Chapter 15

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Jinx suddenly stopped working and just sat in her chair silently for a few moments which made Hayden start to worry. She got up to approach her before the other girl started laughing, and it didn't sound stable at all, she sounded like she was in pain. She watched as she shook her head while slowly calming down before pushing herself away from the table suddenly.

"J-jinx?" She called to her and the other girl dropped whatever was in her hand before turning to face her.

"Sweetheart, I have a request..." She started before coming toward her. Hayden's eyes traveled to the desk the other was just at and she could see the rocket-like weapon that was just lying there. Once she looked back at Jinx she couldn't hide her suspicion, but she also couldn't help how her eyes softened when Jinx looked so hopeful.

"Help me, please? You're someone I can trust, right? I can trust you right?"

Hayden could feel her judgment clouding the more she just stared at the blue-haired girl. The only person who actually had any understanding of her beyond just tolerating her. Jinx made her happy, in a way she never experienced before and probably would never experience again.

"I'll help you." It was a quiet declaration and it felt like her mouth moved on its own but she couldn't bring herself to care as she watched relief flood into her 'friend's' eyes as she was then handed a blindfold that she didn't even notice the other girl holding.

"Can you trust me too?"

It felt strange to hear the question again, but in what felt like a much different context than the first time. She took a deep breath and gave a small nod before she carefully took the blindfold and put it on with Jinx's help.


"Yeah, lovely?"

While she flushed lightly she didn't let herself get distracted, "Please don't be too reckless." This all felt like she had it planned, and while she was taking it upon herself to trust Jinx she also knew that she had no idea of what was going to happen, and obviously Jinx didn't want her to know either, so it probably wasn't good.

She couldn't see it, the way that Jinx's eyes narrowed and a shadow seemed to overtake her face. She walked closer to her and wrapped her arms around her in a deep hug before speaking in her ear.

"I just need to handle a problem." Hayden couldn't stop the shiver that she felt go through her, which made her face heat up but she could only offer a slow nod in response.


"Wait here for me alright? I'll come and get you once I set a few things up." She slowly started to pull away and Hayden's eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"Then why do I need to keep the blindfold on?"

"It's better this way, okay? You still trust me right?" Jinx's voice was soft, she was already sure of the answer she would get this time. It was obvious since they just went over it.

"Y-yea, I do."

"Great. You might be the only one..." The last part was mumbled and just made Hayden feel even more guilty about everything, even though she wasn't the cause of Jinx's mistrust, she still had to be a part of it.


"Jinx, Jinx what is this?" Silco demanded while looking around for the girl, he was tied to a chair so he couldn't move.

"Be quiet, you're a guest." It was whispered in his ear, and before he could turn to look in her direction a gag was quickly tied to his mouth making his eyes widen and then narrow in confusion when his daughter walked in front of her.

"Not everything will always go the way you expect it to..." She sneered before she started to work around him, only allowing him to watch as she set the table around him. He took note of the dolls and decorations but he knew nothing would happen unless Jinx unbound him so he stayed still. At least until Jinx left and brought in a blindfolded Hayden and carefully lead her to one of the empty seats that was decorated in splatters of paint and a few hearts and her name.

His eyebrows furrowed as he tried to speak through the gag but all that came out were muffles.

"J-Jinx, what was that?" The enforcer asked but said girl only shushed her quickly and helped her slowly sit down in the chair.

"Nothing to worry about babe, just part of the problem I was talking about earlier." Her words didn't seem to help Hayden calm down as she still seemed tense but she nodded nonetheless.

"Everything's almost done! I just need to get one more person. I'll be back, don't go anywhere okay?" Jinx let out a chuckle before she left a chaste kiss on Hayden's cheek making the girl gasp and turn quickly to the direction that she heard the other leaving from.

Silco could do nothing but stare in disbelief as the girl he saw as a daughter left them there. The enforcer wasn't even binded in anyway, the only part of her that was restricted was a piece of cloth covering her eyes, which she could easily take off. He was sure she would do so almost immediately. But after a few minutes she didn't remove it.

The girl stayed in the chair and while she did squirm around and at times reach towards her face, she would just as quickly drop her hands back to her sides or try to fold them to keep them still. At times he even heard her muttering to herself that everything was fine and that Jinx would be back soon.

His surprise over the girl faded once Jinx finally re-entered after some time, carrying her sister on her back with ease, most likely due to the shimmer. She placed her down at the other end of the table and then proceeded to tie her there.

"Jinx? Is that you?"

Jinx didn't answer for a few seconds, caught up into her task, but then her head turned and she seemed to be listening to something else before she then looked at the still squirming enforcer and let out a soft sigh before walking over and placing a hand on the girl's cheek while looking at her fondly.

"Yeah, it's me. Everything's okay, don't worry... Guess what! My problem is almost over! I-I'll solve it tonight, I'm sure of it... I'm so sure..." Jinx trailed off before she clenched her teeth, seemingly in annoyance at whatever she was hearing this time. "Shut up." She growled lowly and Hayden put extra effort to not flinch at how close it was.

"T-that's good then. Can I take off the blindfold yet?" Her hands raised to reach for the tie, but Jinx's eyes widened and she quickly pulled both of them back down.

"No!" Her eyes had flashed pink but of course Hayden couldn't tell, but her expression obviously showed how scared she was anyway.

"I-I... I-I'm sorry sweetheart, I didn't mean to yell. Please leave it on for a little while longer? Actually..." Jinx bit her lip as she pulled her hands away and then grabbed a piece of fabric she set aside just incase.

"Could I cover your mouth too?"

"W-what? I-I don't think that I-"

"Only for a while! And if you really need to I won't stop you from taking either of them off... I just ask that you wait until I tell you too." It was silent for a few moments, before Hayden finally nodded.

Why was she so inclined to give in? Everything about this situation seemed wrong. Especially knowing there were others here too, were they also blindfolded and gagged? What was Jinx planning? Did it have anything to do with that weird rocket thing she was making before?

She had so many questions, but as she felt her blue-haired companion slowly and gently tying the fabric across her mouth she knew they wouldn't be getting answered anytime soon.

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