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"Sometimes I don't understand how they haven't shut this place down yet..."

Every word had been uttered with such disdain that Dominic couldn't believe it.

"It's the National Library of France..."

"I know perfectly well what I'm talking about," she replied.

Dom snorted.

"You're a disgrace to your parents and to the career."

"You're not going to tell me you really like this place" Mami complained.

"Don't mind her," Magret interjected. "I just hope her bad mood isn't causing you too much trouble."

Mami rolled her eyes as she turned to look at her stepmother.

"You didn't need to come and greet us..."

"I know but still, here I am."

"Good morning, madame," greeted Dominic receiving two kisses from the woman.

"Here you are, with this signed permission you will have access to the incunabula collection and a private table. You have all the time you need."

"Thank you very much, madame."

"Yes, yes, thank you very much, Magret, now, if you'll excuse us, we have a lot of studying to do."

Mami took Dominic by one arm and dragged him away from her stepmother in the direction of the library interior. Her friend spoke to her contritely:

"I seriously don't know why you hate her so much."

"Let's see" Mami mused, "maybe the fact that my dad was shagging her while my mum was dying in hospital has a bit to do with it..."

"I'm sorry" apologised Dominic. "It wasn't my..."

"Forget it, Dom, it doesn't matter anymore."

Her mother's death was a sensitive issue for Mami. They had always been close, especially thanks to the witch stories they read when Mami was a little girl.

"Go set the table while I get the books," she said releasing Dom and walking away into the library.

The memory of her mother shook her, but playing hard to get, the girl searched the notebook for the books they had decided to use to study the night before. She found most of them without much difficulty, but while she was looking for the last one, a heavy, old volume from the 18th century, her eyes stumbled upon a black leather spine with gold embroidery, obviously out of place...

«THOT...» she read without recognising the name of the god carved on the cover. No sooner had she opened it than the mist swallowed her whole. There was no longer anything but a blanket of darkness around her. Mami was scared out of her wits; impulsively, she dropped everything she was holding before screaming and running in some direction...

"I admit I'm not sad about what I'm about to do," said Magret magically appearing behind her back.

"What's going on!" shouted Mami.

She didn't know how or why, but something inside, at the same time as her eyes turned red, suggested she kick the book towards her stepmother. Magret could not foresee what happened....

"H-how is that possible?!" she exclaimed.

Mami couldn't know, but her mother was right behind her. The spell emanating from the open book was eager to claim its payment, and Magret was close by...

The witch quickly tried to push the girl in the direction of the book, but mother's magic prevented it. The shadow grew thick, and before she could do anything else, it was Magret's soul that was claimed by the book.

Mami cried out in fear, not knowing what else to do, until her eyes closed. After a few minutes, she woke up in the middle of the library corridor. Without really knowing it, her mother had guided her from the shadows back to reality.

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