6: The White Mage's Tears

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"Riley! Where is your defense!? I could pierce your armor with the way you're standing! Fix your stance!" I bark. The knight quickly changes his position. "Better. Now make your move." His spear point flashes at me, but I block it with my own. "Too slow, Riley. You need to be faster!"

"Geez, Lumen, you're as bad as the commander...." I thrust my spear at him, forcing him to quickly step to the side and parry.

"Look, this isn't exactly fun for me either. We need to prepare though."

"Yeah, yeah, something terrible is coming to Baron, and we need to prepare." His eyes meet mine from beneath our helmet visors. "But this is sorta overkill, don't you think?"

"I'll handle him, Captain. You go help the others while I deal with this big baby," Meriweather offers from behind me.


I work with every man, helping them with either accuracy, speed, defense, or force. We all have something that needs improvement. Even myself. I know I need to work on my spear precision, as well as force. I'm not nearly as muscular as the other knights, so I have to make up for it with speed so that I can attack repeatedly. However, I'm in much better shape because of Kain's strict training.

By the time I've worked with every Dragoon, all of the men have sweat rolling down behind their visors. I stop to watch Meriweather clash spears with Riley once more. Sparks fall to the stone.

"Alright, that's enough. Go get something to eat, and you all can have the rest of the day to do as you please. If you're sore, I'd advise stopping in the infirmary. Same time tomorrow, men." They all nod quickly and scatter their own ways, leaving me with Meriweather once again.

"You've really gained their respect," he says quietly.

"I have no idea how-"

"You have their respect because we've all seen you where you have us. We all saw Commander training you harder- you just never seemed to notice. Then in his absence, you train us all the same way he trained you." His green eyes connect to my eyes. "Kain chose his proxy well." I shake my head.

"No way, I have no idea what I'm doing. I've never done this before in my life. I'm just following my gut-"

"Which is right on target," he finishes. I stare at him, and he explains. "You said you think something bad is coming? Well, I agree. I talked to the engineer's new apprentice, Ashton Wheeler. You know him since came with him from Mythril, right?" I nod. "Well he told me that the king ordered Cid to make the airships more durable, with higher powered canons. He's fitting the airships for warfare..." A thoughtful look crosses his face. "I wonder why though..." I grasp his shoulder lightly.

"I'm with you, but I have to tell you what Highwind told me. Keep any opinions to yourself. Don't discuss it in the dormitories, the courtyard, the pub, the infirmary, or even the privy. This kind of talk will get you accused of treason. Now enjoy the rest of your day, Meriweather." I turn to walk away.

"That kind of talk... That's related to Commander's and Lord Cecil's mission to Mist, isn't it?" He asks quietly behind me.

"Yes, it is," I respond without turning back. "I'll be on the top barracks if anyone needs anything."
The barracks are empty again, except for Rosa. Once again, she's standing by the railing watching the sky. "Good afternoon, my lady," I say quietly.

She turns at the sound of my voice. Her blond hair drifts behind her.

"Lumen... How are the Dragoons holding up without Kain?"

"They're fine," I answer. "Commander Kain has left me as his proxy until he returns." She nods.

"I understand his choice. You seem like you're fairly smart, and I've seen you with that bow. I'm sure he knows exactly what he's doing." Her violet eyes focus on me. "Since he left you in charge, I'm sure you know where he and Cecil have gone?"

"Yes. They've gone to Mist to slay the eidolon and deliver a carnelian signet." Were both silent for a moment. My sister's eyes are closed. She's worried about them; both of them...

"What if they don't come back?" She whispers. "What if Cecil is hurt and has no one to help him?"

She's worried about Cecil more...?

"Lady Rosa... He and Commander Kain are very skilled. They will return. Please trust in them." She stares at me.

"You've been here only a week now, haven't you? How are you to know their level of skill? You are a Dragoon- you would have never have ever had a chance to work with Cecil."

"No, but I've met him twice, and a man doesn't become Lord Captain of the Baron Red Wings without being a force to be reckoned with. And Commander Kain is very strong- I've sparred with him. And again, he wouldn't be the Dragoon Commander if he weren't." I lower my voice to a more gentle tone. "I believe you've known them a long time, right, my lady? If so, you know them better than I. You know of their abilities."

"Yes, but he could still be hurt..." Several tears fell down her fair face.

She's talking about just Cecil now...

"Why are you so worried for him?"

"Because I became a White Mage so that I could help him if he needed me. What if something happens to him, and I'm not there to heal him?"

Rosa? That was why you became a White Mage? Not to follow in Mother's footsteps? You did it for Cecil? I... I never realized you felt that way about him....

I lower my head. "I'm sorry. This hasn't been my business at all..."

"Don't be sorry. I needed someone to talk to." She turns away again. "I spoke to Cecil the night before he and Kain left. It was late, and he was staring at the moons with sorrow in his eyes. Do you know what he told me?" I shake my head. "He said that the Red Wings had been commanded to steal the Crystal, and that he and his men had to kill many innocent civilians. He said that he's worn that darkened armor for so long, that there isn't any light left in him. Not even in his heart." Turning away from Rosa, I notch two arrows into the bow, and release the string. Both tips embed themselves in the bullseye of each target. "Lumen?" She asks curiously. "What do you think?" I turn to her.

"I think there's more light in Lord Cecil than he thinks. He need you to believe in him, my lady, before he can believe in himself." I sling the bow over my back. I'll come back to practice when I'm alone. "Good day."

That dream shook me up, but it made me realize a portion of what I have to lose. I have a duty to protect Baron now. Cecil, my sister, and Kain... And something else too.

This path I have chosen to travel is not going to be an easy one. If I don't act carefully, my mistakes may very well cost me my life.

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