Kidnapped Part 1 (SS)

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This is just one of who knows how many side stories I'll make for this series.

Jinx stared through a window at the girl she'd been looking for over the past 3 days. At first, she assumed Hayden had gotten lost, she wasn't sure how that would've happened, but she searched the entire undercity and couldn't find her partner anywhere. But when she started questioning people, she soon found out that Hayden was taken. The people she asked said she went willingly but Jinx didn't believe that. She couldn't. Hayden wouldn't just leave her.

And the proof was right in front of her, Hayden was staring at the wall in front of her while continuously going through different emotions, shifting from nothing to sadness, to anger, and starting over again in a cycle. That's not how someone reacts after willingly going somewhere.

She took a breath before creaking open the window and that was all it took for Hayden's head to snap in her direction and her hand went to her side, only for her to stiffen when she realized she didn't have a gun. Jinx's eyes shifted around the room as she let the other girl process the fact that it was her as she climbed inside. It was extremely simple and plain.... And she didn't have any weapons there. How was she supposed to protect herself if someone dangerous came in? 

"How have you been sweetheart?" As soon as the question was asked Hayden had already ran across the room and threw herself into a hug. Jinx chuckled and wrapped her arms around her as well. She knew her partner wouldn't have just left her. A smile took over her face as she gave her a few small pats on the back before pulling away.

"Alright, now who do we have to deal with for taking you away? I know you're probably exhausted so I have a few ways to handle this fast. In fact I brought-" her hand reached to her side only for Hayden to grab it and shake her head.

"Wait Jinx-" the blue-haired girl stared at her in confusion, "They're my parents." Her expression didn't change.

"So? They took you away Hayden. They need to know they can't mess with you or us." Her eyes hardened as she reached into her side bag and pulled out the personalized gun she had designed for the ex-enforcer a while ago.

"Here, now if we move fast-" She had gone to hand the weapon to Hayden but the other girl simply let it slip from her hands, she didn't make any attempt to grip it. That immediately stopped Jinx because the girl always was careful with gifts from her. She called them all special. So then why?

"J-Jinx... you aren't expecting me to-to..."

The taller girl slowly bent down to pick up the weapon before pushing it into Hayden's chest more firmly, and the girl grasped it but more out of shock than anything else.

"Like I was saying-" she tried to move on but Hayden only stiffly shook her head.



"I'm not killing my parents, I-I can't! You know they aren't terrible people they just-"

"They took you away from me!?"

"I came back myself! Someone told me they wanted me so... so I came back and..."

Hayden felt so guilty and couldn't keep her voice up as she saw Jinx visibly flinch at the admission. The girl took a few steps back to be closer to the window.

"W-what?" Her voice was quiet and vulnerable which made Hayden immediately shake her head again.

"I wasn't supposed to stay! I was gonna explain to them I was fine and-and happy with you but they just think I'm wrong and can't think for myself, just like before and I-"

"So why can't I kill them!" Her voice cracked with the scream and Hayden's head snapped to the door. Did they hear that yell? Did they hear the arguing already? Did they call enforcers?

"Jinx they're my parents!"

"So you're fine with them keeping you here and keeping you away from me? Or-or is that what this is about already?" Hayden stared at her confused but Jinx grabbed her wrists to pull them closer face to face, so Hayden could see the fear and anger in her pink eyes.

"Is this your way of getting away from me? Would you rather stay here with them than stay would me? It's all just an excuse isn't it!" Her breathing picked up and Hayden tried to pull away while gathering her quickly shifting thoughts to keep up with Jinx. This had to be the voices right? Jinx didn't actually think she would just-

"P-please, Jinx, it hurts." She didn't want to say it but it was true. Her voice came out in a weak whine, but it was enough to have Jinx's eyes go wide and her to let go immediately and pull back. By this point, she had already moved back so much that she bumped against the window. Hayden didn't get a moment to say anything else before Jinx practically jumped out of her room, obviously the shimmer in her veins attributed to her ridiculous speed while doing so.

Hayden slowly sat down on the floor where she was standing, not even bothering to look at her wrist which had definitely bruised at least slightly. She could only focus on the tight feeling in her chest. One she hadn't felt in a while. Jinx left her there. She was alone again. That thought was all it took for her eyes to start watering again, and it only took a few seconds before she started to sob.

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