(One-Shot) "Did you think you could hide!?"

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DISCLAIMER: I was writing this when Volume 7 hasn't been announced or released yet. The same could be said with the other One-Shot I will release soon, "Sometimes, Cowards do survive."

A/N: Also, this One-shot takes place in Volume 6 between the episode "Uncovered" and "That's how it is."

A/N 2: I think this might be a dark one-shot I've done, and believe me I think the next one-shot I'll give out will be darker than this. O_o

Anyways, with that said and done, enjoy the one-shot!


Ozpin raised his voice, "Do you really think Leo was the first?!

Everyone stops as they look at him, caught off-guard by the sudden outburst.

"That he didn't say those exact same words to me? I'm sorry, but you have to understand that my behaviors are backed by experience. I'm not saying that I have reason to think you will betray me. I'm saying that I have reasons for the things that I do, the secrets I keep, the reason I..." Ozpin/Oscar trails off and realizes something.

"Where's the Relic?" Ozpin/Oscar asked as he looks around a bit for the Relic.

"Right here." Ruby said as she holds it in her hands, "...It got scattered in the crash."

"Please, hand it over." Ozpin/Oscar said with his hand reached out, but Ruby hesitates.

"So all those times you talked about having faith in humanity, that was just for everyone else?" Ruby questioned.

Ozpin/Oscar sighs, "That's not what I meant to suggest." He said, "...Miss Rose, the Relic is a powerful item and I simply feel as though it is my burden to bear."

"But, you said it couldn't do anything right now," Ruby remarked.

"Why does it matter who carries it? Blake asked as she narrows her eyes in suspicion.

"I need you to listen to me-" Ozpin/Oscar stops in mid-sentence with a hand reached out, but suddenly freezes in place and looks like there's a struggle going on in the body of Oscar.

"Oz?" Qrow said.

Oscar/Ozpin grunts fighting back internal for control, as he manages to say, "Hurry... he's... trying to stop you!"

"Stop her from what?" Yang asked.

"He's afraid... you'll find out what he's... hiding!" Oscar/Ozpin manages to say as he fights against Ozpin internally and falls onto his hands and knees.

Everyone gets in a defensive stance as they stand protectively around Ruby and the relic of Knowledge.

"Her name... is Jinn. Say her name... to summon her," Oscar pleads.

"Her name?" Ruby wonders and then stares at the relic.

The wind picks up much more gradually, blowing snow even harder. The Relic starts to glow in Ruby's hands.

She takes a deep breath and just before she would utter her name, the sound of a loud boom of engines averted their attention to the sky.

(Music Starts)

"What was that!?" Yang exclaims, observing the sky for anything suspicious.

As they look at the sky above they see something or someone approaching them in the distance. When it comes closer, it revealed to be an unknown figure flying towards them.

"Um... is this one of Jimmy's soldiers?" Qrow asked looking at Ozpin/Oscar, before looking at the unknown figure approaching them.

As the figure approaches, it then prepares the missiles on the side of his wings, ready to fire.

"Maybe-" Ruby was about to say but was cut off.

As the figure cane close enough then fires a cluster of missiles at them before breaking away.

"-NOT! Look out!" Maria cried out as they jump out of the way, the missiles didn't hit them, unfortunately, it did destroy Yang's Bike and the shockwave merely disoriented them.

Ruby and everyone groan from the sudden attack as they try to gain their footing. Ruby grunts and recovers from the while she still held the relic of Knowledge tight and close to her.

As this was going on, the unknown figure flew around as his wings shifts into a different angle and flew down the disoriented group with his arm reached out towards a certain Rose.

Before anyone could react, the unknown figure swoops down and grabs Ruby by the throat. She still grabs hold on the Relic of Knowledge but drops her Crescent Rose in the process as the unknown adversary takes her towards the side of the Mountains.

"RUBY!" Yang exclaims in horror seeing her sister getting taken.

"We must pursue!" Weiss stated pointing where their adversary has taken the Silver-eyed Warrior.

"No need to tell me twice!" Qrow then transforms in his crow form and went off to where the unknown adversary has taken Ruby to, while the rest followed suit.

Meanwhile with the unknown entity and the Rose.

As they flew far enough from the group, the unknown adversary then slams Ruby on the rock side of the mountain causing her to grunt in pain.

He then shouted, his voice amplified to sound mechanical and deeper, "DID YOU THINK YOU COULD HIDE!?"

Thinking fast Ruby, then kicks her adversary in the face forcing him to let go and stagger as she recovers, the unknown entity recovers first and hovers over her and lands behind her. She looks back then attempts to punch him but her adversary parried her punch and counters with his own punch and knocks her back.

Ruby grunts, as she gets sent back a few feet and gets a better look at her attacker.

He wears what seems to be a yellow helmet with a red visor and a face mask that covers his face. His armor is very advanced compared to Atlas' standards. His armor is also equipped with wings with built-in jet boosters in the wings and his boots. He seems to be equipped with two Gun barrels behind his back, built-in with the wing.

The color of his armor is a dominant tan and with purple accents.

What caught her attention is the insignia on the side of his shoulders. Meaning he is a member of Salem's inner circle.

After she somewhat recovered, she then attaches the Relic of Knowledge on the side of her hip and went to grab her crescent rose, only to realize she has dropped it.

The unknown figure then prepares his weapons, "Now you'll die screaming! Like your friend, Pyyrha!" he says as his left gauntlet transforms into a blaster mode.

This angers Ruby at the reminder of Pyyrha's death in Beacon.

Before the unknown being would fire his weapon, Ruby then uses her semblance, "Petal Burst" and moved in a fast inhuman speed and dropkicks him.

The unknown adversary grunts as he was knocked back a few feet, but manages to gain his footing and glare at the Silver-eyed Warrior.

After her adversary recovered. Ruby skids across the ground after she drops kicked him before she uses her inhuman speed that a normal eye can't see, she then appeared behind the adversary looking as if she teleported and was about to punch him.

However, her adversary caught on to this. He spun around looking at Ruby directly, catching her by surprise. This distracted her enough that the unknown adversary punches her face hard.

This staggers Ruby as she tries recovers from the blow. The unknown man looks behind and spots Ruby's team are closing in.

"Scrap! I don't have time for this!" The mysterious flyer grumbled to himself before looking back at Ruby.

Before she could react, the unknown adversary activates his jet-booster in his boots and flew towards her. He grabs her by the neck before he drags her against the side of the mountain.

Ruby grunts as her Aura is keeping her from getting hurt from the drag she is feeling while being dragged against the rocky side of the mountain.

She sends a right hook into her adversary's head causing him to let go as the little huntress uses this to her advantage and grabs hold on to his leg before she climbs him in the back and holds him into a chokehold while the unknown man struggles against her.

While this was going on, Team WBY, Qrow, and Ozpin/Oscar arrive at the location where the unknown soldier has taken her.

As soon they arrive, the fight between Ruby and the unknown adversary came in sight.

"Ruby!" Team (R)WBY and Qrow shouted in worry and concern.

However, their shouts of concern distracted Ruby enough for the flying adversary to grab her. As they struggled, they crashed into the mountainside and landed on close the cliff. Ruby groans and tries to recover, but her adversary recovered quickly and fired his gauntlet blaster at her.

Ruby quickly raises her forearms to defend herself from getting shot as she projects most of her aura on the front to protect her, preventing from each projectile hitting her. While this indeed protected her, this, unfortunately, forces her to slowly be pushed back to the edge of the cliff and her aura slowly draining. To her surprise, each time a projectile hits her it is draining her aura much faster than she predicted, what type of weapon is this adversary using!? (*Cough* Kinetic Energy *Cough*)

As she was pushed back to the edge of the cliff, her adversary moves forward while firing his weapon at her. With one final shot from his weapon, he shattered Ruby's Aura and was pushed back to the edge.

(Music Ends)

She would have fallen and lost her balance if it weren't for the unknown adversary to grab her by the neck, holding it tight.

As this was happening, from a distance her team, Qrow, Ozpin/Oscar and Maria can watch this event unfold before them. Hopeless about what to do, even if Qrow could fly there to save Ruby, he would be too late. The same could be said with Weiss, Blake, and Yang.

Ruby struggles on the man's grip while the said man just laughs, "Ironic, I wonder how Cinder got those injures and lost to a child like you is a mystery. If I do say so, myself, Crater-face."

Ruby's eyes widen at the last part of his statement, she looks at him and stuttered.

"J-just, who are you?!" Ruby demands as stops struggling to get out of the man's grip.

The adversary just snickered, but he will comply and reveal who he is behind the mask.

Complying to her request, his face-mask and visor retracted revealing the man behind the mask. Ruby's eyes widen in shock at the revelation.

"J-Jaune!?" Ruby exclaims in shock at the sight of blond.

Jaune smirks before replying, "It's not Jaune Arc anymore! The names Blitzwing!"

He then looks at the Relic attached to Ruby's hip and takes it.

"I'll be taking that to my Mistress..." Jaune/Blitzwing proclaims to the horrified Rose as he attaches it to his hip, "...thank you for making this easy for me!"

"B-but why?! Why did you join Salem! She's evil!" Ruby proclaims.

Jaune/Blitzwing snorted at her exclamation, "Evil? Heh, don't act like you're the hero of this story! Let's not forget you have cruelly abandoned me in Beacon all those years ago!" 'Well, technically Four Million Years ago, but those are different timelines in different dimensions...' he said the last part in his thought, remembering the War of Cybertron.

"L-look Jaune, I have made mistake for leaving you and abandoning! I should know better than-" Ruby was interrupted.

"It's Blitzwing! I have abandoned that a-cursive name long ago!" Jaune/Blitzwing shouted before leans closer to her face, "...for someone that believes for fighting for your friends, you to let pride take over you and abandoned me! And for someone who was admitted into Beacon early, it's ironic that your so-called ideals on believing on others are nothing more than a facade!"

Ruby grunts as she mutters solemnly, "I'm sorry..."

"Sorry? Sorry, won't change anything or get you anywhere!" Jaune/Blitzwing shouted until a thought came in mind, "...speaking of anywhere, where are you and your team going next? What is your next objective!?" He interrogated the Rose.

Ruby grunts, as she is still being held on the throat. Seeing that Jaune she once knew, the person that once believed in protecting others and the weak has aligned himself with the Queen of Grimm. It saddens her to think this was her and her team's fault for bringing him to his predicament.

Ruby looks at him with defiance before said.

"I'll never talk!" She said in defiance evident in her voice. But, her words of defiance only made the Human-Decepticon smirk.

"Is that right?" Jaune/Blitzwing said darkly before he raises his other hand, "...you've been causing a lot of problems with Mistress Salem lately, let's make you a liability!"

The former Arc proclaimed darkly as Ruby shivers at the implication as she tries to escape his grip. As she did this, Jaune's gauntlet to his left forms into a needle-like blade.

He raises his blade, Ruby saw the needle-like blade weapon right in front of her face before she felt an incomparable pain on her face and everything on her sight went black.

"AAAAAAAAARGHH!!!" Ruby howled in pain as she covered her face.

Everyone down heard her scream and can't help but be in distress at her scream.

Getting irritated by her screaming, Jaune/Blitzwing then stabs her throat where her voice box is located, causing to cough and gag. She tries to scream, but nothing came out only dry air as she held throat.

Jaune/Blitzwing smirks at his handy work before he lets go of Ruby. As she falls from the high distance, she stumbles a couple of times, hitting the side of Rocky Mountain before she finally lands on the soft snow below as she held her face and throat in pain.

Her team quickly rushes to her aid.

"Ruby!? Are you okay!?" Yang asked, clearly in distress.

When Ruby uncovered her face and looks at where the group's voice is they were all horrified by the wounds that were inflicted on her

Ruby a horizontal slash wound across her face, from the right eye across her nose to the left, and a notice wound on her neck. She is now blind, the power and ability used for Silver Eye Warriors are no more and she is unable to speak.

Team (R)WBY can't help but look on in horror at the sight of Ruby in such a state while she lies on the snow ground crying as blood drips down her on where her silver-eyes once used to be.

Ruby tried to shout in distress, but no words came out except empty words as blood is still streaming down her cheek.

Yang shook off from shock and she quickly walks up to her and hugs her in a comforting manner. As Ruby sobs on her sister's shoulder and embrace.

Maria looks at Ruby with sympathy as she too has experienced losing her eye-sight and the power of silver eyes.

Qrow soon fell on his knees as he lets out a small tear at the state Ruby has come in. He thinks it his bad luck semblance that got Ruby on this sudden predicament.

Ozpin, on the other hand, has a face of horror plastered on his face, not only Ruby is injured and now unable to use her Silver Eye abilities, but they have also lost the relic to the Decepticon.

While the group was still sulking at what has happened, Jaune/Blitzwing looks down at the demoralized heroes with a smirk before it turns into a neutral expression.

He is unsure of how to feel. On one hand, he should feel satisfied that he has finally gained the vengeance on one of those that abandoned him over a fake-transcript, but on the other hand, he just feels what he did was cruel.

I guess that is the effect on being in another dimension for four million years as a Robotic Organism and getting influence by his Former-leader's influence on hating organics.

He remembers how first arrived in Cybertron and how he fought for Decepticons. He was under Megatron's leadership and has become one of Megatron's special forces, due to the fact he has the ability to transform into two-three transformations.

He got back to Remnant due to a space bridge malfunction, sucking him in and bringing back to Remnant as a human. When he returned, he was disgusted that he is back in his human form, but his sudden arrival did catch the attention of Salem who brought in him to her ranks.

He pushed those feelings aside before he activates his wings into flight mode and flew off.

As he flies away, leaving behind the so-called heroes to sulk and heads back to the Land of Darkness while he holds the Relic close him so he could present it to his Mistress.

As he flies he thought, 'I wonder what's happening now.'

~Location: Land of Darkness, Salem's Castle~"

Salem releases Hazel from her grasp and walks back to the other side of the room as Hazel catches his breath.

"This isn't a threat, this is simply the truth." Salem stated, "The path to your desires is only found... through me."

She turns her head to glare back at them.

Hazel stands back up, Tyrian lets out a small chuckle, and Watts straightens his coat. Salem looks outside the window and watches the Nevermores fly before looking down.

"And so we must press on." Salem turns around to face her subjects, "...The Sword under Vacuo's academy, Shade-"

"Ma'am..." Hazel, interrupted, as everyone looks at him, "...I have... more to report..."

Salem glares at Hazel for interrupting her as she has the Grimm arms ready under him. Hazel looks down at them in fear before explaining himself.

"Qrow and the children are taking the Lamp to Atlas," Hazel reported.

Tyrian laughed, "Not if I can help it."

"...And they're being led... by Ozpin." Hazel said, adding the last part hesitantly.

Everyone slowly looks toward Salem with fearful expressions on their faces and Mercury notices the windows starting to crack.

"So soon?" Tyrian asked surprise.

"He's the only man with a chance of getting through to Ironwood. If that happens..." Watts remarked.

Watts stops as he and everyone else notice the windows cracking. They then look at Salem, and dark smoke emanates from her.

"Leave..." Salem said furiously.

"Your Grace, I can..." Tyrian was cut off when Salem glares at Tyrian, causing him to reel back. Emerald looks on in fear before Hazel puts a hand on her shoulder.

"Come on." He said.

And just before anyone would leave, the doors then slams open. Catching everyone almost off-Gaurd.

Everyone looked on and saw Blitzwing/Jaune hovering on the entrance doorway before he lands on the ground. He retracts his mask and approaches Salem while passing by his peers.

"Blitzwing..." Salem began, looking at the Human-Decepticon, "...I hope you have something good to report..." she stated sternly.

The former-Cybertronian took notice of his Mistress' growing fury and behavior. He sweats a bit but he kept his composure, he hopes what he will present to her will please the Grimm Witch.

"Mistress, I have good news that I believe would lighten up your mood."

"And what would that be?" Salem raised an eyebrow as everyone look at him.

Jaune/Blitzwing smirks and pulls out the Relic of Knowledge, much to everyone's surprise.

"I-it's the-" Mercury stammers until Emerald finishes it, "...the lamp!"

Blitzwing turned to them as he presents the Relic for everyone to witness, "...Indeed it is! The Relic of Knowledge is now in our hands!" The former-Cybertronian stated before he kneels down before Salem and presents her the Relic of Knowledge, much to her delight.

Salem lets a small grin plaster on her face as her anger faded, "...well, it seems that not all is lost at all."

She then takes the Lamp from Jaune/Blitzwing before the former-triple changer stood up.

After Jaune/Blitzwing stood up, he said, "...that's not all, as for the Silver-eyed Warrior she won't be a problem to us any longer."

This caught everyone's attention.

"What do you mean?" Emerald asked the former-triple changer, who in turn grins at her before looking at his Mistress.

"Well... I can safely say she didn't SEE it coming."

This confuses them as they don't understand his implication.

"Uh...what?" Watts looks confused by this.

Blitzwing sighed and clarified, "...I mean she has a bit of SORE EYE."

Everyone looks lost at this point.

The former-Cybertronian facepalms and rephrased, "I have blinded her! No sliver eyes, which means she doesn't have the ability to petrify the Grimm!"

Everyone understood what he means now, Salem sighs and states, "You could have been more straight to the point, than waste our time with your jokes or riddles..."

"...my apologies Mistress..." Jaune/Blitzwing apologized.

Salem then looks at her followers before she places the Lamp down and briefs, "With relic of Knowledge now in our hands, we can focus our efforts in Atlas and Vacuo. Blitzwing, your next task is to steal the 'Relic of Creation' from Atlas, Watts will accompany you in this mission, I need you to be prepared."

"At once Mistress..." Jaune/Blitzwing acknowledges, same with Watts.

Salem looks at Hazel, "Hazel..." he straightens his posture, "...due to your recent failure to obtain the Lamp, I would punish you. But since Blitzwing has obtained the Lamp from Ozpin I'll give you another chance to prove yourself. You'll accompany Blitzwing and Watts to obtain the relic of Creation."

Hazel bowed, "Yes, Ma'am..."

Salem turns to Tyrian, Mercury, and Emerald. Just as she is about brief their mission for Vacuo, Blitzwing interjected when he notices someone missing.

"Wait a minute, where's Cinder?"

Emerald and Mercury look Jaune/Blitzwing, who looks at them with an expression that is enough to imply what has happened.

Jaune/Blitzwing widens his eyes a bit, "W-wait, is she de-"

Salem interrupts, "Dead? No, alive? Yes, she is..."

Jaune/Blitzwing looks at back at his Mistress.

"Well, if she's alive then I will retrieve her at once!" Jaune/Blitzwing declared, much to Emerald and Mercury's delight to see at least one their members cares for Cinder, much to Tyrian's displeasure.

As Jaune/Blitzwing turned to walk out of the room to retrieve Cinder from where she was defeated, he feels a hand place on his shoulder. He looks over to see Salem looking at him with a stern expression.

"Cinder is on her own..." Salem announced, much to the Decepticon's surprise.

Jaune turns to his Mistress and exclaims, "M-mistress?"

"Cinder has failed her objective, and I want you to understand that failure. I want you to understand why Cinder must be left to toil in her isolation until she redeems herself." Salem stated as she turns away from him and walks back to her previous position.

However, Jaune/Blitzwing instead of accepting her so-called Wisdom protested.

"But Cinder is a key player in our..." He trails off when Salem summons a glyph below him as the Grimm arms appear and are ready to attack him like what she did to Hazel, while the Grimm Witch gave him a cold glare.

Jaune/Blitzwing froze in his place while the rest of his peers takes a small step back. He looks at the Grimm hands before looking back to Salem until he submitted.

"Uh... Your wisdom reigns supreme, Mistress Salem." Jaune/Blitzwing said before the glyphs below him disappear.

Jaune/Blitzwing lets out a sigh of relief before walking away and mutters, "For now..."

Emerald and Mercury heard him as he walks away.

Both of them look at each other as if they have the same idea in mind.

They both nodded, as Salem walks up to them to brief them about their mission. Emerald uses her semblance to create an illusion that she is listening to Salem while Mercury stood in his place.

Emerald walks up to him and grabs his hand catching bringing his attention to her. She whispers to his ear so Salem doesn't hear while her illusion is giving her enough time to speak.

"Please, bring Cinder back..." Emerald whispered to him.

Jaune/Blitzwing turns to her and whispers, "...Don't worry, I promise..."

Emerald smiles and embraces him, which caught him off-guard but returned anyways. The thief looks up at him and added, "...And please stay safe..."

Jaune/Blitzwing said nothing but nodded acknowledgment. As Emerald breaks away from the hug, she hurriedly runs back to her place as Salem debriefed them, still unaware of the illusion.

Jaune/Blitzwing proceeds to make his way to his quarters and check if any of his equipment remains functional and operational, in the case for a fight to happen, or he may encounter someone he despise.

After checking his equipment to be working fine, he proceeds is way to an outcropping that serves as a dock for airships.

Jaune/Blitzwing first observed his surroundings before he shifts his wings into flight mode while his jet booster ignites, the former-Cybertronian then leaped in the air he soon flew off to find Cinder Falls in her last known location.

Hopefully, he could find her soon.


The End

Well, this chapter is done, I hope you all enjoy this and stay tuned for the next chapter or one-shot.

And I want to apologize for the very very very long delay or lack of updates! I have stuff going on in real life and other stuff, but I hope you stay tuned for the next update!

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