Chapter 26: Christmas love

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Y/n was woken at dawn by an eager Mary. Arching her back, she let out a generous yawn and found Mary staring at her with disapproval. Bertha was already drawing the curtains back letting her have a look at the landscape decked out with a veil of pristine snow.

"What?" Y/n asked savagely.

"Merry Christmas to you too, sissy!" Mary feigned a delighted voice and shoved her the present wrapped in a beautiful red. She grumbled as Y/n sighed, got off the bedstead and took out a grubby package from her trunk wrapped in purple.

"No need to sulk, aye?"

Mary looked away with a pout still lingering on her lips. Y/n came forward and softly placed the package in Mary's hands.

"Merry Christmas," She wished with a small smile causing Mary to part her lips and savour the shocks she had just received. A present with a smile, not an irked, grumpy Y/n complaining about the disturbance ruining her beautiful slumber. But if one clearly looked into her eyes— there was weariness instead of the raging flame.

A small infliction had been lingering somewhere near her heart for the past few days. 2 weeks since her arrival in Antaresyet, not a single whisper from Yoongi. A fragment of her knew that he was a King, after all, a parent and a saviour to the dwellers of Devon. But to the little sister, sparing a moment or two to pen a reply did not require slaying a monarch or even raising an Army. Although, she knew that he would be certainly making an entrance anytime soon- before the wedlock, before the coronation, the prolonged absence of her parent figure whom she sought comfort and guidance from was anxious.

And there was this man; Plaguing her soul slowly, utterly in an unnerving yet overwhelming way, tiptoeing inside of her sanity like the moonlight invading through the small vent of the window, the eyes from the depths of an ocean drowning her...

She didn't like it. She didn't like it at all...

"Now, let us get ready, shall we? We have a long list of tasks that are to be done today," Y/n said.

Perhaps, Mary had heard the exhaust in her voice, because she slowly nodded and went to her chamber, Y/n's present pressed to her chest trying to suppress her anticipation for a stirring day ahead.

"Merry Christmas, your Highness," another wish came from a smiling Bertha.

Y/n nodded, just a tiny dip of her chin. "Merry Christmas," she wished more in a whisper staring at the white canvas through the window looking for...what?


"Y/n dear, have you heard from Yoongi in the past few days?" Adelia asked at the vast dining table.

"Not yet."

"Peculiar...King William has also written to him, regarding your wedlock invitation. He hasn't responded to him as well. I wonder if he's doing alright..." Adelia said in a concerned voice.

"Oh, he's alright. He has a monarchy to govern. Brother Yoongi takes extreme care of his subjects, he's the finest monarch Devon has ever had after all." She emphasized deliberately, reaching out for the cinnamon tea and granting the maid a heartfelt smile.

"Ehem– apologies," Arthur cleared his throat. "Milady, Why don't you try these biscuits! You know how famous Antares' baking is." He gestured the maid to serve Y/n the biscuits even tho she already had a stack of assorted biscuits on her plate. "You will be astonished by what you'll be seeing this eve."

"Don't have too many of them now. We still have to taste the Christmas cake. I want us to be famished by the time we reach Kim Manor. That will be so worth it," Mary warned lowering her voice.

Y/n shook her head. Clearing her voice, she said, "I'm afraid not, Sir Arthur. Mary and I will be at Kim Manor this eve. We have been invited to celebrate Christmas by the mistress of the manor."

"Kim Manor? Whose residence is that, Y/n? And what do you imply by that you won't be at the royal Christmas party? You forget your stance as a royal?" Francis demanded, restraining from sounding uncivilized.

"Madam Bathinda Kim, mother of Kim Taehyung. Madam Kim has been of great help to me and Mary...on occasions. And we'd like to express our gratitude by giving her some presents. You know, Royals always repay their debts." The last one, even though she said with so much zeal she knew she could not ever repay them.

"Dear, you can have the presents sent to them. All the nobles shall be present at the celebration. You must be there given that- the wedlock is only 6 days away," Adelia said hesitantly.

"Thank you, mother. But as I have mentioned, I have made a promise to Madam Kim to be present at her manor. I have no such intention to break my promise." Y/n said matter-of-factly.

"Do you understand the gravity of this Christmas eve, you foolish girl?" Francis said glaring at her. "All the nobles shall be attending this eve. My and King William's name will be tarnished because of your great act of kindness."

Y/n stared at him for once, unfazed and her mouth twisted into a sarcastic grin. "You honour me, father. To have... power over two of the mightiest monarchs is certainly a matter of great elation," she said with a voice so calm and indifferent which seemed to have churned both of the kings' innards. Perhaps it would have been a little less ailing if she had said in an infuriating voice.

"However...if you insist I can delay a little to say hello to... your guests. After all, reputation is a valuable thing, isn't it, sir William?" She said returning to her half-eaten cardamom shortbread biscuit.

"Indeed, milady. I appreciate your sense of priority. delighted to have such a sagacious woman like you for a wife," Arthur said with his usual shrewd sweet tone, perfectly aware of Y/n's disdain towards the so-called marriage. But that did not wipe the satisfaction from Y/n's heart. He owed her his supposed reputation. She knew that he knew he did and that it would leave a nasty gash on his pride.

"You flatter me, Sir William!" She exclaimed.

"It is good to see you get along with King Williams. Both of you shall make such a fine pair, not that I did not know so," said Francis, finally letting go of his displeasure.

"Certainly your Majesty. But I really suggest that we get comfortable with each other... Shouldn't we, my dear?"

Hearing his audacious way of addressing her, Y/n's head jolted up at him as the irksome crooked smile still lingered on his lips. She parted her lips to reply something harsh but felt a soft hand squeezing hers. She found Mary looking at her pleading:
Please don't spoil your mood today.

Y/n bit back the words, gave a tight-lipped smile and focused on her breakfast.

'Just a few days. It will be over, Y/n. Do not lose your temper. So many monarchs go to such hideous extents to gain power. Such goings on must not earn your attention.'

She was so much near her pursuit. Only a fool would ruin his own fate by his hands and she was no fool. She would win her crown, her throne. She was not going to let this phoney of a ruler ravage her land...


A knock at the door of the Kim manor caused Bathilda to rush out of the kitchen. As soon as she found the two princesses clad in heavy cloaks, her face lightened up with a heartfelt smile.

"Come in, girls!" She cared not for any sort of formal greeting.

Y/n and Mary both stepped inside the lightly adorned parlour ( living rooms of the 18th century) while shaking the snow out of their cloaks and boots.

"Merry Christmas, Madam Kim!" cried Mary, beaming despite the unbearable cold.

"Merry Christmas to you, Madam Kim," Y/n wished, still wondering what exactly Mary had been fed as a child.

"Oh! Merry Christmas to both of you dear. You do not know how happy I am today," Bathilda said while resting her palms on both of their cheeks. Y/n stared at the woman with unexplainable eyes.

"Why? Why do you adore us so much? Why you don't damn us as graceless women like any other man and woman?"

"Oh, foolish me! Come, be seated. Though I would love you a little earlier, I suppose you couldn't just leave the party."

"Y-Yes, madam Kim," Y/n replied meekly astonished at her own voice.

"You must be cold. Sit, let me ask Jane to bring you two ginger tea. Taehyung will be back in a moment or so. Amara's ewe is giving birth. She is not doing well and her boy has a poor nerve. Pray the poor beast delivers tonight."

Who was Amara and why did they need an armourer for a ewe's birth— Y/n did not ask. All she knew was she was going to see him again and that, she would be going back with turmoil in her heart from here. This man was a master in that. But the eagerness to see him again, to have him in front of her eyes, the snowflakes of anticipation swirled in her heart trapped within a grotesque snowstorm but she felt no cold or clamminess. Instead, a surge of warmth flooded inside her, a sweet torment of heat took over her.

Soon, the awkward quietness took leave as another knock was heard. Bathilda was still in the kitchen. Hesitating a little, Y/n went to answer the door while Mary watched her with great amusement.

'It must be him. It has to be him...'

The door creaked open revealing Taehyung with disheveled hair, cloak covered with snow.

"The ewe has delivered and–" He looked over after shaking the snow of his boots, a look of terror and shock spreading over his face.

"Y-Your Highness!" He quickly bowed his head a little.

"Will you get in or not!" Y/n said with annoyance, "Or do you want me to hold the door for you forever?"

"I– apologies, Your Highness." He quickly got in, his eyes wandering about the house and perhaps, that's why he did not see the small smile lingering on Y/n's lips.

Leaving the door, she watched him. Hair tousled, lips reddened from cold, yet no less handsome. The blue in his eyes twinkled brighter than ever and at that moment...they seemed the only source of light to her.

She looked away and told herself that she didn't want to pull him and kiss him right there...


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