Six: Blue Violet

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Blue Violet–Watchfulness


Marshall sighed frustratedly, kicking a rock away from her.

"Marshall, what's wrong?" Her sister came from behind to stand beside her. "I got this feelin. Feels like I'm waitin for somethin, but I don't know what." Marshall answered in a heavy southern accent she'd picked up from living there so long.

"Sounds fun. Do you think we're waiting for a good thing?" Chelsea wondered curiously. She'd never developed a southern accent like her twin sister. "It don't make me feel sick to my stomach on top of my hatred for waitin, so I think so. Or at least, it won't hurt us." Marshall explained. Chelsea hummed.

"What do you think it'll be?" Chelsea asked. "Girls. I really want it to be girls." Marshall admitted truthfully. Her sister pushed her playfully and they both laughed. "I just want it to be people. People that don't suck. It's empty around here." Chelsea sighed.

"See, if it was just me and another pretty girl, it'd be loud out here and we'd probably die quickly after disturbin the dead." Marshall pointed out with a smirk. Chelsea pushed her again, to which the girl cackled louder. "Stop making terrible sex jokes, I've already heard all of them!" The younger complained.

They went inside and slept once the sun was down and their energy was low, hoping for something good to come to them.

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