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Chapter 14

Cara feels like her head is spinning. She walks out of the interview room, not sure if she is the target of an investigation or if Eden is, or if they both are. Now is not the time to ask Eden about his history with Thea. Perhaps, the time will never be right because though she is certain that Eden did not kill Thea, the thought lurks at the back of her mind anyway. Perhaps their certainty is what has destroyed her the most.

Just outside of the station, she stops at a bench. With her head pounding like this, she can't walk away. Besides, she can't look up from her phone, nor from the message from Eden. There is no way she can go visit Keisha's sister now, and no way he can either. Although, what exactly is she supposed to tell Eden? Sorry Eden, but you allowed to grieve because it might get me in trouble?

Instead, she finds herself scrolling through Jamie's list of friends online, searching for the right person. Eventually, she finds her.

Can we meet up? I just got out of the police station.

Cara folds the phone in her lap, exhaling. It is late for a Wednesday. Time in that room felt longer than it was though since she feels like the sun should be rising even though it's barely the evening.

A car pulls up, the window rolling down. From the driver's side, Hope cocks her head to the side. She watches as Cara slowly rises from the bench. Hope, only for a second, marvels at how ethereal Cara looks. With the mist rolling in and tears streamed down her face, Hope's guardian angel looks as though she has fallen from the Heavens.

Cara walks up to the car door, opening it and shutting it behind her. Inside, she feels toasty warm. She feels as if she has been tucked into a blanket by the hands of a mother she has never known. Cara begins to unbutton her peacoat, letting her heart calm to the faint beat of classical music from the radio.

"I need your legal advice," Cara begins.

Hope pulls the car away. Coming to pick up Cara means that she is going to miss her medication again, although she has been feeling better than ever. That electricity must have shocked the sickness out of her after all.

"I don't know how much help I can be," Hope shrugs her shoulders, pulling away from the police station. There are no parking lots where she could idle in Hamilton, so she finds herself cruising down the street. The mist turns to droplets of rain on the windshield. She doesn't use the wipers, however. Instead, she lets the world become a blur before her.

Not like it would matter. The car could throw itself off a cliff and they would be fine.

Cara gulps, nodding her head. "I mean, your Dad has got to tell you some stuff, right? Like, maybe he knows a good defence lawyer who I can talk with. I think they think that Eden and I murdered Thea."

Hope tentatively lowers one hand off the wheel, resting it on the stick shift. She resolves that this way, if Cara needs her support, she can take it for herself. As of now, and Hope feels like the better phrase would be as of always, she can't seem to reach forward.

Next to her, the phone is ringing. Cara looks down at the screen, realizing it is a call from Hope's Dad.

"I can be quiet if you want to put it on speaker," Cara begins.

Hope shakes her head, unsure of how to best tell Cara that she has technically stolen her own car to pick the girl up. "He doesn't like when I drive in this weather. He probably saw me leave on the cameras."

That comment shocks Cara into silence. She lets her eyes rest on the girl beside her, who nervously tucks a strand of long brown hair behind her ear.

"He shouldn't do that," Cara begins, finally finding the courage to speak.

Hope lets out a little laugh, that Cara mistakes for her breath hitching. "I know. Thank you, but I'm fine."

Despite Hope's optimism, Cara is less than impressed.


Eden waits for a text back from Cara.

He hides his phone is his pocket, hoping none of the boys notice it. Especially not Liam, who is standing next to him laughing. Eden takes a quick sip of the cold liquid in his cup, which burns his throat on the way down. Drinking has never been his thing, but it is another necessary evil.

"I was going to set up a little game," Liam whispers into his newest conquests ear. Eden recognizes the girl from his high school as one of Thea's friends. He wonders if she has heard the news and if she is just as surprised. Attending a party at a college she doesn't go to on a Monday night doesn't exactly seem like the action of someone who is mourning.

"You coming, Eddie?" Eden can't stop himself from wincing at the nickname. The only thing worse than being called Connor is being called Eddie (or, Eden guesses that it would be worse to get called gay, but such is life). "Or are you too busy thinking about the pretty little med-sci student?"

Eden nods without answering Liam directly. He doesn't realize that he never told Liam what major she was in. It's not like Eden has the choice not to come play whatever stupid drinking game. Liam's newest pet runs off to grab her friends, or whatever. Eden doesn't really care.

"How were the showers?" Liam asks, slinging an arm around Eden's shoulders and pulling the boy into the living room. With the snap of his fingers, he gets the attention of a few other football players. "You know, with that little petite brunette."

Eden tries to force a smile on his face. "You're such a perv."

Liam laughs out loud. He finishes his beer as he sits on the ground. Eden realizes all too late what is happening, as the other guys gather around.

"Remember, boys get to re-spin if they land on another boy, but not the girls," Liam's smile makes Eden's shoulders tighten.

"But what if I land on my sister?" Eden looks up when he recognizes the voice. June sits down with the girl who the object of Liam's flirtation. Though he says nothing, Eden curses himself for not recognizing that the two women are both members of the Jones family.

Now, June is excited. She had been more than annoyed when April had dragged her to another party. While she had expected to spend the night flirting with boys that she had no intention of sleeping with while her sister had sex in the back of some expensive sports car, she has found something more interesting in the tension in Eden's cheeks.

"I said what I said," Liam laughs. Eden hopes he is kidding. June knows he isn't.

"I'll go first," April giggles. Her manicured hands wrap around the bottle in the centre of the room. Quickly, she spins it. It slows down near Eden and he feels his heart stopping. Luckily enough, it lands on Michael.

Though Liam's face is tight with anger, April leans in and kisses Michael. It is a quick peck, and June stifles a laugh. She can see the taste of vomit between her sister's lips unlike no other.

The game continues like that. Michael kisses another girl, who kisses Liam, who kisses June. June feels bad when she leans across the table and Liam shoves his tongue down her throat because her sister is watching. Eventually, June manages to pull away. She has to admit that he is a good kisser, but the sad look in her April's eyes makes June feel disgusting.

Over the next, what feels like an hour to Eden but can only be ten minutes, Eden watches as his friends kiss. Every so often, he catches June staring at him with a smirk on her face, and he feels his heart plummet in his chest.

What does she know? Why is she here with him?

After Michael kisses June, it is her turn to spin the bottle. Looking up at Eden, she prays to whatever force above that it lands on the obviously scared out of his mind boy across from her. She flicks the bottle in her hand, and it spins slowly. The green glasses flashes in Eden's eyes and he swallows.

It lands on Eden. Be it fate or the electricity which connects the two of them, June doesn't care.

She leans in across the circle and Eden follows suit. He doesn't want to, but he knows that all of the eyes in the room are on him. Though his stomach somersaults, and he keeps thinking about Cara and Thea, he kisses June.

Though June's lips don't move, she stays there for more than a second. Eden can feel his chest tightening. When June pulls back, she smiles.

"Why don't you follow me upstairs?" She winks at Eden.

Liam slaps Eden on the back as a few of the other boys whoop and cheer. June doesn't mind that her sister is less than impressed. She holds her hand out.

Eden doesn't want to take it, but everyone is staring at him. God, is he really going to have sex just because Liam wants him too?

Eden takes her hand.

With a smile on her face, June darts through the party. Eden struggles to hold on to the small girl, who can fit through spaces that Eden can't. Even if he wants to speak to her, he doesn't. He can feel his chest doing flips over and over. Is this really what his life has come to?

At the top of the stairs, June puts herself against the wall with Eden hanging above her. This guy has to be what, 6'3? He's ginormous, and June is so small that she wonders if anyone walking by can see her beneath him.

"I got you out of there," she whispers, playfully punching Eden's shoulder.

The goliath of a boy is confused, but he says nothing.

June gets on the tips of her toes and pulls Eden down towards her. He swallows as he feels her lips graze his cheek.

"Don't worry," she whispers. "Your secret is safe with me."

June lets go, slipping out from under Eden and disappearing into the crowd. Despite her words, Eden feels a mixture of relief and panic. Thank God he doesn't have to sleep with her, but he doesn't like his secrets out in the open like that.

For the first time that night, Eden lets himself frown.


Since bad memories lie in the park and campus is swallowed by not-quite-sober college kids, Percy takes Hades further away from the centre of town. He growls at her side whenever a car drives by, and she wonders for a second, he feels her animosity to the rest of the world. Probably not, since her dog was actually injured that night, but at this point, anything is possible.

Finally, she reaches a stretch of grass. Percy unclips her dog, who charges forward. Too late, Percy mutters under her breath.

Across the field, Erik picks up his soccer ball and tucks it under his arm. Erik is cleanly knocked off his feet by the dog, who wrestles the ball out of Erik's grip. He can't resist the laugh which bubbles up in his chest and echoes through the field.

Percy slows her jog over when she sees Hades licking Erik's cheek. It is not often that her dog takes a liking to a stranger, although she guesses that Erik isn't that strange.

"He's friendly," Percy rolls her eyes.

Erik glances up at her, finally peeling himself out from beneath the dog. "What's his name?"


The boy in front of her nods, pulling himself up to his feet. Percy notices that his leg has a trail of blood down it, but no cut. The power is new enough that it impresses her, though Erik is used to it by now. Healing is second nature to him. Getting hurt is first.

Erik kicks the ball on the ground, sending it flying across the field. The dog runs after it. With a flick of his hand, Erik tosses his hair back.

Percy hates that she finds him hot. Like, so totally bad-boy-hot. Attractive in the way that Wes tries to be but fakes. Erik doesn't care about anything, especially the glares which Percy gives him. It's too cloudy to see the stars above her. Normally, looking into the universe gives her a gut feeling, but today not even her own intuition can help her navigate the confusing boy in front of her.

"You missed the meeting," she tells him, trying to keep things strictly business. "Thea is dead, the prissy bitch is being interrogated by the FBI-"

"Which prissy bitch?"

"Don't interrupt me," Percy snaps.

Erik simply rolls his eyes at her. As always, Percy feels her height is her biggest weakness because no matter how loud she makes her voice and how big her personality is, she will always be small. Even standing next to this scrawny high schooler.

"Cara. Vaguely Jewish. Latina."

"I know who you are talking about," he replies, even though he barely does.

The only girl he really remembers is June. More specifically, her icy gaze still chills his body. Her eyes seemed to follow him everywhere, especially to places he didn't want them to be. Actually, Erik wishes he could find her annoying. Instead, he enjoys their silent game.

There are three other possible prissy bitches though. He barely remembers the guitar player. Hope is prissy, but better described as a weirdo. Actually, he barely remembers Percy to be quite honest. Whiny Cara does ring a bell.

"Also, we have superpowers," Percy gestures to his knee. "I'm sure you've noticed."

Erik takes a step closer to her, scanning her face. At first, he is trying to figure out if she can hear Thea too. As always, the ghost in his brain is more than unhelpful. When Percy doesn't continue, he figures that, unfortunately, only he has been plagued.

"I have noticed," Erik answers slowly.

He kicks the ball again, dropped at his feet a minute ago by Hades. Only now did he just notice.

"I'll race you," Percy turns back to Erik.

The boy feels an itch between his shoulder blades and butterflies in his stomach. It has been so long since he last raced. From his vantage point, only half of the field is visible. The other has been overtaken by a powerful fog. Erik wonders if the clouds could have possibly come this deep into the heart of Hamilton. Sometimes, being this far away from the sun is a blessing (mostly because he has pale skin). Other times, he feels like he is trapped here, much like he is trapped by the fog.

"I'll win," Erik warns.

Percy shrugs, bending down. She feels the wet grass in her hands. "Whenever you are ready."

With a grin on his face, Erik begins sprinting.

Percy runs after him, charging into the darkness. Somewhere in the distance, she can hear Hades barking. For a second, she gains on Erik. When she is just a step in front of him, he speeds up. Erik lets a laugh roar out, winking at Percy. She shakes her head, though a smile creeps on to her face.

Her feet slip on the grass and Percy crashes into the ground. The palms of her hands dig into the dirt, only slowing the collision of her head with the soil. She feels the bitter taste of blood as she bites on her tongue, but sees nothing.

Far away, Erik doesn't hear the sound. Instead, he feels the butterflies in his stomach turn to worms. He himself slips when he turns around, charging back towards Percy. In the fog, he can't see her. Instead, he can feel her.

Erik sees her on the ground. He dives next to her on the ground. Trembling, he rolls her body over on to its back.

"I'm fine," she mumbles, lying on the ground. Instead of spitting, she swallows the blood in her mouth. She glances up at Erik on top of her, and she feels a shiver go up her spine.

Erik doesn't move, instead scanning her face. "I know."

Percy bites her lip. Her cheeks are red, maybe from the cold, probably from being this close to Erik, and definitely from running. Up close, Erik is brighter than she had imagined. His eyes are bright, his hair looks soft to the touch despite his coarse hands.

She lies so still that Erik is worried that perhaps, despite their new-found powers, that maybe she injured.

That is until Percy leans up towards him. Instinctively, Erik flinches back.

"Just get off me," Percy grumbles, avoiding the boy's gaze.

This time, Erik doesn't try to suppress the urge to roll his eyes.


It is way too late to be working, after the week Jamie has had, and it is only Monday. Early in the week, when the bar is slow, Jamie is trapped at the coffee shop. Normally he calls in sick when it rains, but alas, he is inside.

This is the best worst thing that could possibly happen. He likes the café, and he needs the money, but only when he wants to be anywhere but here is the place open.

The bell rings at the door, and Jamie tries to force a smile on his face. Although, it quickly becomes real.

"I didn't think there would be places open this late on a Monday," Wesley grin as if he hadn't looked up the hours that the café was open prior to making the trek downtown. After all, everything takes longer without a skateboard (which is better than with a shit skateboard).

Maybe it is the magic within him, or maybe it's just Wes, but Jamie is suddenly very awake. "Yeah, they tend to hold me hostage this long. Not that I totally mind it. My apartment has been empty, you know, since the whole Kyle thing."

Wesley tries not to ask to move in. It's so hard that he bites down on his tongue until it bleeds. Or maybe it isn't bleeding, and someone else is. Casual injuries are frightening him now. Like, Wes has noticed that he doesn't mind how the staircase in his house is missing a railing. Even on a dark night, Wesley doesn't look when he crosses the road anymore. He can only imagine how crazy it must have been for Jamie to discover that.

"I was wondering if you guys are hiring," Wesley asks, finally looking up at Jamie. He suddenly feels caught in the boy's brown eyes.

"I'm going to be honest with you, because you're like..." Wesley's heart flutters. "You know... whatever. They do their hiring before the school year starts, so we aren't looking for anyone." Jamie watches disappointment wash over Wesley's face and quickly stammers. "But if there is a position that opens up, I will do my very best to get you in. I'm not super good at my job since I can't cook and I'm always late, but I've been working here the longest so that has got to mean something, right?"

Wesley lets the air in the room chill. He operates in silence; navigating through hushed whispers and brief glares since they are all he has ever known. Nobody ever rambles with him like Jamie does. Wesley just wishes Jamie only rambled with him.

Still, he communicates in the only way he knows possible, besides writing. Wesley knows that the power of body language is not to be underestimated, and if he has got one thing going for him, it's his leather jacket and (previously) skinned knuckles.

"You're cute when you are nervous," Wesley practically dies when he says it out loud, but he adds in a soft smirk and flips his hair for good measure. Cool as a cat.

"I have some gel, if you need it," Jamie offers back, gesturing to the other boy's hair. "Not that it looks bad." In fact, it looks anything but. Though he tries his best to keep his apartment clean, mess always seems to slip through the cracks. It's only fitting that Wesley has a bit of edge to him.

The tip of Wesley's nose tinges pink in embarrassment. "I'm fine, thanks."


There are many things that Lee is and none of them are patient.

Her fists are clenched too tightly around the tea in her hand. The mug is burning her skin, but she doesn't care because the alternative is ripping up her sheet music and destroying her guitar on the staircase. Eventually, she makes herself breath in and out.

As always, Cassian has been on the computer. She isn't liking it one bit, especially since everyone has been using social media to communicate and her dinky little flip phone can't even connect to wifi.

"Yes," she hears her brother chant under his breath.

Lee wishes, for once, that her mother was home to deal damage onto this kid. Instead, she grumbles and finally peels herself off the stairs. As her brother begins to type furiously, she creeps forward. Finally, she catches a glimpse at the screen.

"Why are you watching our neighbour's surveillance videos?" She demands.

Cassian finally pulls away from the screen. He takes off his yellow glasses, scanning her face. Though he is pretending to be serious, he can't hide his own goofy grin. "I think I proved something that the police can't."

"Stop beating around the bush and just tell me," she rolls her eyes. "For God's sake, you are such a pest."

" 'Stop beating around the bush and just tell me' should be Heralding the Apocalypses first single," her brother laughs. He turns back to the computer, and with the flick of his wrist, he beckons Lee forward.

Though she doesn't want to, she follows him.

"Okay, so I hacked into a couple of cameras in downtown to see what they saw of that girl you found in the tree, you know, usual stuff to ease your twin's mind," he shrugs at her. "You've been giving me mad migraines lately. Twin telepathy is a curse."

Lee scoffs. "You're telling me. Telepathy sucks."

"Don't interrupt me," Cassian holds up a hand playfully. Lee just shakes her head back and forth at her brother's dramatics. He really missed out on theatre. "Anyway, so after I sent a fake email from a dummy account to, like, all the businesses with cameras facing downtown, a couple of them entered their password into my system. Bada-bing bada-boom, I have access to camera footage.

"But lookey here," Cassian clicks away, opening a new file folder, labelled Dungeons and Dragons (Lee admires his ingenuity; no one in their right mind would actively want to learn about one of Cassian's many obsessive hobbies). Inside the folder though, he clicks on the first video.

"Time stamped the second the power came back on," he notices. "None of the footage from before the outage was saved, which makes sense because it wasn't an outage. That's why the FBI is here.

"As you can see though, our neighbours have footage from before that night, as do a couple of different houses that I've gotten into. Also, the farther away from downtown you get, the longer the footage gap is. Meaning that whatever happened, happened in downtown," Lee's stomach drops, but Cassian continues to bumble off beside her. "My money is on Hillswell Park. The power went out at probably the same time Thea ended up in a tree. Maybe she was in a tree because of it, or maybe not. The only lead so far is aliens."

"Are you done yet?" Like always, Lee manages to keep her cool.

Her brother raises his arms in defence. The chair creaks as he peels out of it. He keeps his hands raised as he walks away as if he expects Lee to pull out a gun and shoot him at any second. Perhaps, that is because her eyes are daggers. "I know you don't like that I'm snooping, but this is bigger than you and me."

"Get out," Lee spits, turning her attention back to the computer. Her hands feel numb.


This chapter is a bit longer, which is pretty good! I'm excited. It's going well. Also, I told you the first couple to kiss would have their names start with E and J, and NONE of you went in this direction, which makes me excited.

Ooh. I think I have another hint to keep you guessing. There is something that is going to be EARTH SHATTERING next chapter, involving two characters. Any idea who?

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