Chapter 20: The stars told me about you

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"The sky is just a home for the galaxies to thrive, my dear that is what I see when I stare into your eyes."


As Y/n wended her way to her palace, she sighted a footman heading towards the entrance with a roll of parchment in his hand. She grimaced wondering what news he might have brought at this hour since she usually never accepted any sort of external letters after dusk. No one but only Bertha was permitted to enter her palace after dusk.

She moved forth and halted him. "Long live the princess." The footman bowed. Y/n nodded twice before asking, "You bring a message, I suppose?"

"Yes, Your Highness," the footman answered fearfully.

"You are aware that I forbade anyone to enter my palace except for Bertha after dusk?" She asked emotionlessly. She had no significant purpose for which she had forbidden anyone's presence. Hence, she was not much infuriated.

"Indeed, your highness. I seek for your pardon but this comes from the Aerys Queen- for the Aerys Princess."

"For Mary? I see..." Y/n ceased and began to think something. "Give it to me, I shall give this to her." She reached her hand to receive the letter.

"S-Sure, Your Highness," he hesitated for a moment and placed the rolled parchment in her extended hand.

As he bowed and took his leave, Y/n too entered her palace.

Passing the spiral staircases, her feet halted in front of a chamber. She stretched her hand intending to knock on the door but paused nibbling her lower lip. It was only a matter of time when Y/n had apprehended that it was her who was at blunder, nevertheless, she had accepted it.

It had been 4 days since Y/n and Mary have had a proper talk. None of them troubled to speak on the matter anymore and lastly, both of them had succeeded in giving rise to a discomfiture between them.

It would be a lie, one of the biggest if Y/n said she was not missing the blithering, cheerful Mary. 4 days of silence and it had been sufficient for her to realize how significant the blithering sister of hers was for her. How her honest yet naive tirades had been keeping her mind oblivious of the lethal surroundings of the castle.

She was grieving...

"It appears as though you are quite attracted to that courtier. Why do you not approach him?"

She was grieving over every word she had uttered earlier. Her own voice, her own utterances were now infiltrating daggers in her flesh stinging bitterly.

And the only means to heal the scars was to let her pride go. But how could she? How could she let go of the incentive that had been a part of her? How could she let go of it when it was the thing that made her what she was?

It was her pride, it always had been.

"I have to...but can I?" She hurled a deep breath and plopped the letter in her pocket before knocking on the door.

The door creaked open in an instant divulging a 'Not-so-cheerful' Mary.

"Y/n? Erm...What brings you here?" Mary asked, again with no indication of enthusiasm in her voice.

"Won't you let me inside?" Y/n asked carefully.

"Oh! Forgive me- come in."

Y/n entered the chamber soothing herself and parted her lips to speak."There is a letter for you, from Aerys." She pulled out the rolled parchment from her robe pockets and showed it to Mary.

"Oh, it must be mother." A slight smile crept upon her face as she reached out for the letter. "Thank you. You did not require to take the trouble, you know. Betha or Rose could have fetched it."

"No, it's all good. Er- Do you want me to read it for you?" Said Y/n hesitantly. She felt so very foolish as she was entirely a novice in ushering a cordial conversation.

"Oh, no. It's fine. You must be occupied," Mary said not peeking into her eyes.

Y/n shook her head and smiled whimsically at the thought of Mary being mad at her. "Hey, Are you still angry at me?" She tilted her head and prodded her.

"Huh!" Mary turned around gaped at her incredulously. "Yes, I am." She swelled some air in her mouth puffing her cheeks. "You behaved insensitively that day."

"Alright, f-forgive me now, please?" Y/n said sheepishly, stretching her eyebrows upwards causing Mary to unleash an intense gasp. "Y/n? Are you alright?" Mary asked being terrified with the notion of the unforeseen upheaval in Y/n.

"I remain in excellent health, Mary. Why do you ask?"

"Well- never you mind." Mary narrowed her eyes with an impression of disapproval. She again whirled around subduing the wonderment she had just received. A playful grin planted on her lips as she poked her inner cheek with her tongue.

"But that does not absolve your behaviour towards me." She quickly put on a feigned melancholy on her face.

"I am so apologetic. Now, what should be done to gain your pardon, Your Highness?" Y/n bowed scenically making Mary puff. "Let us think..." "Hold on, are you up to any vengeance? Y/n raised her eyebrows.

"What if I am?" Mary returned her a mysterious stare while grinning toothily.

"Well, if so, what is it?" "Oh, C'mon! We do not want to ruin the fun, do we?" Mary unconventionally walked to the ajar window. "I did not lie when I said that you are turning into an intriguing character," Y/n sighed and stared at the silvery pale moon flaring soft glow.

"Why can you not stay a little longer? Why must you come when I go to sleep?" She asked the glowing Phoebe like a juvenile with no allies, as though the only companion she had was the loner wraith silver moon and she refused to let her only ally go. The moon, bathed in the sunlight it was outshining those brilliant pearls of the sky cushioned upon the black velvet.

She loved that mystic Orb hanging in the lonely sky. She was not only beguiled by its magnificence but she was also amazed by its benevolence, the way it carried the blemishes while spreading the innocent inborn spark.

The had attained her reverence.

"Y/n?" Mary asked, as Y/n's eyes never left the black canvas. "What is it?" she asked inattentively. "Let's go outside," Mary said as though ordering Y/n.

"Huh?" Y/n shook her head. "It's nearly supper time, Why now?" she said hopelessly.

"You said you would do anything I ask you to do. Hence..." Mary shrugged. "Now come on, a little walk in the moonlight would not hurt," She said dreamily and pulled Y/n out of the chamber by seizing her wrist.

"Hey! Slow down!" Y/n heaved at her startling action.

"You wish!" Mary snickered and dashed out of the palace while clutching onto Y/n's hand.


"Y/n?" Mary asked as her glistening eyes were occupied admiring the starry sky. "What sort of books do you read?"

They laid down on the tender rug of green meadows not far from Y/n's palace.

"A couple of...numerous subjects. Medical, Astrological, federal, cultural and many more. Why do you ask?" Y/n asked drifting her gaze at Mary. "Nothing. Just a little curious," Mary Shrugged.

Y/n nodded as her eyes again proceeded to adore the sky. "Hey, do you see that assemblage of those stars ?" She pointed somewhere towards endless black blue with her index as her eyes twinkled.

"Where?" Mary squinted attempting to find the particular place.

"There-" Y/n held Mary's hand with her index finger pointed out and navigated the way so that she would see the identical thing as her.

"That is named as the constellation of Pegasus. The three stars at the top of the right Pegasus and down its feet, that what you see is Andromeda. And underneath that, there is Perseus."

"It's lovely, Indeed! That was troublesome to comprehend but alright," Mary sighed. "Do you think Bellerophon deserved it?"

"Of course, He paid for his arrogance. He deserved what he got," Y/n replied firmly.

"But...are you too not proud, Y/n?" Mary hesitantly asked, yet in a steady voice.

Both of them were enfolded by a pale silence before Y/n spoke.

"Pride and arrogance- they may appear similar, Mary. However, there is a vast distinction between both of them. Do you think I'm arrogant?"

"Not at all! Honestly! I must admit that you are quite intimidating and you do scare me to quite an extend. Nonetheless, you are one of a precious person to me," Mary jabbered truthfully earning a suppressed laugh from Y/n.

"What? Are you not believing me? C'mon!"

"Pardon, I did not intend so." It was impossible for her not to unleash her laugh. She was happy! Happy that she had gained a conquest against her lethal pride at her very first endeavour. The contentment of her triumph and salvaging Mary's cheerful self back brought interminable happiness to her.

"Y/n? Do you think stars choose who do we love?" Mary asked only to reap a careless chuckle from Y/n.

"Do not believe in such things Mary. They will just consume your precious time and return you nothing," She spoke in a low yet grave voice.

"Why do you despise love so much?" Mary asked naively.

"I do not despise love, Mary. You get wrong me. How can I despise a thing that does not even exist?" She scoffed indifferently.

"I wish someday you will, Y/n. You will believe in love's existence and you will receive love. Because I know...there must be someone who is loving you endlessly."

"Why do you relish love so much, Mary?"

"I do not know, honestly. More like- I do not want to know."

"Why? Are you frightened that you too will stop believing in its existence once you find out that there is no incentive to believe in it?" Y/n mocked in an objurgating way. "Forget it- I did not intend to say so," She quickly spoke striving not to get into a dispute again.

She was relieved as Mary hummed in response and resumed stargazing. That was when the moon reminded her of him...

"Why does it appear that there is something similar between you two? Why do I feel so?"


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