↳ 13. Lich and Jinx.

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───lich and jinx.

THE FETID AIR OF THE DUNGEON HUNG HEAVY, the stench of decay a constant reminder of the horrors that lurked within. Hyeon, his robes smoldering from a well-placed fireball moments before, dodged a swipe from a skeletal hand.

Sweat beaded on his brow, not just from exertion, but from the chilling aura that emanated from the monstrosity before him – a lich, its phylactery pulsing with an unholy light.

"You are a persistent whelp," the lich rasped, its voice like dry leaves scraping together. From its tattered cloak, a wave of necrotic energy erupted, aimed straight for Hyeon.

With a desperate cry, Hyeon slammed his palm into the ground, a glyph flaring to life. "[Earthen Bulwark]" A wall of stone rose from the earth, just in time to absorb the brunt of the attack. The wall crumbled with a groan, but it bought Hyeon a precious moment.

"Foolish mortal," the lich hissed. "My minions will tear you limb from limb!" From the shadows, several figures emerged – skeletal warriors, their eyes burning with an eerie blue flame. Hyeon gritted his teeth.

He weaved his fingers, muttering an incantation under his breath. "[Blinding Light]" A burst of radiance erupted from his hands, momentarily stunning the closest skeleton. With a surge of adrenaline, Hyeon lunged forward, a dagger materialized in his hand.

The dagger, imbued with enchantments, sank into the creature's ribcage with a satisfying crunch. But two more skeletons were upon him, their rusty swords glinting in the dim light.

Hyeon rolled away just as the blades slammed together where his head had been a moment before. Scrambling to his feet, he unleashed a torrent of fire, a desperate attempt to keep the undead horde at bay.

"[Burst of Flame]" The flames licked at the skeletal forms, blackening their bones, but they continued their relentless advance.

From the corner of his eye, Hyeon saw the lich raise a bony staff, its tip glowing with a malevolent green light. "[Siphon Life]" A tendril of dark energy lashed out, wrapping around Hyeon' arm.

His vision swam, his very life force being drained away. He screamed, digging his fingers into the earth, willing magic to flow through him.

With a burst of emerald light, he countered. "[Life Mend]" The green tendril sputtered and died, replaced by a wave of healing energy that coursed through his body.

He ripped a vial from his belt, its contents glowing faintly. This was a last resort – a potion of immense magical power, but with a heavy toll. He uncorked it and threw back his head, the potion burning a fiery path down his throat.

Power surged through him, raw and untamed. His eyes blazed with emerald fire. The lich, sensing the shift in power, screeched in outrage. The skeletons redoubled their efforts, their attacks a relentless storm of steel.

But Hyeon was a whirlwind of arcane fury. He unleashed spell after spell, a tempest of fire and earth. A skeleton shattered under a hail of stones conjured by "[Stone Shrapnel]".

Another was reduced to ash by a bolt of lightning from "[Storm's Fury]".

The tide of the battle began to turn. The remaining skeletons fell one by one, their empty sockets staring sightlessly at the ceiling. Hyeon, his breath ragged, his body screaming in protest from the potion's effects, turned his full attention to the lich.

The lich, its phylactery pulsing erratically, unleashed a wave of pure magical energy. Hyeon, fueled by desperation and the potion's power, met it head-on.

"[Force Shield]" A shimmering barrier erupted around him, deflecting the onslaught. The impact sent him flying backwards, slamming into the dungeon wall. He coughed, blood trickling down his chin, but his eyes remained fixed on the lich.

"You will pay for this," he rasped, his voice raw. With the last vestiges of his strength, he channeled all his remaining magic. The air crackled with raw power. The lich sensed the danger, its skeletal form trembling.

"[Imprisonment]" Hyeon roared. A blinding glyph, far larger and more complex than any he had ever attempted, slammed into the lich.

The lich shrieked, a sound that echoed through the dungeon, as it was encased in a sphere of shimmering energy. The sphere pulsed erratically, the lich's dark magic straining against its bonds.

Hyeon slumped to his knees, his body wracked with pain and exhaustion. While he was in the flood a sound from the system suddenly appeared with a message in front of him.

[You have leveled up!]

[You have leveled up!]

[You have leveled up!]

[You have leveled up!]

[You have leveled up!]

[You have leveled up!]

Player: Kim Hyeon

Class: Mage

Level: 65

He smiled in satisfaction. He then looked for his inventory and gulped down a restorative mana potion, its sweet, tangy flavor a mockery of his depleted state.

As the potion coursed through him, a wave of warmth spread through his battered body. A chime resonated within his mind, a sound he hadn't heard in what felt like an eternity.

He scanned the battlefield, taking stock.

The skeletons were all but dust, and the lich, trapped within its shimmering prison, writhed in impotent fury. But the phylactery, a black orb hovering near the lich's skeletal hand, remained unbroken.

Hyeon knew he had little time. The potion's effects wouldn't last forever, and the lich's magic could eventually wear down the prison. He needed to strike fast, and strike hard.

He channeled his magic once more, picturing the intricate glyphs of a powerful shattering spell he had only read about in ancient tomes.

"[Shatter]" A bolt of pure energy, laced with chaotic magic, erupted from his outstretched hand. It slammed into the phylactery with a deafening crack. The orb pulsed wildly, then shattered into a million pieces.

The lich let out a final, ear-splitting shriek before its form dissolved into dust.

After that he immediately exits in the dungeon.

The cool night air whipped at Hyeon's hair as he stood on the rooftop, the cityscape sprawling beneath him like a jeweled tapestry. Exhaustion gnawed at his bones, a souvenir from his day's harrowing adventure. He longed for the comfort of his bed, a steaming cup of chamomile tea the only companion he craved.

A mischievous glint lit his eyes. Who needed sleep when you could have a shortcut?

A smile tugged at his lips. He hadn't attempted this particular spell before, "[Dimensional Shift]" being an advanced teleportation technique. But after his recent battle with a lich, a little risk seemed insignificant.

He traced the intricate glyph with his finger, muttering the incantation under his breath.

The air crackled with arcane energy, swirling around him in a miniature maelstrom of shimmering light.

Suddenly, the world dissolved into a kaleidoscope of colors and swirling mist. Hyeon squeezed his eyes shut, a surge of nausea threatening to overwhelm him.

A disorienting moment later, the chaos subsided. He opened his eyes, blinking against the sudden brightness.

Success. He found himself standing in the familiar confines of his room, bathed in the warm glow of his bedside lamp.

Books were scattered across his desk. A satisfied sigh escaped his lips. No dramatic entrance through his window tonight.

Just then, a loud sound erupted from the direction of his closet. Hyeon whirled around, heart hammering in his chest. Had something followed him through the spell?

He cautiously approached the closet, his hand instinctively reaching for the dagger strapped to his thigh.

With a trembling hand, he flung open the door.

A ginger blur launched itself at him, a frantic meow echoing in the room. It was Jinx, his mischievous orange cat, fur ruffled and eyes wide.

Relief washed over Hyeon. "Jinx, you scared the life out of me!" he exclaimed, scooping up the purring feline. Jinx nuzzled against his cheek, a rumbling purr vibrating through his body.

Smiling, Hyeon sank onto his bed, Jinx curled up contentedly on his lap. Maybe a shortcut wasn't such a bad idea after all.

"Ahhh I'm so tired..."

He closed his eyes, the rhythmic purring of his cat a soothing lullaby, and drifted off to sleep, the memory of his adventure fading into a dream.

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