EE: Part Three

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Pacifica stared at the boy. She couldn't really think of anything to do or say, which just left her staring.

"So, this is my date, Paz!" Wendy said, gesturing to the boy, then standing next to him with a smile.

After a few seconds of awkward staring, Pacifica forced a smile, though she knew it wasn't genuine, and she didn't know how well that was hidden. "Hello, um, may I ask your name?"

"O-Ordinary, I mean, it's, its Oran," the boy, Oran, said. Though she swore she heard him say something else before that, even if she couldn't quite make it out.

"Oh, hello Oran, it's nice to meet you," Pacifica said.

Oran looked nothing like she had ever seen, sure, he was a little cute, but everything about him seemed strange. His skin seemed unnaturally shiny, and his hair looked strangely glossy. He also has this look to him like he was about to fly off the floor any minute.

"Isn't he great, Pacifica?" Wendy asked, grabbing onto his arm and linking her own arm with his.

Pacifica looked at Oran again, who looked as stiff as a board. She couldn't agree with her sister on this one. There was something too off about him, something too, too abnormal to be true. But now was not the best time to say that, especially in front of him.

"U-Uh, yeah, he's great, where did you meet him?" Pacifica asked.

"I met him by the lake," Wendy replied. "After you went to put up signs I decided to stop by the lake and I saw him sitting on the edge of the dock, looking down into the water. I wondered what he was looking at, so I went over and asked him and saw he was looking at fish. I told him I like fish, and he likes fish, so I saw there was totally a connection between us!"

Both liking fish isn't exactly the connection I would choose to pick a date, but I guess it's a start, Pacifica thought.

Oran began to smile, even more stiffly than he had been standing. "Yes. Fish are nice, one day I'd like to swim down and see one."

There was something odd about his voice too, it was almost weirdly sing song like. Like he was constantly about to start singing any second, and singing a poem of those sappy love ballads, specifically.

"That's awesome, I'd love to as well! I love swimming, but there's not lakes to swim in my town so I never get to see fish instead of those ones you dive for. " Wendy exclaimed. "Well, Oran and I are going to go hang out for a little while, see you later, sis! Shall we go, Oran?"

Oran smiled again, opening the door for Wendy, and she chuckled a before exiting.

That was when she noticed something else about Oran. On the back of his elbow, he had something that almost looked like a group of scales on his arm, which had a light turquoise colour, like the kind of scales you would see on a sea creature.

"Wait, Oran?" Pacifica said, just before Oran closer the door.

Oran looked back at her. "Y-Yes?"

"What's that on your elbow?" Pacifica asked.

He looked at his elbow, quickly patting something down before looking up at her again with a strange smile. "Oh! It was just a piece of cloth or something," he giggled nervously at the end, and it only made her feel more unsure. "S-Sorry about that."

"Oh," Pacifica replied. "Well, have fun on your date with Wendy, and be nice to her."

"T-Thanks!" Oran said, smiling and closing the door behind him.

Pacifica quickly dropped the smile. Starting to pace back and forth, what was wrong with that boy? She knew there was something, she could sense it. But she couldn't figure out what exactly it was.

Wait, maybe the journal has something in it!

Pacifiica quickly bolted upstairs towards the journal, which laying on her bed, airing out all the dust and cobwebs from being in there for who knows how long, though she figured it might've been longer than she thought. She quickly scooped it up into her arms, flipping quickly through pages to find anything that matched his weird characteristics.

The thing she did know about Oran was that he was not normal. There was something wrong, but as she flipped through pages, skimming each pages content, she couldn't seem to find exactly anything that matched, which made her feel strange and perhaps maybe she was wrong.

Maybe I'm just overreacting. Perhaps it was just a piece of cloth or dirt or something,

Finally, she turned to a page that had a picture of a person with a mermaid tail instead of legs. "As I have been out on the lake, I would like for people to be aware or the Gravity Falls' lake dangerous," Pacifica read aloud. "Sirens. These creatures, both male and female have beautiful, often shiny appearances appearances and sing song voices, trying to lead you into the lake to drown."

Pacifica looked up from the book. The dots seemed to all connect now. The glossy hair fit from being in the water, the sing song voice to lure people in, and liking fish from himself being part fish, everything all seemed to fall in place after reading that one page. She sighed in relief, knowing she was not crazy.

But that meant, if he was a siren, would he be trying to lure her sister into the water to drown her? Or perhaps even worse?

Now, she knew more than one thing. The first was that there was a possibility Oran was in fact, a siren, and the second was  that there was a chance that Oran would be leading her to the lake to pull her in and drown her any moment, and Pacifica had to save her.

"Hey Oran, what's your favourite kind of sandwich?" Wendy asked. "Mine's peanut butter and jam, but I only like certain types of jam. No peach jam or raspberry jam, but I like strawberry jam and sometimes grape jam, although turkey sandwiches with mayo can also be pretty good. What about you?"

"I-I don't really have a favourite sandwich," Oran replied, smiling. "B-But I don't like tuna sandwiches."

"Yeah, me neither, they taste so gross," Wendy said. "People at my school eat those for lunch and do you how terrible they smell? They only thing that could be worse is egg salad sandwiches!"

"Yeah, those smell really bad. Plus, t-they're really mean to dolphins when catching them, a-and yes, they're really gross." he said. "What else do you like, Wendy?"

"I like just doing things," Wendy said. "Running around, doing cool things, not just sitting around. Unlike Pacifica, she kinda tends to just sit around and read, and when she's not, she usually is telling me to stop doing something before I hurt myself, did I tell you in first grade she was the safety monitor?"

"Wow," Oran replied, "That's. . ."

"Yeah, it was kinda weird, she can be really paranoid at times, but she can be cool," Wendy said.

"T-That's nice," Oran said.

"What about you? Do you have any siblings?" Wendy asked.

"Oh, u-um, yeah, I actually have a lot," he answered.

"Really? What are they all like? Are they older or younger?" Wendy replied. "Did you ever have to share a room with any of them? Pacifica and I share a room until we were ten and our parents each wanted us to have our own rooms because we were getting older and needed it, as they said."

"W-Well, most them are-"


Wendy looked away from Oran, and over at the person who called out her name, which happened to be her sister, Pacifica. She was running towards her, a book in her hand, the same book she had seen her with when she first told her about Oran. She looked to be panicked, almost scared in a way.

"Paz? Why are you here?" Wendy asked.

"Wendy," she said. Though she looked over at Oran for a second. "May we please have a minute? I need to just tell Wendy something personal."

"O-Oh, okay," he said, smiling in a stiff way.

Wendy, on the other hand, was not so willing to go speak with her sister. She was in the middle of not just a meeting with a friend, someone that might become her epic summer romance date, and she could be in one of those romance books and one day be famous for it, and her sister was ruining it.

"Pacifica, what is it?" Wendy asked, trying to keep the annoyance in her voice down. "I'm in the middle of, of a date."

"Yes, yes, I know, I'm sorry, but I have to tell you something!" Pacifica said. "The thing is, I don't think Oran is normal, or, well, human!"

"Are you saying he's a werewolf?" Wendy asked. Dating a werewolf would be awesome, being able to turn into a dog and run at super speeds and maybe one day be a werewolf herself. That would make an even better, more exciting romance story.

"No, I'm saying, he just might be a," Pacifica said, opening the book she was carrying under her arm, and flipping out to a page.

"What?" Wendy asked. "You say he might be a-"

Pacifica looked at the page. "Oops, wrong page. I mean," she started to flip through the book again, before showing her the page entitled 'Siren' in bold print.

"A siren? Paz, that's really unrealistic, monsters don't exist," Wendy said.

"No, you don't understand, it makes sense!" Pacifica said. "The shiny hair and skin, the weird song like voice, Wendy, he might be trying to drown you! This book says to trust no one, and I'm not sure we can trust this guy!"

"Pacifica, don't be ridiculous," Wendy said. "And what about me? Can you trust me?"

"Wendy, that's not what I mean," Pacifica said. "It's just, I'm getting a bad feeling about this guy, I'm not sure if you should-"

"Look, Pacifica, I'm in the middle of something, and I need to stop being a paranoid, stuffy, grump and stop ruining my chances with a guy!" Wendy said.

She didn't mean the words, truly, Wendy was just upset, but she immediately regretted them after seeing Pacifica's very short reaction of hurt, although it only lasted for a split second before Pacifica managed to bury her feelings.

"Oh," Pacifica said. She looked up at Oran, who gave a look to the twins. "Well, I'm sorry for interrupting you two. I'll be on my way now, thank you for your time."

And with that, and another split second of a hurt and angry reaction, Pacifica walked off in the other direction, back towards the Archives of Mystery.

Wendy sighed, both in relief and in sadness. She hadn't meant it, but did Pacifica know that? Even if she did, she probably would believe it herself.

Wendy walked back over to Oran, who was sitting at a picnic tables looking at her. "W-Was everything alright between you guys?"

Wendy looked up at him. "O-Oh yeah. Just a little misunderstanding. You probably know that, right? Having lots of siblings. You probably have arguments with you're siblings all the time."

He nodded slowly. "Hey, Wendy, I-I have a question," he said.

Wendy suddenly felt a surge of, something, maybe feeling rush through her blood. "Yes, Oran?"

"Wendy, do you trust me?' He asked. He had his hand placed on her arm, around it gently. She felt her cheeks heat up a little, as he looked straight at her.

"Yes, Oran, I trust you."

"G-Good. . . Then, then I need to tell you something tomorrow." Oran replied. "A-At five o clock tomorrow. I'll see you later, Wendy."

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