• fabulae • more roles •

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these girls attend Mitsiset Grammar, the female equivalent of Aglionby Academy. these schools are known in the area not only as prestigious, but as rivals. the competition and tension between the two is palpable.


• coegni •



background: he attends aglionby academy. he possesses the same power as the greywaren, though he knows it and the greywaren does not know that he has the power, let alone coegni. he knows the girls because he and anyllgredig used to be best friends until their two personalities went in very different directions. they remain friends, though she is closer to the other four. llofruddiwr is his father, though one that is rarely at home. he is the popular jerk, the classical athletic asshole. he is corrupt, and would love to take people in the same direction. it is good that the girls refuse to be swayed by him. he knows the greywaren (to whom he holds a dislike) through the drag-races he holds. he has a... special kind of friendship with gwahanol. one similar to that of a romantic relationship in which both are pretending.


- 17

- rule breaker to the extreme

- he has broken laws multiple times

- controversial - he holds things that make people want to trust him

- however trusting him is not recommended

- street-smart

- indifferent to academic matters

• gorffwyllog •



background: she grew up hiding in trees, away from her parents (divorced). she still brings home creatures, ranging from bees and hornets to pigeons and owls, and earwigs and ladybugs to injured deer and stray dogs/cats. she looks after them, and shows amazing skill in drawing them as they heal. she works as a florist to earn money to look after them, and lives in a flat with anyllgredig, whom she treats as a younger sister.



- capricious

- changes topic frequently and randomly

- charismatic

- loves things to be displaced, claiming she knows where everything is

- animal fanatic

- sees the world in bright colours (metaphorically)

- bad liar

• gwahanol •



background: her face is gaunt, and she does not sleep much. she is easily the most haunted of the five, though the one with the most personality. a minor schizophrenic, she likes to stay with people, and can seem clingy at times. she has a... special kind of friendship with coegni. one similar to that of a romantic relationship in which both are pretending. however, she feels herself falling. she has the same recklessness as the greywaren and coegni, though slightly less extreme.


- 16

- bipolar

- a bit random

- hates messy

- swarmed by secrets

- stubborn

- irritable

• anyllgredig •



background: she used to be best friends with coegni, until the two split in personality and found that it was hard for them to stay that way. she now sticks with her three 'sisters', but remains welcoming to him and any other strangers. she is often the pacifier of the group, breaking up fights and arguments, and reassuring any strangers that these girls are, in fact, normal people.


- 16

- innocent

- naive

- extroverted

- heart on her sleeve

- perceptive and thoughtful

- caring

- finds it easy to make friends with other people/animals

- loves food

- smol

• gwenwyn •



background: she develops a temporary crush on the quiet, instilled in their first meeting. she's kind of secluded from her 'sisters', but this is because she prefers not to be involved in their loudness. this does not mean she is not one of their closest friends. also, her father (a congressman) has a professional acquaintance with the raven prince's father. in reality, they are rivals and do not like each other. she doesn't know who the raven prince is though, having only (at maximum) glanced at him during functions.


- 17

- apathetic

- intelligent

- irritable

- bold

- built with sarcasm

- goes to great lengths to achieve what she wants, especially for her friends

- extroverted

• llofruddiwr •



background: his son is coegni, and his wife died in childbirth. he has contacts and skills, all that's required to make him a very successful hit-man. he goes by the name the grey man, and is currently under the instruction of a client called greenfinger, a very dangerous man who also wants to find glendower. his son doesn't care for him, and often ignores him. he killed the greywaren's father, under instruction from greenfinger.


- determined

- does-what-he-likes type of person

- good sense of humour

- flexible and versatile persona

- professional - wears suits 87% of the time

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