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We jump in the car and drive off to the studio for my juice box commercial. Tommy was not hear, we left him at home with the baby sitter in case he made I lot of noise, we didn't want him messing up the commercial. We were diving, all the sudden there was a scream, Ken look out, Claire yelled from the passengers seat. I instantly slammed on the brakes and hit the guy in front of me, our car was damaged but no one was hurt, that was good. All the sudden, I see another car coming toads the side of the car, the side that Amanda sits on. Amanda cover your face. I put one arm up over my face, I didn't know what was going to happened but mommy always knows what's best for me so I just listened. I instenly see police cars at the crash seen, someone must have called 911. The car hits the side of our car and glass goes ever where, I hear a loud screen coming from the back seat, it was Amanda. Amanda are you OK? I look down at her arm, blood and prices of glass were sticking and stabbing her in the arm, she was in lots of pain. Ken, run and get the ambulance, I'll stay with Amanda. I ran out of that car and rushed to the first police, nurse or doctor I saw. Amanda stop look at me, it's going to be OK, is anything else hurt. She Pont's to hear head and the side of her stomach. It will be OK, she starts to screen even louder, I try taking the glass out of her arm, but I didn't want to risk getting hurt and it was stuck in there, deep so I stopped. I did not know where Ken was and I couldn't wait any longer, I opened the door and lifted her out of the car. Hello, hello anyone please help Ken screamed, louder then he ever did. Hi, please help your a nurse right? Ya, were you the guys in the accident? Yes mama, its my little girl, a car hit the side of our car, the side she sits on and glass shattered ever  everywhere, prices of glass were sticking in her arm. where is she now? Ken, hear she is. This is Amanda, please help my little girl she's hurt. The nurse runs to three other people. Please, she was in the acsednt, get out the stretcher and put her on it, I will drive the car. I need you to head home and get her birth sertificit, and medical info and if she sleeps with any special stuffy animal or blanket bring that to because she will be staying there for awhile. Plus I will pay for any of the damages done to your car and I need someone to come with me to the hospital, keep her company. OK Ken I will stay with Amanda and you go home and get her some things. Great, stay strong my little princes. I jump in the back if the ambulance wile Ken goes home to get her stuff. I quietly sing her favorite song that always calms her down, well at least when she was a baby it did. The song I sang was American Dream by MTKO, Max and Savanna Outen. I start singing. We broke down tried to leave town waiten on the world to change, we were born to run Cali hear we come, escape from no where USA. She insanely stops screaming and everyone in the ambulance car tells me what a great singer I am. When I was a kid about six years old, just a little bit older then Amanda, my mom put me in singing lessons and I loved it.


We were almost at the hospital just ten minuets left. So my wife was bringing are little daughter to the hospital and I called the baby sitter and expanded to her what had happened. I found all her medical papers and her birth certificate. I then went in to her room to find her blanket it was yellow and purple, two of her favorite colors, she loved yellow. It had two little baby foot prints and on it, it said, thank you God for sending this presses little girl in our life, she is truly a gift form you and we will treasure are princes for ever. I pick up her blanket and I brought her favorite stuff animal mister Kibbles the blue and white spotted dog she got for her first birthday. Now I head of to meant them at the hospital. So we finally arrived at the hospital, I was not allowed to go back with her, I was to wait In the waiting room. Back in surgery. We laded her on the table, we put her asleep so she wouldn't fell a thing. We took are teaser like things and slowly took out all the glass that was still in her arm, she had a big scratch and her arm was going to be in a cast for about a month or longer. She was complaining that her head and side was hearting. I saw there was some glass in her hair and we took a exray of both. Her head has a tinny bump on it and her side, there was tinny scratches but her arm was hurt the most. We went back into the waiting room to find her parents. Mister and Misses Crystal? That's us, is are little girl going to be OK? Well her arm is really hurt and will need to wear a cast on her arm for her arm for a month or more, her head got a small bump on it and was tinny price of glass that we had to get out of her hair, and her side has small scratches on them, she should be OK but she must stay in the hospital at least over night, just to make sure she's OK. Would u like to come see her? Yes please. We walk down a long hall way as we follow the doctor and open the door to her room. She was just waking up as we were coming in. Hello baby girl, its mom and dad. We brought you your blanket and your dog. Thank you. It hurts, Mommy, make the pain go away please. I know, let's talk to God about it, he will make it all better. Dear heavenly father I come to you, my little girl Amanda she is hurting and she needs your help, make her heal and get better, make her pain go away, we all love you and I know that you are hear to help our little princess, we love you more then ever and that I why we come to ask for your help, you help us make it all better, thank you, Amen:)

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