LBW: Part One

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"Hey Wendy, by any chance do you believe in zombies?"

Pacifica looked up at Wendy, who was spinning around on the globe that was atop of the cash register. Just watching spin around and around constantly was not only making her feel dizzy, but it was making her feel rather disoriented and sick, too. She looked back down at the journal.

"You know what I do believe in?" Wendy said.

"What?" Pacifica asked.

"Us not sitting around and going and doing something awesome," Wendy replied.

Pacifica admitted, her sister was right. The day had seemed to be passing by so slowly that she actually felt her brain cells dying, if that was even possible. Though she doubted it was. The point was still clear though, she wanted to do so,etching to alleviate the boredom somewhat.

But what to do, was the question? There didn't seem to be much to do in Gravity Falls without driving, and she didn't want to approach her Great Uncle Fiddleford at the moment, since that would require going downstairs. Something in Pacifica told her that by her going downstairs he wouldn't be very happy.

Wendy had suggested monster hunting, but Pacifica had turned that one down. While she had been pouring over the journals for days she still didn't feel she had the experience needed yet. Plus, Wendy would want to fight something huge, whereas Pacifica preferred to start small, which would just cause arguments.

"Speaking of zombies, you know what would be cool?" Gideon asked, joining in on their conversation. Pacifica has almost forgotten he was there.

"What? A zombie karaoke party? A dance off with a bunch of zombies?" Wendy asked. "I can see zombies wearing tutus being hilarious."

"I don't think any of those would be cool if we had to experience them ourselves. . ." Pacifica said quietly.

"No, those weren't it," Gideon said, smiling. "What I was thinking was that a movie where a bunch of mutated creatures take in zombies, scary, but cool."

"That would be so awesome!" Wendy said. "I'd love to see that kind of zombie apocalypse action movie."

Pacifica noticed that Wendy, possibly deliberately left out the part that their parents didn't let them see those movies. Sometimes Pacifica didn't mind, other times Pacifica and Wendy agreed they should have more freedom to what they want to watch.

"That would be so awesome," Gideon said, looking back at the cash for a second.

At that moment, Candy walked into the room. She was holding the newspaper, her glasses peaked against her nose carefully. Her concentration shifted up to Gideon, Wendy, and Pacifica. "What would be awesome?"

"Nothing, Cands," Gideon said, smiling at her. "What's all in the paper?"

"Oh, the usual," Candy said, sitting down on a chair near the cash register. "There's usually nothing to report on, so when there is, it's all over every page."

What's all over every page?

Candy handed the paper over to Gideon for a second, who didn't take very long to skim through all the pages, and his face looked to not be very amused. In fact the expression looked to be somewhere between in thought and annoyed.

"He's even in the crosswords," Gideon said, handing the newspaper back to Candy.

He? Pacifica thought. Who's he?

"Crosswords?" Wendy said, bursting into the conversation. Pacifica felt slightly embarrassed. "I love crosswords. My family usually does them at breakfast together on the days we get the newspaper, although I'm not very good at them. Pacifica's pretty good, though. I'm much better at the word searches, I rock those every time."

Candy smiled at Wendy. "I used to do something similar when I was little, with my Grandma and Mother. I used to have a lot of fun."

What about her dad? She could assume perhaps her grandfather wasn't with her anymore, but what had happened with her dad? Pacifica didn't dare ask aloud, though, knowing how personal the question was and it was very rude to ask. Though she could help but wonder slightly about what exactly had happened.

"Cool!" Wendy said.

"Hey, may I see the newspaper?" Pacifica asked.

Candy nodded while smiling, about to hand the newspaper over to Pacifica. But there was the hum of someone on the television, so before she could, Wendy caught her attention.

"Pacifica! Let's go see if anything good is on!" Wendy said, pulling her sister's hand over to the television room, where their Great Uncle Fiddle was sat in the chair, watching the television. Both twins took seats in either side of Fiddleford, and proceeded to watch the person on the screen.

On great, more news, Pacifica thought. She noticed her great uncle didn't tend to watch a lot of television, but when he did, he often watched the news. Then again, not much else seemed to be broadcasted out here.

"Hello, and I'm Sasha Kimenez on with you at Good Morning, Gravity Falls!" The reporter woman, who Pacifica recognized as the same woman from the report show at the bus stop. "And today, we're are going to be giving you some of the insider scoop one the towns biggest news."

She swore she heard someone mutter that it was the only news, although she didn't ask who.

She camera shifted to a rather, oddly luxurious looking tent of a dark cover, symbols covering the tent that she couldn't make out, except for the very prominent star by what she assumed was the opening to the tent.

"Gravity Falls' soon to be biggest attraction's grand opening, The Tent o' Telepathy! That's right, folks, town's young teenage superstar Robbie Radiance is back once again, with his famous show, now here to preform in his very home town!"

At this moment, she saw a boy come out of the tent, who could only be their age or a little older, perhaps. He was dressed in a crisp and elegant way, although the suit did seem a little odd. He also had the most glaringly fake smile he had ever seen. In some way, it almost appeared taunting.

"And here he is now! Mister Radiance, we spoke yesterday you mentioned some of you're feelings on being back," she said.

He smiled again. "Yes, it feels very good to be back here."

She wasn't sure, but she definitely thought that the answer was slightly fabricated. She could almost say he was in fact, not happy to be here. Though she saw why a star like him wouldn't be.

"Amazing! And now that your tent is set up, you're soon to be all ready to go?" The reporter asked.

"Yes, tonight, I hope everyone in the town will be there to see his far I've come on my journey!" Robbie responded, his smile growing. It made Pacifica feel a little uncomfortable.

She could almost say his accent sounded odd, too. Not like Gideon's southern accent, which was a nice droll, his sounded strange, too high pitched.

"Well, I bet we're all looking forward to see your show! Any last words before you go onstage and preform for us tonight?" The reporter asked.

"I just want you all to know, I would love it if you," Robbie said, pausing and pointing at the camera for effect. "Came for the show tonight, good day, everyone."

Pacifica got a strange, eerie chill from that in her body.

"Thank you, Mister Radiance, now, we'll let you get back to your work, and we'll be back after these commercials, with some juicy gossip from the Northwest's on the latest gossip from the Ruby Gala!" The reporter said.

After the reporter stopped speaking, there was an immediate cut to commercials. "ARE YOU SICK OF PILES OF OWLS CONSTANTLY BLOCKING YOUR DRIVEWAY? WELL THEN YOU'VE GOT TO GET THE OWL TROWEL!"

Fiddleford turned off the television, before looking at the two girls and heading over to the gift shop.

"Robbie Radiance?" Wendy asked. "Who is he?"

The girls got back up and walked over to the gift shop, following their great uncle, and standing near the cash register.

"Robbie Radiance?" Candy said. "He's a boy who says he's a psychic. One of the most popular kids in town."

"A psychic! That's awesome!" Wendy exclaimed. "Do you think it's real?"

"Of course it's not," Gideon answered. His tone gave away that he was slightly annoyed, not at Wendy, but at something else. "Psychics aren't real. He must use something else, like camera or plants to get information from people."

Pacifica expected that, but Wendy still seemed excited about it.

"What if we're being spied on by Robbie right now?" She asked, putting an arm around Pacifica and waving her hand mystically for effect.

"We're probably not," Pacifica replied.

"Either way, we have to go!" Wendy said. "Finally, something to do! I've been waiting for this moment."

Pacifica had to admit, going to see a fake psychic wasn't her idea of fun, but she assumed it was better than sitting around doing nothing or washing the Archives of Mystery windows.

"What do you say, Grunkle Fiddleford?" Wendy asked, turning towards Fiddleford.

He paused before answering. His face looked stern. "No."

"Aw, but Grunkle Fiddleford! Please!" Wendy begged.

"Wendy, I'm not paying for you to go see some fake psychic, you guys are smart enough to figure out something else to do with your time than go see that show," Fiddleford said.

"Please?" Wendy said.

"No, and that's final. Now, I've got some, some w-work to do," Fiddleford said, sauntering away quickly and going back down into the basement.

Wendy sighed. She sat back atop of the globe, spinning around on top of it again.

"They're Mister Pines' greatest rival in town," Candy said quietly, but Pacifica heard and turned her head. Candy was holding a pamphlet, with Robbie's smiling face on the front. She was flipping it over, reading what was on it. "Maybe that's why he doesn't you guys going."

The room went silent for a minute, before Candy sighed again.

"Are you girls really bored?' Candy asked.

"As bored as bored can be," Wendy answered. Pacifica sighed.

Candy went quiet again for a minute. Pacifica assumed she was thinking.

"You know what, he might be Mister Pines' biggest rival, but you girls deserve some fun," Candy said. "I'll take you guys tonight."

"Candy-" Gideon cut in.

"I know, Gideon, you don't have to come," Candy said. "But you girls deserve to have some fun, because sometimes I wonder how much fun Mister Pines has had in his life. So yes, I'll take you."

Wendy stopped spinning on the globe, and looked at Candy, wide eyed. "Really! Thank you Candy!"

"Thank you, Candy," Pacifica said. Besides the fact she didn't really want to go, the fact she was going her great uncle's permission felt a little rebellious, and slightly fun.

"You're welcome," Candy said. "But you girls can't tell Mister Pines about this, or I'll be in big trouble."

"We won't, Candy!" Wendy exclaimed.

"Alright, but you need to get off the globe, or else I'm going to need to use that money to pay for that globe, instead."

Wendy hopped off the globe almost instantly, smiling and jumping slightly. "Isn't this awesome?"

Pacifica nodded, giving her sister a small smile, even if she didn't really feel super excited about the show.

While she was pretty sure that this Robbie fellow was pretty much just a fake, there was something else odd about him, and she couldn't see what. He just seemed creepy, and she couldn't get over that feeling ever since she saw his ad on television. Was it just her overreacting again? She was pretty sure Robbie wasn't a siren, or sprites, for that matter.

But what also boggled her, if he was from Gravity Falls and claimed to be magic, was he actually magic? If so, where was his source of magic? Was it just in him?

"Pacifica! Let's go do something cool until that happens!" Wendy said, pulling on her sister's arm and dragging her outside.

Pacifica shrugged slightly, but not at Wendy. She was probably just worrying too much again. Robbie probably knew nothing of the magic of Gravity Falls, and was probably just another fake psychics along with the line of others.

Or was he?

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