27. Tough

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Lochlan was teaching a class about physiology and theory of sports. The class was taking notes. It was the end of the lesson.

Lochlan said "You have a free period next. If you wish to know more about self defence you can volunteer to stay behind."

Lochlan then dismissed everyone.

The students gratefully left being glad he didnt scrutinise them and avoided making eye contact with him as they left.

Maria Angela was left behind. No one else dared to volunteer to stay behind with Lochlan.

Lochlan looked at Maria Angela and raised an eyebrow "So you volunteer?"

Maria Angela nodded "Yes."

Lochlan said "Put away your equipment. You wont need it."

Maria Angela asked "Really? I wont?"

Lochlan said "No. You volunteered for me to teach you some advanced self defence. Its not theory. Its practical.

Maria Angela said "Oh. I didnt know..."

Lochlan walked to the rink that was at the back of the class.

She did what he asked and put away her equipment. Then Maria Angela followed him.

He said "There are many ways to do this. Why not test your defences." He then stepped into a boxing rink that was there.

Maria Angela got on the rink and said "How would you like to test my defences?"

Lochlan said "Attack me..."

Maria Angela said "Really?"

Lochlan said "I am serious."

She said "Thats assault. I cant assault a captain."

Lochlan said "I am asking you to attack me. Its not assault. Its practice..."

She said "Ok." She was torn. How could she attack him without getting beaten down. If you attacked a captain you were bound to get hurt. She looked at Lochlan and was deciding what move to choose. She breathed and decided to punch him but he docked and before she knew it, he was standing behind her. He wrapped his arms around her wrists "Tsk tsk. Wrong move. You use your hands well but against me its useless to punch me." He leaned down and whispered "Now. Try to get out of my grip."

She sighed. There was a move. She kicked him but because he was right behind her it didnt work well. She sighed "I cant. You are a captain. How can I get you to get my hands off."

He said "I teach you how to get out of my grip. Lets switch places.

After they switched places, Lochlan did a movement and she fell almost. But he didnt let her fall. He put his hands on her hips and brought her up. They were standing too close. Lochlan said "Did you learn it?"

She said "I think so."

Lochlan kept trying moves with her and showed her counter attack. Maria Angela liked this side of Lochlan. But he didnt show this side to everyone. He was scary to everyone else. No one breathed when he entered a room. He had made an impression

It was dinner time and Maria Angela was sitting in the cafe with Lochlan. As usual Lochlan was taking his time eating slowly.

Maria Angela felt his stare on her as she was eating. He only concentrated on her in the room. Just then someone Maria Angela felt someone's hand brushing her back. She didnt think much of it, until she looked up and saw the murder in Lochlan's eyes following a boy who had just walked past. Someone had touched her. Before she could protest, Lochlan was on his feet. He followed the boy and within seconds the boy was reduced to tears on his knees apologising. Lochlan had this side in him to cause pain. She wanted to see the side he showed her and no one else.


It was night time and Maria Angela was at the youth club of the campus sitting opposite Lochlan. Maria Angela was watching people dancing. She turned to Lochlan "Do you want to dance?"

Lochlan said "Beautiful. I don't dance. You knew that already. Yet you chose this place for our date."

Maria Angela said "Its not that hard."

Lochlan said "I know. It seems easy."

Maria Angela asked "Then why dont you try it."

Lochlan said "I dont dance. I just dont. End of discussion beautiful."

Maria Angela said "Ok. I am going to go dance alone." She then stood up. Lochlan didnt move. He just was watching her closely. She just needed to be careful she didnt bump into any males. The incident in the cafe from lunch time was fresh in her mind. She walked over a group of girls and started dancing while she could feel Lochlan's eyes on her. Just then she saw Marco Morreti appearing in front of her surfacing from the crowd. He offered his hand to her "Would you like to dance?"

Maria Angela didn't want to look at Lochlan but she could see him standing up while she was looking at Marco. She whispered "No. I cant dance with you. Just run for your life. Lochlan is coming. Dont let him find out what you asked me."

Lochlan quickly came between Maria Angela and Marco. Lochlan was quite tall and towered over Marco. He grabbed Marco by his throat and lifted him up from the floor bringing Marco's face at the same level as his face.

Maria Angela gasped "Lochlan please put him down. Now."

Lochlan didnt listen of course. He started carrying him away as he was holding him by his neck.

Marco was too shocked to speak.

Lochlan carried him to the exit.

Maria Angela followed him outside pleading to Lochlan to stop. He took him outside and then pinned him to the wall as he was holding him up by his neck. Marco's feet was not on the ground. He was having both hands on Lochlan's hand that was around his neck. He was trying to get his hands off his neck but it didnt work. Lochlan's grip was tight.

Lochlan asked "What did you want from my girl?"

Maria Angela said "Nothing. He wanted nothing. Let him go. Please Lochlan."

Lochlan turned to Maria Angela "I was asking him beautiful. Let him answer." He turned to Marco. "What did you want from my girl."

Maria Angela mouthed to Marco. "Nothing."

Lochlan said "Why are you looking at my girl? Look at me."

Marco said "I am sorry. Please let me go."

Lochlan said "You havent answered my question. Why were you speaking to my girl?"

Maria Angela said "Lochlan. I was the one speaking with him first. He is innocent.." She lied. She couldnt let him find out that he had asked her to dance.

Lochlan let go of Marco and he was dropped on the floor. Lochlan turned around "What?" Marco used the opportunity and ran away.

Lochlan turned to Maria Angela with hardened eyes "What did you say to him beautiful?"

Maria Angela had to lie "It was about my studies." She felt bad for lying but that had to be done. Lochlan was going to kill Marco if he found out he had asked her to dance.

Lochlan took a step towards her "You could always ask me about your studies. I am a captain."

Maria Angela said "I asked him. Its no big deal. Come on Lochlan."

Lochlan said "You didnt have to ask Confetti about your studies. I am here for you. I dont like him."

Maria Angela didnt bother to correct him as he was calling Moretti, Confetti. She said "Its no big deal."

Lochlan said "You are my girl. I want you to come to me if you need help. If I dont have time to help you then go to other people. But I still dont like confetti. Talk to anyone but him and Sawyer."

Maria Angela said "Ok. I get it. Now. Lets go try dancing. Please."

Lochlan said "No. I dont dance."

Maria Angela sighed "Why not?"

Lochlan said "I just dont. Lets go back in and get a drink beautiful and we can talk more."


It was going to be a long day. Students from an Irish military school were guests and there were going to be competitions happening all day. The Irish military school happened to be where Lochlan came from.

Lavinia was having breakfast and eying the table where the guests were sitting. Her eyes was on Lochlan's sister, Levane. She was an officer like her and she was a big rival in all the competitions. Levane's eyes met hers as she was having breakfast. She stared at Lavinia and then looked away.

They started the challenges straight away after breakfast. There was marching and then swimming, archery, shooting and bike riding. These activities were there to keep everyone busy for the day. The biggest challenge was going to be the hand to hand combat. It was the one Lavinia looked forward to the most. It was Levane's area of expertise. She was perfect. Lavinia lived for the challenge. When it was time for officers to challenge each other, Lavinia knew it was time to clash with Levane in a serious way. Everyone was watching.

Lavinia stepped onto the mat and watched Levane enter gracefully.

Levane said "Have you forgotten last time when we fought? I didnt think you will fight me again."

Lavinia said "You had some lucky shots..."

Levane said "If you say so..."

Levane attacked and Lavinia defended. She was an offensive one who took risks in fighting which paid off. Lavinia almost managed to throw her on the floor but she was strong. Very strong.

The two of them ended up breathing hard. No one was losing. Lavinia came close to being beaten but she fought like her life depended on it. The referee blew the whistle. "A tie...Time's up. Its a draw. There was no clear winner within the time limit. We need to move onto other contestants."

Levan rolled her eyes "Lucky escape officer Rosario..."

Lavinia narrowed her eyes "You are all talk officer Kennedy...". Lavinia then walked to the opposite corner of the room and watched the rest of the fights as Levane was on the other side.

Lochlan walked to Levane "You are going soft. You need to train more to beat her... At least you didnt lose."

Levane said "I will get her next time..."

Maria Angela said to Lavinia "You played so well... Levane is just something else... She is like her brother... a fighter from hell."

Lavinia said "Thank you. She is not invincible but her techniques are like no one I know. But its a good idea to play against her... Its a good experience... No female fights like her."

They watched the rest of the fights together. Maria Angela said "Its my turn now to take on an officer."

Lavinia cheered for Maria Angela was matched up with a very muscular officer. She found the challenge quite easy. Her hand to hand combat made that officer fall a couple of times.

She high fived with Lavinia when she came off. Just then Levane approached Maria Angela "Hi. That was a good fight. She is one of our best fighters..."

Maria Angela said "Thanks. I want to try fighting you. Do you mind if we fight?"

Levane said "Lochlan wont like it. You are his girl... I wont hold back if I fight you..."

Maria Angela said "Neither will I. Lets do it..."

Levane and Maria Angela went to the referee and asked if they could volunteer to fight even though they weren't matched up. They entered the mat and started fighting. Lochlan was watching with pressed lips and Arcangelo joined him. Arcangelo said "My sister is taking on your sister. Lets see who wins..."

Lochlan said "I am not happy about this... I am on both sides..."

Arcangelo said "Are you though? Do you want my sister to win or your sister?"

Lochlan said "I cant choose..."

Maria Angela ended up in the same situation she had ended up with Lochlan when he had taken her on and she used the technique Lochlan had taught her. It worked and she managed to set herself free and not lose. A frustrated sigh came from Levane and she attacked even more fiercely. Just then the referee said "Time is up... A draw... There was no clear winner within the time limit."

Arcangelo said "Damn it... She was so close... She has to win the next match..."

Lochlan said "There shouldn't be a next match. I don't want my sister to hurt my girl..."

Arcangelo said "Who said your sister will win?"

Lochlan said "She will..."

Arcangelo said "My sister will win... We will see..."

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