The dragon

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"I guess we'll have to play inside."

When Nemu heard those words come out of her brother's mouth, she felt as if the world came crashing down at her feet.

"Don't make that face," he consoled her, "Even in the rain, we can still have fun."

Kouji gently brushed a strand of her hair and the girl moaned in surprise at the suddenness of the gesture.

"I like the rain," Nemu said at the end before smiling wide.

Kouji knew that he was the oldest and therefore had to be responsible, and for a ten year old, he really was, but still, he couldn't hold back for once.

"Then let's just play in the water for a bit," he said to his sister, infected by her joy, to which she responded by letting out high-pitched squeals and jumping around him.

"Don't even think about it, you pair of little earthquakes," warned their grandmother, who watched them silently. "If you catch a cold and then get a fever, I don't want your dad to scold me for not giving you a temper."

"Baba!" complained the two children at the same time.

"No, no and no," mumbled the old woman as she stood up and walked to her grandchildren. "You won't buy me with those pond frog eyes. Besides, the Ame Warashi don't like children playing in the rain. They get upset, and they make them disappear."

Nemu let out a frightened cry and ran to hug his grandmother.

"Nemu doesn't like horror stories, Baba," the boy reprimanded her, making the old woman laugh.

"Oh, I'm sorry my love!" apologised the woman as she wiped away her granddaughter's tears. "Now be good children while Baba prepares something hot for you so that you don't get cold."

When the old woman disappeared into the kitchen, Kouji approached his sister and took her by the hand.

"While Baba is in the kitchen, ¡we're going to go and see the dragon!" he said as the two child raced up the stairs until they reached the attic, panting and drenched in sweat.

"Grandma has a dragon?" asked Nemu excitedly as her brother pulled an old book out of a chest.

"Grandma didn't, but Grandpa did," said the boy as he opened the book on the floor for his little sister to see. "Look, here's a picture of him on the dragon."

"And Grandma is hugging it!" cried Nemu excitedly. "¡How cute! Do you think we can borrow the dragon?!"

"I don't know. Maybe if it stops raining..."

"Then I wish it would stop raining soon," Nemu asked with all her might and heart.

Twenty minutes later, while drinking hot tea with their grandmother, the storm stopped as if by magic, but the children had already forgotten the wish they had made while playing in the attic.

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