~Chapter Thirty-Four~

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“Not that Dorian,” I whisper shouted at the young man before me as he tried to put molasses in the egg whites, “Molasses will not go in this cake. Leave it alone and just whisk the eggs whites,”

“Why are we doing this at ten at night? Like I just got back from a long long day at work and now I have bust my ass in the kitchen,” Zane grumbled, pouring the dry ingredients in the wet ones.

“Remember why you’re doing this and who you’re doing this for,” I muttered as I folded the dry ingredients that Zane was pouring in the wet ones.

“Also, no one is forcing you to do this dude, just walk off instead of complaining all the time,” Zion muttered, dusting the cake pan. 

“We’re almost done guys, well, you’re almost done you can go rest, I’ll complete this before Octavian gets home and I will wake you up once it’s like fifteen minutes before twelve. Dorian can you please take out one-fourth of that whipped cream and add the cocoa powder to the bigger portion?” I asked as I poured the batter into the pan. 

“Are you sure?” Zion asked, “Because there is sill a lot of work left and we don’t want to pile it on you.”

“Eh, i’ll be fine. You guys forget that I have experience working in the kitchen for like six hours straight. This is nothing,” I muttered. Everybody quietened down at my words, pausing in their actions. I sighed but wordlessly put the pan in the oven before speaking up again, “Guys, I don’t have a problem talking about such incidents of my past, I actually quite enjoyed working at the cafe and the studio. They made me into who I am and I am proud of my abilities. So please don’t be sad every time I mention my past,” I muttered. 

It always felt wrong to be complaining about my past when there were many happy moments sprinkled over the pitch darkness of my childhood. It made me feel guilty when these guys fret over my past whereas whenever I look back I mostly see fun times at the studio and cafe. Just because mum was so neglectful, I spent more than half of my day outside the house rather than inside which was a blessing and always calming and a fun time with my friends and coworkers.

Every time the silence filled the room after I even so much as mentioned my past or the sad heavy sighs escaped them, an overwhelming feeling of guilt and sadness drowned my disturbed mind. They had enough on their plate as it is and then adding the knowledge of a little girl’s trauma that they had every chance to stop doesn’t make a pleasant feeling. But I don’t want them to have that.

All they know are the lows of my past. They empathize with what happened and I appreciate that but they also need to know that the entirety of the ten years wasn’t spent in suffering. There are great moments that I can look back and smile at. And even though it could have been better in many other ways, I don’t hate my life back at mum’s house. 

“Okay, this was supposed to be fun bonding time and it was. Now the work is almost done. Thank you for helping me. Now you three can go take a nap while I clean and finish the job,” I said, pushing the three out of the kitchen. With their reluctance and my adamance, I managed to push the three giants towards the living room, where they left, grumbling amongst themselves.


“Ugh, last night was a lot” Zane muttered, his words coming out muffled as he pressed his face against the table. Two maids, Gwen and Linda, walked in with plates of our requested breakfast and set them down in front of us before exiting. In a couple of minutes Gwen returned with a blue liquid in a cup, setting it in front of Zane.

“This should help with tiredness and drowsiness,” She said before disappearing again. My head snapped to Zion when I heard some tapping and I saw him wiggling his eyebrows at me. My eyes scrunched in confusion as Zion rolled his, exasperated. 

"Stop it you two," Dorian mumbled as he took a sip of his coffee while Zane sipped on the concoction Gwen gave her. Everyone in the household was a little extra grumbly today and I understood why.

Bad memories were associated with this day, mainly because of my mom's fault and I wanted to desperately forget and help them forget. Today was a day to celebrate, the day of their firstborn, the day a perfect boy was born but she just had to ruin the man's day. 

This was the day she decided to storm out of this mansion, dragging me behind her as I watched the twins break down into tears, Dorian biting his lips to hold back tears while dad considered the twins and Octavian with a hard, indifferent face. His day was ruined forever. And even when I watched the news on their birthdays, I could see the twins and Dorian having parties for their milestone birthdays but never Octavian. I never heard a peep from the news channels about this special day. They were probably silenced by the family but they shouldn't have been. This was a day to be celebrated not mourned.

"Good morning everyone," Octavian muttered as he settled at the head of the table. I look up after wiping away any type of liquid that escaped my eyes as I beam at him. His face was emotionless as he sat down and looked at me as if expecting me to say something.

So I did, “So, what’s the plan for today?” I was hoping they would have a plan but it was a little unrealistic to believe as he was so hell bent on not cutting the cake we made yesterday night.

“We’re going out for lunch. Dorian knows where so he will drive the three of you and I will meet you guys there,” Octavian said as his finger gracefully cut the soft, fluffy omelet. 

“That’s all?” I asked.

“Yes,” he replied, nonchalantly.

“But it’s your birthday. We need to celebrate it,” I muttered. Everyone froze at this statement and even Zane looked up. I knew I was treading on a tightrope but I needed to make everything back to how it was, perfect. I didn’t want them to look back on this day and feel sad, I wanted them to feel happy and warm and pleased when they thought about this day.

“We don’t celebrate birthdays,” Was Octavian’s curt reply as he went back to eating his breakfast.

“Well, that changes now, you’re going to be celebrating all of them starting with this one,” I said.

“I-I really like that idea, what do you say, Octavian?” Zane spoke up, trying to support me. I nodded with a small nervous smile. Octavian made no move to respond to Zane’s question. He silently continued to eat his breakfast. 

After about fifteen minutes of awkward and stifling silence I heard Octavian stand up making me stand up. Linda handed Octavian his coat while he spoke up. “Sit down and finish your breakfast Astria,” 

“Not until you reply to the request,” I muttered, defiant.

“I already said no and my response is not going to change,” He muttered as he put on his blazer along with a coat.

“Yes it is. Come on Octavian, you can’t spend your day sulking around just because of one little thing that happened years ago,” I said.

“I’m not bending myself backwards here Astria, You need to learn that you will not get everything you demand just because you’re our little sister,” He said, starting to walk towards the main door as Jovi, our butler, escorted him, carrying Octavian’s office stuff. “If I said no, it means a no and it will do you good to understand that.”

“Stop, that’s not what this is about, stop trying to make it seem as if I’m a spoilt brat asking for money. I just want to have something together, why can’t you understand that?” I asked, my voice rising a little. 

“Lower your voice,” He replied in a low stern voice, “Remember who you’re talking to.”

“Stop walking away then, I’m trying to have a conversation with you,” I said, speeding up, trying to keep up with his pace and his long legs. As expected ignored me and continued walking away. My frustration grew, all I wanted was to make happy memories with them bring them back together like old times while I was still here, I wanted to help, at least a little. So, I did something, Something I wouldn’t even have dreamed of doing two months ago. I yelled at him, “I just want to help and bring us back together, is it too difficult to form some happy memories, why are you still stuck on that awful awful day? Why do you not want this?” All my shouting was met with were footsteps walking away from me.

“Keep and eye on her,” He muttered to Jovi. I huffed at his works and turned around. The other three seemed to have followed us out as well as they stood right in front of me. 

“So? Only lunch i guess?” Zion asked raising one of his eyebrows.

“Oh you’re mistaken if you think there isn’t going to be a party,” I mutter before walking into the living room with the three of them high at my heel. “Alright which one of you guys are free today?”

“All of us basically, Zion is well, he doesn’t have any work, Dorian took a day off and I don’t have any appointments or shifts today, so we’re pretty much just doing nothing the entire day,”

“Well now you’re not,” I said, with a cheery smile on my face. “Dorian, are you guys still in touch with all the family members?” I asked.

“All four grandparents, uncles, aunts and first cousins. Mum’s and Dad’s side included,” He replied.

“That’s nice,” I whispered, thinking about the enormous family I could’ve had before snapping back to reality, “How long will it take for them to get here?” I asked, before adding, “if they can.”

“The ones who live farthest and will be able to take the longest time will take about four hours if they leave in about an hour,” He replied.

“Can you please give a call to all of them and see if they can come before evening?” I asked Dorian, who nodded in reply, “Also, can I trust you with Octavian’s outfit for tonight?” 

“Yeah sure,” he replied.

“Zane, can call Octavian’s closest friends? Like the really closest one, I don’t want to make this too big, just the inner circle,” I muttered, “Also, please inform our closest family friends and invite them as well.” He nodded.

“And you Zion, will be with me,” I said, “Just introduce me to the decoration and food people. And y’all I’ll take care of the planning stuff and the cake,” They nodded in reply before Zane and Dorian walked out together to make the calls.

“Zion, can you gather the staff?” I asked before starting the work. I whipped out a notebook and opened up my contacts. I dial up Ana's number and wait for her to pick up. She does and introduces herself as Octavian's secretary. "Uh it's me Astria. have you nkt saved my number?" I asked, a little disappointed. "And why are you so out of breath? Is Octavian overworking you?"

"I uh- I just ran a little? And of course I have your number saved, why wouldn't I. And no, Mr. Crawford's not overworking me, I'm just fine. Why did you call?" She asked, still sounding a little out of breath.

"Why were you running? okay whatever, we don't have time for all that," I said, "Listen here very carefully, Octavian has strictly stopped us from planning any kind of party but we are having a party. So i need you keep him fully occupied the whole day, use any methods you can and he should not step foot in the house or know anything about it. Okay?"

"Mhm, i think he'll be fine with it," She replied and my eyebrows furrowed together qt her response.

"What? No, Ana are you in or no?" I asked again.

"No, it's good, it's good," She said.

"Girl no, or is it good, stop playing with my head," I whined a little.

"I don't think you're getting my point," She muttered and it all clicked.

"Are you with Octavian right now?" I asked, "Say something about a lemonade stand if yes or just straight up no if he's not."

"Exactly, that's what i thought. A lemonade stand would be cool and nostalgic. It will work just fine for the project," She said and i snickered. This was kind of fun, sneaking around my scary old brother's back.

"Okay then, continue with the project thing if you're in or suggest some other idea if you won't help," I said as I watched the maids and other workers gathering around me but still keeping a distanxe where they wouldn't be eavesdropping kr being disrespectful in any way.

"Yes, he'll probably help you with the project, there's no problem in doing that," She said.

"Okay great Dorian will send you a list kf stuff that needs tk be done, thank you. Bye," I said.

"Okay, okay, bye," She replied before cutting the call.  

"Alright, gather around everyone," I said, my voice a little louder so it can reach the maids in the back. "So, getting straight to the point, we're having a party today. For Octavian. In our backyard. And Octavian should not know about it."

After i heard affirmative responses and saw nods I continued, "Okay, I'll divide the work for today so please focus on that, you can resume with your scheduled work from tomorrow. Gwen, call me the family's event planner please. The kitchen staff, you'll need to make extra food for this afternoon cause there will be extended family coming over. Even Though we five won't be home, there will be people here so I expect the house to be clean. Also clean and prepare the rooms on the second floor."

"Jovi, I hope we have your support on this?" I ask as I turn to the stiff butter. I face scrunched up as I pleaded to the heavens that he agrees. I waited for a moment or two to see his eyes shift to focus on something behind me before he pales and agrees. I quickly turn around to find the three of my brothers fixing poor Jovi with hard glares and warnings on their faces. I let out a small sigh as a warm feeling blossoms inside of me before I turn back to Jovi. "Great, can you check the generators? Take two people with you to make sure we have connections ready for an indoor party. I want it done before the lighting people arrive, thank you."

"Rest of you, I'll send for you when need to get work done. So start now and come to me if you have queries. And Octavian should not know about it. Thank you. You may all go except Jovi and Gwen." I said, dismissing all of them.

"Both of you discuss and make a list of things that need to be done. I'll call the planner and set things up, the theme and everything. Please prepare the list by the end of this hour, you can go now."

I turned on my heel to meet the softened gaze of the three. My eyebrows knotted in confusion as I asked them a silent question. "You handled that quite well. An evident change from your time when you first arrived here." It was true, it warmed my heart to know that they observed me enough to point that out and I smiled in response. The Astria that arrived here wouldn't have made a peep if she needed anything done. I was glad I could blossom into my surroundings, I was much more confident and commanding, just like a Crawford should be.

I'm sure red covered my cheeks but we chose to ignore it as I whipped out a small notebook and started scribbling down the little things that needed to be done for the party.



long chapter


QOTD: What flavored cake you like the best?
AOTD: Strawberry (best)



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