Chapter 9

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Jinx moved a lot faster than she did the night before as she dragged the young enforcer around. They seemed to get to a place called "The Last Drop," when Jinx gave her a grin, and Hayden would've been lying if she said she wasn't concerned.

It was fast, much faster than she could process, but Jinx dragged her inside of the building and then across the room to the bar and sat down. Hayden was a bit too disoriented to sit down as fast as the other so she just stood behind her for a few seconds.

"Chuck!" The other guy was just as surprised as Hayden if his gasp was anything to go by. Then to Hayden's surprise, she pulled out the hex gem and started rolling it around on the table. She then glanced back at her and the seat next to her. Hayden blinked before she sat down slowly and turned back to the 'Chuck' guy who was looking between them nervously.

"Thieram, uh, my name's Thieram."

"Nice try Chuck." She then gestured for her usual drink but two instead of one, which made him glance at Hayden who was just watching him. He didn't have the nerve to ask who she was so instead he just focused on making the drinks.

As he poured Jinx started with her questions, "What's all the hubbub?"

Hayden wondered what she was talking about, but she couldn't help but think about the several times Jinx would stop to look around at certain places or groups of people on their way here. Hayden didn't know where they were going so she didn't question anything, but thinking back, it was a bit curious.

"Uh. Boss wants us to grab someone up." He answered nervously and Hayden's eyes narrowed at him while Jinx stayed casual and continued playing with the gem.

"Someone? Anyone? Who are you grabbing?" As she asked he set the first drink in front of her before working on the next one.

"Some girls. I mean, I mean not... I'm not grabbing girls. Oh, other than the... those ones... I guess." He worked quick and soon there was another in front of Hayden, though she looked at it a bit confused. Was it alcoholic? Jinx didn't seem the type, but she couldn't be sure.

"Focus. Who are they? Why wasn't I invited to the party?" As she asked she played with the gem and Hayden could see her drop it in her drink. She couldn't help but be reminded of Caitlyn and Jayce both rambling about how important and significant the gem was, and yet to see Jinx just playing with it like a toy, it was different for her. It wasn't like she had a significant attachment to it, honestly, she was more interested in seeing what else her companion would do with it.

"Uh, I don't know. They... they got in a fight with Sevika. They did a number on her." At the mention of a fight with 'Sevika,' Jinx did look intrigued and Hayden watched her a bit more than him. She then lifted the gem from her drink with her straw before dropping it in again.

"Oh really? Which number?" It was obvious that she was just messing with him, and while a part of her thought it was rude, she also couldn't help but enjoy it. She smiled before finally taking a sip of her drink, which turned out to be some kind of juice to her luck.

She missed the way Jinx grinned when she saw her smile.

"It's like a saying... " Hayden couldn't help but give a small giggle though she tried to hide it with a light cough, though she knew it did nothing.

He wasn't ready when Jinx suddenly pulled him into a hug, but Hayden didn't miss the way she quickly strapped something to his back, "You're doing great, Chuck. Here, for your troubles."

She then started to walk away but then grabbed her drink with one hand and Hayden's hand with the other to pull her along. Hayden watched with wide eyes as she saw the bomb, but before she could question the other girl it went off, and luckily (for her sanity at least) it was only a paint bomb. She let out a sigh before she casually let herself be dragged upstairs.

"Hey sweetheart, I need to find out some information, do you mind?" Jinx asked her once they reached the top, and Hayden shook her head no, it wasn't like she knew what they were doing anyway. Jinx grinned before she proceeded to pull her into a dark and spacious-looking office. The first thing she noticed though, was all of the familiar drawings around and on almost everything.

"Great! Now I need you to copy me alright?" She asked and then she pulled her to a wall where there was a low hanging support beam and then she watched as Jinx pulled herself up with ease and then maneuvered her way up until she was high up and above the desk.

Hayden's eyes widened. She wasn't sure if she could, but she definitely wanted to try. She moved much slower than Jinx, but she did copy most of her moves correctly. Though when she finally reached the top where Jinx was the other girl just grinned and patted the spot next to her. Hayden was careful as she scooted over and once she was settled she couldn't help but admire all the doodles and art around her.

"I need you to stay up here and be as quiet as possible. Can you do that?" When she asked Hayden automatically looked down at the desk below them. It wasn't that she was afraid, but she wasn't the best at this type of thing.


"Well, I need answers to my questions, and Silco isn't exactly here at the moment, so I'll just wait. Someone will come here eventually." She did have a point.

"I'm not the best at being still, you know."

Jinx tilted her head and grinned, "I suspected as much anyway, it's fine for now, but I'm assuming you'll know when you should." After that Hayden watched as Jinx jumped down with a conflicted face. She didn't understand but she would trust her when she said she would know, and hopefully, if she didn't then Jinx wouldn't blame her.

"Oh!" She watched as Jinx started rummaging through a few drawers in the desk before she pulled out two metal gas masks. Hayden furrowed her eyebrow but had no time to ask before the blue-haired girl threw one up at her. Her reflexes kicked in as soon as it came flying towards her face so she could catch it but she then looked back at Jinx with wide eyes.

The other girl was looking up at her with a grin, "Look at that, I guess there is something you can do after all." It was a joke, Hayden could tell it was a joke, but that didn't stop her mouth from dropping in shock. While she's dealt with insults before it gave an entirely different feel coming from Jinx, and it wasn't even a bad one, she didn't know how to describe it.

"That's a new look, it suits you."

Hayden immediately closed her mouth and her eyes so she didn't have to see whatever expression the teasing girl was making. Her body heated up and she wrapped her arms around herself as she thought. Is this what friends are really like? Because this was embarrassing! And yet... She peeked down at the other who was still smiling up at her with her feet now resting on the desk like she owned the entire office.

And yet she couldn't help but hope she could enjoy this feeling more. Being close enough to someone that they wanted to tease her? Being able to share vulnerable parts of herself? Getting to see so many new things without being scolded for her curiosity? Things she had never done before she could do with Jinx.

A part of her, not even that far down, hoped that they could stay together. Even if Jinx worked for Silco, it wasn't like she had seen her do anything really bad right? Maybe she was just a low priority thug... though she really didn't give off that kind of feeling, she seemed like someone close to him. Was it wrong to feel this way? To deny the facts staring her in the face? She saw the gadgets in her hangout, she saw all of Jinx's scribbles and art everywhere. They're even all over the bars she was sitting on and the gas mask in her hand. But she didn't want to acknowledge it, she didn't want to think about what they implied. Because if she did, would she be able to stay with Jinx? How would she face Caitlyn? Or even go back to work?

Everything in her mind was getting so muddled and it was all because of a random girl she met in the undercity.

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