Ten: Red Rose

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Red Rose–Love, I love you, respect, beauty

Sorry guys, I've been working on other stories that I haven't published yet for a while. I didn't have any inspiration for this fic for a long time, but it's back now! I hope you enjoy this short piece while I finish up the next chapter.


They were almost to the apartments and Rin saw someone stand up. Familiar brunette curls had him grinning wide and he waved excitedly.

Bon climbed down the giant pine tree as fast as he could and ran across the open field if overgrown grass. He picked Rin up and Rin wrapped his legs around Bon's waist. They kissed and nothing else mattered. Zombies could be flooding the field around them. Wild animals could be stampeding. A meteor could have hit the Earth and neither of them would care. All Rin needed was Bon in that moment.

Bon planted kisses all over his boyfriend's face, making the teen giggle. He planted his own kisses on Bon's jaw and clung to him until he had to climb back up the pine tree to get Sachi.

"Nah, it's fine. I'll get her." Kinzou told them, teaching a branch and pulling himself up. Rin hummed and laid his head on Bon's shoulder. "How hurt were you?" Bon wondered. "Pretty hurt. Shouldn't even be able to move right now, but y'know, apparently I heal really fast, so here I am. Oh, and Paku's dead. No clue how I'm gonna tell Izumo." He answered tiredly.

Bon snorted. "You need sleep. And I'm sure someone else can tell Izumo about Paku. We'll deal with your should-be injuries later since they're not bothering you too much right now." He suggested. "'Kay." Rin murmured. He was completely relaxed in Bon's arms and it was so nice to hold him so close like this. Even when his arms got tired, Bon didn't think he'd let Rin go.

Everyone was now on the ground with them, but Rin didn't address them.

Bon cleared his throat. "You wanna move out or find a place nearby to stay?" He asked his boyfriend. "I brought dinner." Rin answered, to which Shura snorted out a laugh. "There's plenty for everyone, too." Shiemi agreed.


Everyone was winding down or already asleep after dinner. They'd eaten every little piece of meat off that deer and now Shura was trying to cure the deer hide to make clothes or maybe a cloak. She claimed that the Amazon Women had taught her a few useful skills.

Izumo had cried over dinner when Bon told her about Paku. Rin had apologized, expecting slander for not burying the girl, but instead got a hug from the girl. "Thank you." She'd croaked. "For putting her down. And the flowers. I know you didn't really know her well." Rin had hesitantly hugged her back.

Now, Rin laid tucked into Bon's chest with the teen's arms around him. Izumo slept next to him, which was very new to him. Sachi and Tsukumo slept next to to Torako. Yukio and Kinzou slept snuggled together, as did Shima and Konekomeru. Shura and Shiemi slept next to Torako and the kids.

Rin wished he had a camera so he could preserve this moment. Everyone was full, everyone was back together, and everyone was sleeping peacefully like there was nothing to worry about.

Rin leaned up and planted a kiss on his boyfriend's lips and snuggled into him. Both Bon and Izumo held him tighter.

Out of his entire life, including Before, Rin thought this was his favorite day ever.

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