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~~~your POV~~~
Unifishy and I were the bests of friends. Even my "boyfriend" Zane yelled at me for no fudgen reason. Unifishy is their try to make me happy. We are shadow Knights. Uni and I don't have are past with us. And it make her mad. When we see somethings. That we are not soppose to see. Like the other day. We saw a picture of a brown hair girl playing around with a boy with blond hair. Then I saw a girl with (c/h) hair with a boy with sandy blond hair. We have kids. Unifishy kids name is Naminé and mine kid name is Jade.

Then one day Zane ran up to me, Unifishy, Naminé, and Jade. Unifishy gave them a nod and Jade and Naminé hid behind Unifishy.
"Guys we going to war with a village name waterdrop" Zane said
"WHAT NOOOOOOOOO." Unifishy yelled
"I'm with Unifishy here Zane." I said walking beside Unifishy
"I don't care. If you don't want to do it. You are doing it no matter what." Zane said walking off
"Why do we live this life." Unifishy said
"What was life before." I said. Then Naminé and Jade came out behind me and tag us. We chase them around as fun. All I wanted to know what was lyfe like before. We lost are past

~~~Nicole POV~~~
We live in waterdrop. Garroth, Laurence, and Dante was a gaurd. Aph and levin helped out the lord a lot. Lady key. She have long chocolate wavy hair, light blue eyes, dark and skinny, clear glasses, and put her hair was put in a ponytail in the back of her head. She all ways wear a short white dress, the bottoms of the dress is light blue, a lather belt, knee high boots, a ribbon that hold up her ponytail in the back, and the dress is sleevless. She have magik. It is crystal power. She can make stuff otta crystal. It really cool, she is one of the best lords ever. Then she have a magical cat that does not age and the cat name is whisker. Then Kawaii~Chan open a maid café. I don't know what I want to do. It amost been a year sencie Uni and (N/A) death. But they did do something I would have not done.

They days gone slower everyday. But one day Dante ask me out and I said sure. We went to the cafe and kawaii~chan gave us a couple cake. I sometime want to pull her tail so much. But I'm not that kind of friend
"So Dante how have been gaurd duty." I said trying not to think about them
"It has been good. But Garroth still sad. It almost a year and he is still sad." Dante said
"He have the rights to be sad. He lost his sister and his girlfriend. And his girlfriend was my twin." I said trying not to rage my voice
"True that." Dante said
"I wish they where here. I miss them so much." I thought to my self.
"So how is snowdrop." Dante ask
"She doing fine. It one of the only thing Garroth have of her sister." I said
"O." Dante said "How is the magik coming."
"Awesome." I said "Do you want me to show you."
"Sure." Dante said. So I made a snow cloud appear on top of Dante
"Aww it so cute." I said making snow fall down from the cloud
"It cold not cute." Dangers said shivering
"But it look cute." I said making a snow ball appear
"Why do you have a snowball in her hand." Dante said
"No reason." I said getting ready to throw the snowball
"I'm running now." Dante said trying to get up but he is still shivering. I laugh alittle and throw the snowball at him. He look so cute like that
"Please make the cloud go away." Dangers ask
"Ok." I said making the snow and cloud going away "You welcome"
"Thank you." Dante said. Me and Dante ate the cake. But we are not a big person with one spoon. So I made one out of ice. We ate the cake and walk out. Then lady key came running up to us
"Nicole, Dante we need you at the gates." Lady key said
"But I'm not a gaurd." I said
"Dante said you are strong." Lady key said. Dante blushed alittle bit
"Ok let go." I said. It was good I did not wear a dress. We ran to the gates and Laurence was looking at a girl with pastel pink hair. I walk up to him.
"What wrong." I ask
"They are shadow Knights." Laurence said
"O ok." I said. Then u felt a connection between me and a girl with pastel blue hair
"Laurence go to the gates now. Nicole you will be on top of the gates and everyone eals be ready." Lady key said. Then I saw Garroth looking at the girl with pastel pink hair. I remember that I can read minds. So I read his mind, and I was shock. He having the same connection I had with the girl that had pastel blue. Then I saw a guy with black hair and ice blue eyes. It was Zane
"Will will will is it he loser." Zane said
"We are not loser. We are a prowful ennof to take you done." Lady key said
"We can see that." Zane said "GAURDS NOW." Shadow knights came running in. But the girls with pastel pink hair and pastel blue hair. They grabbed two little girls. That I guess is their daughter and ran away. I look at Garroth and he had the same idea as me. So we ran after them. The more I got closer to the girl with pastel blue hair. The more the connection got stronger.

After awhil running after them. We all finally stop. The girls were hugging their daughter.
"Please don't hurt us." The one with pastel blue said
"We won't." Garroth said
"Ok." The pastel blue hair girl said
"What are your names."I ask
"I'm Unifishy and this is my daughter Naminé. And that girl with blue hair is (N/A) and that her daughter Jade." The girl said that say she unifishy. Wait did she just say Unifishy and (N/A).
Boom sequel and awesome cover. Took FUDGEN 4 hour to make. But hop you guys like and I will fix the part.
Love you all fishy 🦄
From one and only Unifishy 🐠

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