x. energy

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oct. 2nd, 2021

as an introvert living in an extroverted world, you need to learn how to manage your energy and fast. something as simple as a phone call can be draining.

"it's just a phone call," they say.

"they won't eat you alive," they say.

but what if they do?

my energy is being drained whenever i have to talk on the phone or socialize in any way. and when your energy is being drained, aren't you being eaten?

metaphorically speaking, anyways.

to lose my energy is to lose pieces of myself. pieces hard to regain.

and when you're being eaten, you also lose pieces of yourself. you become a fraction of the whole you used to be.

sleep is supposed to energize you. it's supposed to help heal any of the invisible wounds you sustained during the day.

but i don't remember the last time i woke up and felt like i was alive. waking up feels like a prologue to falling asleep.

and sleep becomes just another way to pass time. the more i sleep, the more i feel like i need it. yet sleeping more doesn't satisfy me or bring me energy.

so, then, in the end, where does it go?

and how do i become energized again?

how do i find the energy to survive in this world and how do i feed my ambitions?

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