time."

" Ha I also understand but see Armaan how sad he is although he tries to cover up we can easily say he is in pain"

" Sahi hai yaar mujhe uski bahut fikar ho raha hai.......and mostly Atul ka fikar ho Raha hai dekho kaise chipak ke Reh Raha hai armaan se"

"Ab kaise samjaon mein uss gadhe ko ki humein waapas toh jaana hai apne apne raastein........mujhe dar lag Raha hai Kal yeh kaisa react karega"

" Kal na jaane Kya Kya hoga kaise karenge......"

" Hmm......wahi toh kuch samaj nahi aa Raha hai."

" Don't take too much tension,leave everything to God"

"Hey bhagwaan kuch bhi Kar ke sab kuch pehle jaisa bana do na....... humaara dosthi,hamaara pyaar,hum sab saath rahein,sab kuch........please bhagwaan."

"Ahem ahem...... pyaar bhi?" Rahul asks smirking.

" Abhey khankajurey, ulloo ke pattey, sab mein toone sirf yahi suna hai Kya" Muskaan hisses angrily and walks off and Rahul follows her laughing.


Atul, Rahul, Muskaan, Anjali will be waiting for armaan at the parking lot where Sid,Shilpa , JP also waiting for riddhima to come.

Riddhima will be coming out from hospital and walks towards parking lot in deep thinking. Then suddenly a bike rides fast across her making her twirl and fall down.

Before she could fall down strong arms grips her waist preventing her from falling down. Riddhima grips her arms tightly of one who is holding her. She doesn't need more than a second to know who saved her,she can feel that person,his touch,his cologne.......which all sends a shivering sensation throughout her body and make her all senses go blank......and only one person has such effect on her...... unknowingly his name escapes from her lips........."ARMAAN" which brings smile on his face. ( Asmaani instrumental tune will be playing in the background ).

Riddhima slowly opens her eyes to see the blue oceanic eyes staring at her already with love and that's it everything vanished.....her senses,her surroundings,her friends,her husband,her pain,her tears...... everything. If there is anything then it is only them,their love,sound of their heartbeats beating for each other. Their eyes were locked and both lost in each other's embrace.

All their friends including Shilpa enjoys the scene in front of them. After longtime they got to see them like this.....their love,their romance,their madness......... Automatically a smile adores on everyone's face seeing the most beautiful scene by the most beautiful couple on the earth.

" Riddhima we are getting late for the conference and we should get ready also" Sid interrupts their moment and angrily strides towards his car.

Armaan and Riddhima comes out of their moment and stands awkwardly. Ridz goes to Sid's car and Armaan goes towards his friends while Muskaan will be cursing Sid under her breath. Everyone got into Armaan's car and goes to get ready for the conference.


Everyone will be at the conference Hall of the hotel where some speeches are going on. Everyone listens to them patiently but it is not getting over at all. One by one all the old retired doctors are giving speeches about their experiences and advices.

Armaan , Riddhima,Anjali,keerthi and others will be listening to them interestingly while Atul yawns continously out of boredom earning glare from Anjali. Muskaan is already drowsing to sleep and falls on Armaan's shoulder who nudges her to wake her up but Muskaan is Muskaan right so nudging did not effect her. Armaan sighs and lets her sleep but Rahul utters Dr. Keerthi's name and Muskaan jerks her head up in fear and sat up straight. She glares at Rahul who will be laughing with Atul and Armaan. Seeing them laughing keerthi glares at them and everyone shut their mouths.

Next every person who represents their hospitals comes one by one and talks about their hospitals. Now it is turn of sanjeevani and everyone looks excited for Shashank's speech but the name announced as their representative gave them shock. The announcement made as......

"Now Dr. Armaan Mallik will be here to represent Sanjeevani hospital' which made armaan himself shock as he doesn't know this and he is not prepared for this.

Armaan looks at Shashank who assures him smiling to go on and Armaan got up from his seat nodding his head and goes towards stage. All his freinds and Riddhima feels extremely happy.

"  First of all Thank you Dr. Shashank Gupta for giving me such an honour of being representative of Sanjeevani. Talking about sanjeevani I am glad to be a part of such an amazing organization in which patients and their health are priorities and nothing else. Never in my career in Sanjeevani I have seen money,fees and costs are prioritized. Every person working in sanjeevani first responsibility is it's patients. We all doctors are all very lucky that we got opportunity to work in such an amazing environment which has become our family.( everyone will be blinking their tears away ) Yes we are all a family ,we work together,we enjoy our work together and if any problem comes to any patient or any staff or any doctor or sanjeevani itself then we all become one and stand to solve that problem. We may be jovial, mad and go crazy sometimes but when it comes to profession we are all very much dedicated and hard-working. ( Gang will be laughing ) .Our responsibility as a doctor and our duty towards a patient is our first and foremost priority.
I want to thank Dr. Keerthi who has been a wonderful mentor and disciplinarian for us who taught us work, being responsible towards our duty and for bearing our madness and childishness( keerthi will be smiling happily with tears). I finally want to talk about one person who was not only our dean,our mentor,our head but also has been our guide,our philosopher,our well wisher and most importantly our father from the day one. He guided us not only to be good doctors but also to be the good persons showing us the right path. We all adore him,admire him,follow him.......and we are grateful for him as he was always there for us and he is none other than Dr. Shashank Gupta ( Everyone becomes emotional and Armaan himself has tears in his eyes). I am not saying all these to boast up about sanjeevani and ourselves but because if every hospital's first priority becomes their patients and not money like fees & costs  then there will be no deaths that are caused due to lack of treatment and money. Thank you all for giving this opportunity to address about sanjeevani,thank you so much" saying this Armaan got down the stage while there will be huge round of applause for armaan all over the hall.

Dr. Shashank feels proud of Armaan and hugs him tightly feeling happy. Riddhima will be crying feeling proud of Armaan. Sid and others also claps for him happily. Atul, Rahul, Anjali and Muskaan literally jumps on armaan hugging the life out of him and Riddhima also runs and joins them. Everyone in the hall will be witnessing their craziness with amusement and astonishment.

They all sat in their seats after their crazy session for further programme.
Awards will be presenting to best doctors of various hospitals of various departments. Names are being announced and they are receiving the shields of gratitude for their work.

" Here I invite to the stage to receive this award of most successful and experienced doctor......Dr. Keerthi Rai from Sanjeevani,Mumbai." Gang stand up from their seats appluading keerthi happily while keerthi goes and receives the award.

" Now next is the award for the young doctor who had achieved a lot at a very young stage having the success rate of 99.99% and that is......Dr. Armaan Mallik from Sanjeevani, Mumbai." armaan was surprised as he didn't expect this and gang jumped on him again happily. Armaan goes on  stage and receives the award while a loud cheer is heard for him from all over the hall.

" Next award is for the young doctor in the gynaecology department who has done all the deliveries normal and has the success rate 99% at a very young age and that doctor is.......Dr. Muskaan Chadda again from Sanjeevani, Chandigarh." Muskaan jumps up and down with happiness as she was shocked and surprised. Gang squeezed her by hugging. Muskaan runs to stage and receives the award while Sid stood shocked as he did not considered muskaan as doctor only but now she got the best doctor award in gynaecology department.

Soon awards ceremony was over and some announcements and gratitudes are given to the people who organised to conference and all. Dr. Shashank was more than happy as many doctors from Sanjeevani are recognised as best all over India.


There is dinner arranged for everyone who attended the conference and gang will be waiting to eat together with all their freinds.

Rahul, Muskaan,Atul will be talking standing at one corner. Anjali,keerthi and Shashank will be discussing something. Armaan will be on his phone talking about some case on the phone with the manager of his trust while Sid drags riddhima to a corner.

" Sid what are you doing?" Ridz asks Sid who stops at a corner.

" Nothing I just want some time with my wife, can't I?" Sid asks smiling while riddhima just half smiles.

" You are looking very beautiful today riddhima" Sid says holding her hands.

" Thanks" ridz says looking down.

" Umm.....riddhima till how many days we will be like this we need to do something to progress our marriage" Sid says and riddhima looks at him.

" Look riddhima I know you need some time more and I will also give you but I think we should take this marriage to next level" Sid says hesitatingly but keeps his point and Riddhima stays silent.

" I know riddhima you are not comfortable but I am just saying my opinion in our you get it riddhima?" Sid asks her and Riddhima nods.

" Riddhima I love you, I will not force you we will take steps one by one, but we need to progress our relationship" Sid says lifting her chin with his finger and smiles at her.

Riddhima smiles back awkwardly and nods her head. She knows she is not comfortable with it and not ready yet but it is her responsibility of being his wife and she has to fulfill it or at least try to do it otherwise she will never able to move on in this life and make this marriage work.

To be continued...............

Hello guys hope you all are enjoying the story. There are twists and turns to come in next chapters so stay tuned to the story.
Guys I need to know that Reunion part 2 chapter is published in the story or not because it is not showing as published in my app. So can anyone please let me know if that chapter is there or not so I can publish it again.
Thanks everyone for your comments and votes.

Love AR.

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