Chapter 2

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~~~your POV~~~
It was nice to talk to people. That are atually nice. I mean everyone at this vallage is soo nice. I will talk to Nicole a lot because she is like a sister to me. Then I sometimes talk to Laurence. But I always felt shadow knight magik coming off if him and I know he can fell mine, unifishy, and the kids shadow knight magik. So yeah and he is a major Casanova. Dante I just talk to him for when I make jokes or something funny. Then their is Garroth. When I talk to Garroth it is just. I don't know. It like I knew him before and the others.

I was with Uni at night. It normal kinda. It felt atually nice to be out of a place with fire every where
"(N/A) do you think they will find us." Unifishy ask stoping and looking at me
"I hope not. I like it here." I said stoping
"What about Laurence." She ask
"We got to talk about that.. I know everyone eals knows he a shadow knight... Half shadow knight. We are the same as Laurence." I said (you guys are haft ok not full and I know we died but I'm making us haft because I said so and I said soo)
"Yeah." Unifishy said loosely but sadness slipped out
"What Wrong.." I ask
"What happen if we never figure out are past.. Why can't we remember past. All I want is are past. That all I want." Unifishy said tearing up. I ran over to her and hug her
"I want the same Uni." I said.. I want to know my past but it never bother me. But it always bother Unifishy. Now I want to figure it out now
"Uni why don't we go to the neather and find little hint about are past." I said
"Let wait for a week... Of we go tomorrow they will know why.. Even Zane will know.. He is my only brother." Unifishy said.. I knew Zane was her only brother.
"I know honey bunch." I said. That always made Unifishy happy
"Thanks." Unifishy said smiling. We went back to walking and we bump in to Laurence
"Casanova we need to talk to you." Unifishy said. Unifishy had the first word so I step back
"What." Laurence said
"About earlier.... If you tell anyone that me, they kids, or (N/A) are shadow Knights.." Unifishy said
"So you guys are a shadow knight." Laurence said
"Do you have a deal and if some one knows I walking you up in my basement for a day." Unifishy said
"Ok." Laurence said
"Now we got out the big thing why you out here at night." I ask
"Need to get my mind off of stuff. Tell me why you guys are out here.. And not with your kids." Laurence ask
"The kids are sleeping and we need to do this before Zane and gene come back and get us." I said
"Yeah." Unifishy said
"Ok." Laurence said "wait so who is marry who."
"We aren't married we are boyfriends and girlfriends. But I have gene and (N/A) and is girlfriend to Zane my only bro Zane." Unifishy said. Laurence mumble something but I could not hear
"What." We both said
"Nothing." Laurence said. We talk and laugh for a while.. But I had to ask this question
"Unifishy when did we had a basement." I ask
"I dug it out yesterday... Now Don't go their k." Unifishy said
"Ok." Me and Laurence said. Sometimes Uni scared the fudge out of me

It was morning. I look at the time and see it was 7:40 it was normal for us to wake up at the time. I got clothes on and went down stairs and see Unifishy all ready dress. I grab ,y food and we talk like every morning
Probly going to have 600 words per chapter now to prevent writers block
Sorry if you hate me now
-Uni 🐠❤️

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