Chapter 12

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Jinx was alone in her space and struggling to calm down. She made continuous grunts and groans as she struggled to get to her desk to deal with her scarred leg as the memories of what happened replayed in her mind. She threw down her gun and threw herself into her seat. As she was by herself and feeling a bit overwhelmed of course that's when she started hearing Mylo chastise her.

'You lost them, both of them.'
Jinx let out a growl as she threw her hands from her head, "I didn't lose them! They took them!"

'They were both with that enforcer, they care about her.'
Jinx looked towards the mirror and only glared at its cracked and broken reflection while grabbing her head again trying to think better, "They were there for me!" She tapped her chest while making her point before grabbing her stapler gun off the table, "Vi came for me! not that enforcer."

'And Hayden?'
"S-she, she came for me too. I asked her to." She ran her hand down her face and closed her eyes tightly, hating the sting of betrayal she was denying.

'She worked with that enforcer. Remember her name?'
Jinx looked back at the mirror, her frustration growing at the question. "Why would I remember her name!" She grunted and moved back to actually deal with the cut on her leg, she gave herself the first staple and grunted deeply.

"Well, she's just some stupid topsider!" She stapled herself again and let out a groan in pain before she checked the mirror again, the cracked reflection not changing and only mocking her. She growled before her next staple and even let out a little laugh then another staple before she started panting as she was almost finished. Her pants slowly turned into her thinking as it finally clicked to her.

"Caitlyn." She took the last staple before she started to cackle this time, much louder and way less stable. Once she stopped she leaned back in her chair, just sitting there numbly until she heard a familiar noise. She opened her eyes and saw a firefly going around, she stared lazily as she aimed her fingers at it before pretending to shoot it, "Pow."


(This would start after Ekko integrated both Vi and Caitlyn. He kept them in a separate room from Hayden.)

She could tell when she was being moved from one area to another which wasn't too far away, but once they got there she was sat down in a chair. She still didn't resist or talk while she felt the people around her tie her to it before the bag was pulled off and she let out a small noise and squinted from the sudden light.

Hayden had been quiet since she was taken, unlike usual. She just couldn't process everything that was happening. One second they were with Jinx and were reuniting with Caitlyn and Vi, the next they were fighting people she didn't even know! She heard of the firelights from some reports but she had never been in an actual conflict with them. Then again they were from the undercity, and she was currently in the undercity. She guessed she should've expected something like that sooner or later.

"Why were you with Jinx?" A white-haired man was glaring at her but she couldn't help but let her eyes travel her surroundings and she saw that both Caitlyn and Vi were there as well. Vi also seemed to be glaring but Cait looked worried, Hayden couldn't even guess what was going through her partner's head at the moment.

"She was helping me." At that, the man gave a scoff his glare darkened making her look away, unsure what she said wrong. "It's true!"

"She sure helped you a lot, not only did she drag you around the undercity, you both were in the last drop a while, and those are her clothes correct?" Hayden glanced down at her outfit, just remembering she wasn't actually wearing her uniform and she bit her lip, she really wasn't sure about anything that was happening, but Caitlyn was here and it was probably best to stay as honest as possible.

"They are. I asked for clothes to replace my uniform, I was worried about people's reception to me."

"Oh yeah, because being seen around with Jinx is so much better..." The man seemed bent on antagonizing her so Hayden looked back at him before giving her own glare back, it wasn't very intense but she just wanted to make a point.

"Listen, I'm not sure what you know or don't know, but if you ask me questions and want me to answer, stop going against everything I say. I'm not lying, I just want to get out of this situation as soon as possible."

This time Vi let out a sigh before walking up to the young man. "She's right, you need to give her a chance." The guy rolled his eyes before Vi tilted her head towards Hayden and he just nodded. Then Vi was the one standing in front of her to ask questions.

"Weren't you and Caitlyn down here looking for Jinx because she was the criminal you wanted to find?"

Hayden couldn't help it as she looked away again feeling guilty, "Yes."

"Then why were you guys together like that? Why didn't you come find us once you knew you had her?"

Hayden couldn't stop herself from feeling defensive, "I didn't know she was the one we were looking for at first! I didn't! I was lost and I had found her and asked for help. She only agreed after she realized that I couldn't hurt her and that I was alone and scared! She had even promised to help me find my partner."

"And when you found out?"

Hayden's head dropped to the ground and she wouldn't lift it again.

"When did you find out?" Caitlyn asked and she felt even worse, knowing that Caitlyn was depending on her and she let her down, but she couldn't help it. Jinx made her feel different and she liked being around the girl... but that didn't change the fact that she was a criminal.

"I knew when I saw her spray-painted designs on all of her stuff, I just refused to believe it. She... was nice to me, I didn't want to lose that."

It was quiet again.

"This... Isn't her fault, she isn't usually around others often and she let her emotions get the best of her-"

Hayden grit her teeth at Caitlyn's defense of her, it hurt hearing her partner speak about her like that, and she couldn't help the swell of bitterness that started but soon died out right in her chest. Caitlyn wanted to help, she didn't want her to be seen as an accomplice or charged with fraternizing with a criminal. But she couldn't help but think about Jinx, the girl who specifically told her that she didn't have to worry about her habits when she was with her, who didn't seem to judge her awkwardness when it came to her. Why was Jinx so... confusing.

"No matter how you look at it she has some connection to Jinx. We can use her to-"

"Absolutely not, she's my partner!"

"Well she's the only leverage we have! Besides, I don't trust her!"

"She's a person, not leverage for you to use against a murderer!"

"She seemed pretty cozy with said murderer to me!"

"Enough!" Vi silenced them both before looking down at Hayden who stayed quiet and didn't lift her head at all.

"We'll just take her home. She doesn't need to be caught up in all of this. Before you take the gem to your council friend, just drop her off, and she won't be a problem right?"

"That's... true..." Caitlyn mumbled and Hayden felt her eyes burn, she came down here for her and now Cait wants to abandon her? Just because she asked Jinx for help? How was that fair? Was this truly their limit? The point when she finally got fed up with her and would move on while leaving her behind?

"Fine." The man grunted before walking out the door, "I'll be waiting to head out."

Vi walked over to finally untie her while Caitlyn stood in front of her. "I don't know what you've been through, but I think it's best you forget all about this..." Vi mumbled once she finished and Hayden raised her head to look at Caitlyn who only sighed.

"I shouldn't have brought you down here, I'm so sorry." Was it possible for her heart to break more? She quickly rubbed her eyes to stop any tears from falling while Cait bit her lip before Vi nudged her for them to come on.

"I understand." She mumbled before following the two ahead of her, she wouldn't even be given the chance to say bye to Jinx, and that made all of this feel even worse. Jinx didn't deserve that.

A/N: Moments that are basically exactly the same as the show (like Vi and Caitlyn's interrogations and Jinx confronting Silco) won't be re-written. If they aren't included that means they basically happened the same way they did in canon. Hopefully you watched the show before starting this...

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