10: The Tower of Zot

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At no point during our flight do I lower my guard. Several times, a Floating Eye monster or two would try to attack us, but with my arrows, they didn't stand a chance. Kain, I notice though, has said nothing, and stood beside Golbez this entire time; his eyes dim and empty.

What power Golbez must have to control the minds of monsters and men, what dark power. I know Kain's mind isn't weak, but even he fell prey to the sorcerer. Rosa was the only one who could make him even hesitate; he would've killed Cecil, I know it...

I glance to the large man in dark armor. The airship had been on autopilot, but it seems Kain is now piloting the aircraft. I walk across the deck to the wheel beside my officer.

"I didn't know you could fly an airship," I comment quietly.

"You learn things when you're a Dragoon," he responds without looking away from what's in front of us. I can only nod as I stare out ahead as well. Here, we're higher above the clouds than I've ever been at before.

The clouds are thick, seemingly gentle blends of white and gray. Yet I know that if I were to lean just too far over the edge of the ship, I would fall to my death below. Yet, I've never heard of the Tower of Zot.

"Where exactly is this tower?" I ask.

"The Tower of Zot is Golbez's private domain. He used his own magic to build it suspended high above the clouds; further than anyone down below could possibly ever see. He summoned monsters to guard the place, and has the Magus Sisters, along with Barbaraccia, the archfiend of wind." More to himself than to me, the dragoon adds quietly, "nobody will find us here."

"Kain," Golbez says suddenly, "prepare for landing."

Kain nods and grunts out a "m'lord." Looming in the distance is what appears to me to be an enormous floating fortress. Kain reduces the acceleration and begins our descent, soon landing the ship lightly against a platform. Golbez is the first to walk off the airship, while the Dragoon waits for the engines to cool. I'm waiting for Kain, but Golbez calls me.

"Don't wait for him, come with me." I jerk my head quickly. I'll have to leave Kain here, but I'm sure Golbez won't let any harm come to him. At least that's a perk of having the Mage in his head.

"Yes, m'lord," I respond, following behind the sorcerer. What does he need only me for? It's then I feel like something is tapping against my skull. My mind flashes up my safeguards, but I can still feel Golbez prying. Eventually the man stops completely and slowly turns to face me.

"Lumen, have you any magic of your own?" His voice rasps through his helmet. I shake my head.

"None, whatsoever."

"Hmph, a pity. Kain makes for an excellent servant, but he has no control over magic. A shame you don't either." My fists clench at my sides. A servant.... That's what we are to him. Remembering Kain's advice to not become angered easily, I breathe in to calm myself.

"I told only you to come with me, boy, because it would seem Kain is far too attached to her," Golbez explains with annoyance. He extends an arm, widening his cape. The material ripples over and there's Rosa standing beside him, hands and feet bound, and mouth gagged. Fury boils inside, but I swallow it instead. Rosa's eyes widen upon seeing me, and tries to say something, but the gag only allows a blurred mumble to escape.

"Ah, yes, we'll be holding onto this one for Cecil. But in the meantime, she'll need looking after, and I'm afraid I can't trust Kain with the task. Can't risk him becoming disobedient because of her. Can I count on you, or will I need to get Barbarrica to do the job for me?" Kain mentioned her before... The archefiend of wind. Hell no... I don't want that watching my sister...

I nod and stand straight, looking dead at Golbez. "Consider it done, m'lord." With that, Golbez passes me the end of the rope that binds Rosa. Hurt and anger flashes in the woman's eyes at me. Forgive me, Rosie... I see Kain coming towards us from the platform.

"Kain, Lumen, come closer to me, and bring her close too," Golbez commands. "We'll be warping to the top of the tower. That way we don't need to deal with the Magus Sisters' useless banter." Kain snorts.

"That's a relief." I draw Rosa's rope close to me as we gather uncomfortably close to Golbez, and the sorcerer raises his palms. Black magic swirls around us as he casts the Warp spell. In a flash of green light, I find myself in a large empty room save for a small platform.

With a steel guillotine hanging above it.

"What is that there?!!" I lash. Golbez clicks his tongue.

"That's for the lady when we're done with her." Rosa's face pales, and I think mine does too. This man means to. . . Behead her. . .

Without hesitation, and with Kain's help, we place Rosa on the platform and raise her bound hands over her head. The rope suspending her, just inches away from the one suspending the steel blade. I hope my sister can see the apology in my eyes; to speak it now would kill us both. Then it occurs to me that Rosa must believe herself to be surrounded only by men here... She must feel like she has no privacy...

Surprisingly, as soon as she is completely suspended, hanging from her wrists, Kain reaches up and undoes the gag on her mouth. "Stay quiet, or I'll put it back," he threatens. Rosa nods quickly in understanding.

Please keep fighting him, Kain... I know you're still in there... somewhere...

"M'lord," I finally speak. "How are we going about allowing Rosa to... relieve herself here?" The sorcerer waves my concern off nonchalantly.

"She can do her business hanging like that." Who the hell does this monster think he is, acting as though she's an animal! To my relief, Kain speaks up as well.

"Lord Golbez, I agree with Lumen about that being an issue. To let her hang there at all times would be unsanitary. What's more, the scent would waft throughout the tower, most likely to your chambers as well."

"Fine!" He snaps with irritation, turning to me. "You can be the one to take her to relieve herself." He flicks his fingers at a wall, and a door appears. "You'll find a privy and a washing basin in that room. But you are to remain with the woman at all times. Should you attempt anything, I will not hesitate to kill you. I don't care if you're Kain's second in command or not." I jerk my head quickly.

"Yes, Lord Golbez," I speak. "I would attempt no such thing." Before Golbez can respond, the air seems to snap then thicken, and a small robed figure solidifies before us. This figure wears tattered robes, and reeks of decaying flesh.

"My lord!" He states, bowing to Golbez.

"What is it, Scarmiglione?" Looking closer, I can't see the figure's face, but I know from my experience in Fabul, that this is no man, but rather another monster.

"It's C-C-Cecil, m'lord... As we speak now, he is attempting to climb Mount Ordeals. He means to become a Paladin."

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