17. Lightening

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It was an unusual time. The Rossis had not been eating at the same table as a family in a long time and the partners of their children were also present who differed greatly on all levels. Lochlan seemed to be the odd one out. Maria Angela liked him but his poor attitude and cruel nature just stood out cancelling out his ever lasting efforts to get closer to her.

"Tell us about yourself Lochlan." It was Tatiana Rossi's voice.

Lochlan looked up and he noticed others stopping eating and listening. He was sure that everyone of his peers wanted him to fail. Only Maria Angela carried on eating. She knew so much about him already. She wasn't interested. They were this couple who were on and off. She kept rejecting him but she could not deny the fact that he deserved a chance because he was honourable.

Lochlan put down his fork and knife as he leaned back "I would like to firstly thank you for allowing me to stay at your home tonight. I appreciate your hospitality. I will make sure to pass on my gratitude regarding the welcome I have received here to my father."

Michangelo rolled his eyes and Arcangelo was eying Lochlan with a hard look. They didn't like his noble unusual attitude. He was putting up an act.

Lavinia said "It depends. What's the definition of gratitude Lochlan. In your own words?"

Natalia tried not to laugh. She lifted her glass of water and started drinking hoping no one noticed she was smiling. She couldn't help find the situation comical. Lochlan acting all noble and behaving himself. It was a very rare sight. He was nice to Maria Angela. That was about it. So he was civil at the house of Rossi. He normally dismissed questions that were personal but he made extra effort on this occasion or so it seemed.

Lochlan looked at Lavinia and smiled "I have the same definition as the Rosario family."

Lavinia said "Really? I didn't know that."

Lochlan turned to Tatiana Rossi. "As I was saying, I would like to firstly express my gratefulness. I don't think the bonds between our families have been ever stronger."

Michangelo said "Answer the question. My mother asked you a question."

Tatiana stood up "I can smell the desert getting ready. Let me get it out of the oven. Excuse me."

Rupert also stood up. He followed his wife to the kitchen. When he came from work he needed to see her more.

Lochlan smiled at Michangelo too "Can you pass me the salt please?"

Michangelo grabbed the salt and wanted to badly throw it at his head but he passed the salt peacefully to Lochlan.

Lochlan said "Thank you. He then spread salt on his food." He then offered it to michangelo "I finished with the salt." He then smiled back.

Michangelo said "Why are you smiling. It's just salt."

Lochlan said "Salt can do so much in the wrong hands. Do you know what happens to a worm when you pour salt all over it? I right now imagine doing the same to you."

Michangelo gasped at his dark mind. He was mental. He truly was.

Natalia said "What's that? Raising blood pressure."

Lochlan said "No."

Natalia said "Because that's all salt can do to humans. Can someone pass me the salad please?"

Michangelo reached his hand to the salad and said "Here you are. Ignore Lochlan's dark mind. His clean guy act won't last long."

Lachlan said "Do you want to bet Michangelo?"

Just then Tatiana and Rupert came back.

Lochlan gave Michangelo a hard look and carried on eating.

Tatiana said "Who would like to try the desert?"

Everyone was now into the desert stage except Arcangelo and Lochlan. They both ate slowly and from time to time stared at each other silently.


At the end the kids went to the entertainment room to watch a movie on VHS. Tatiana and Rupert went to their own rooms. Only Arcangelo and Lochlan were left in the dining room having coffee and cake. Others knew to leave them alone. The two alpha males liked taking their time.

Lochlan broke the silence "You know... I have been this close to challenging your brother to a fight."

Arcangelo said "Why don't you then?"

Lochlan said "Because of Maria-Angela."

Arcangelo said "Because of my sister? Since when do you care for my sister's feelings about how you settle scores?"

Lochlan said "Since always."

Arcangelo said "The last time I checked you fight when you feel like it. Let's get to the point. What's the catch? You are acting all noble. What has my sister promised to you. You have been very unlike yourself tonight."

Lochlan said "What has Laviana promised you? You are being un Arc like tonight."

Arcangelo said "If you make my sister do any thing she is not happy with..."

Lochlan put his hands up "Hold it right there. She is fully capable of making her decisions." He then stood up. "I am going for a walk."

Arcangelo said "It's stormy outside. My father said no one can leave the building."

Lochlan said "Not a problem. I still can have a walk in the house."

Lavinia was sitting next to Maria Angela, Natalia and Michangelo watching a video on VHS.

Natalia said "Where are Arcangelo and Lochlan? What if they destroy each other in that room in a fight."

Michangelo chuckled "We are not that lucky."

Natalia said "Come on Michangelo. Aren't you worried for your brother?"

Michangelo said "What do you want me to do?"

Natalia said "Go check on them."

Michangelo sighed "I don't think that's necessary."

Just then Arcangelo came inside the room.

Michangelo said "Here is Arcangelo. Everyone was worried you and Lochlan clash."

Arcangelo stood in front of Maria Angela "Ironically he wanted to fight you Michangelo but didn't because our sister may get upset." He then with his eyes gave Maria Angela a "move it" signal."

Maria Angela just understood he wanted to sit next to Lavinia so she stood up and moved to sit next to Natalia.

Lavinia sighed "Caveman. Why did you do this?"

Arcangelo sat next to Lavinia "Do what? I don't know what you are talking about." He then put his arm around her and relaxed getting on with watching tv.

Lavinia sighed. She then saw him take pop corn from her bowl.

Natalia asked "Where is Lochlan?"

Arcangelo said "He went for a walk in the house."

Lavinia said "You trust him to walk around your house with no supervision?"

Natalia laughed "This looks like one of those movies. When you know the psycho guy lurks around the house and victims are waiting through the silence before the storm."

Everyone chuckled.

Michangelo said "I want some pop corn. Who else wants more pop corn?"

Lavinia said "Caveman does."

Michangelo stood up.

Maria Angela said "I will get it. You sit down."

Michangelo sat down.

She then walked to the kitchen. As she put the pop corn packet in the microwave and closed it, she heard the sound of thunder. She put her hand on her heart "Wow." She looked outside. It was pouring rain. She saw lightening coming and then another thunder.

She heard his voice from behind "Thunder comes after lightening because speed of sound is less than speed of light. Isn't it fascinating."

Maria Angela turned around "Since when are you into physics Lochlan?"

Lochlan said "Which one scares you the most? Thunder or lightening?"

Maria Angela said "Lightening. Because it can cause damage."

Lochlan said "But it's the thunder with its sound that causes people to feel scared at night. They hear thunder but lightening is what can do damage."

Maria Angela didn't even know why he was bringing up the topic. She took out the pop corn packet out of the microwave and then walked to the cupboard to get a bowl.

Lochlan opened the packet and walked to Maria Angela. He poured pop corn into the bowl in her hand. He said " You know if I could choose to be a kind of a man to be like thunder or lightening I choose lightening."

Maria Angela said "You are known as lightening. That's your nickname among the people in my military school."

Lochlan said "You are my thunder. You complete me. I am nothing without you beautiful."

Maria Angela couldn't help laugh "Is this you trying to be romantic?"


Everyone who was sitting  in the entertainment room turned their heads when they saw Lochlan was entering with two bowls in his hand. Maria Angela walked in front of him.

Lochlan said "Who wanted pop corn and asked my girl to get it."

Michangelo stood up. "I was meant to go. She offered to go instead. One is for me and one is for Arcangelo."

Lochlan gave him a hard look "Get it yourself next time." He handed one of the bowls to Michangelo.

Michangelo joked "What's in it?"

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