First addition:)

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So I was sitting at home on the couch with my arm propped up on the couch, it has now been in a cast for two weeks. My mom was sitting on the couch reading her book, I was watching sesame street on the TV. My favorite character was Elmo. Mommy I say, my arm still hurts. I know baby, in two more weeks you get to take it off. Ha Ha, I continue to laugh at the TV. I hear the phone ring and my mom picks it up.

Hello? She says in to the phone. Excellent, is this Misses Crystal? This is her, who may I ask is calling please. This is Miss Jess, I was the girl that you meat in the park, I was wondering If Amanda was felling any better? Is she ready to come in for her addition, all she has to do is sing a song of her choice and then we will pick ten winners to be in the video. Ok, her arm is still in a cast and it hurts a little but I will bring her in today, what time? Can you have her in today at 11:30? That's a perfect time, see you then. Thanks so much by.

Amanda get up sweetie, Miss Jess, the girl that we meet she just called. She told me that your coming in for a addition in an hour, you just have to sing a song of there choice. Then next week they will be picking ten lucky winners age 3-6 to be in there music video. Yah, I'm a great singer, so were going. Ya, go in your room and go get ready and pick out a song. Ok thank you. No running please you don't want to get hurt any more. Ok, sorry mommy. I walk slowly back to my room so I have some time to practice and get ready. 

I walk into my room, Tommy was still sleeping so I had to be quit. He sleeps in my room now if I didn't tell you. I turn on my moms laptop that she let me borrow and search up YouTube and find a song I should sing. Then it hit me I was going to sing the song that I sang to Tommy to make him fall asleep, crazy by Shawn Mendes. I play the song on YouTube and start singing it. I hear Tommy waking up, crying very loud. I start singing his favorite song. Think I don't need a watch to tell the time, think I don't need the sun to help me shine, think I don't  need a girl to be alright, guess I didn't know... That I didn't need shoes on my feet, I didn't need a bed to fall asleep, that I didn't need love to be complete, Guess I didn't know. As I finished singing, looking down at Tommy he had a big smile on his face he always loved my singer and quickly drifted of to sleep. I continue to practice some more, I needed to be in the top ten kids that made in the music video, this required a lot of work from me. I quickly got ready because it would soon be time to go. I put on my new dress that Mommy had bought me it was green with tinny yellow butterflies on it. I walk out of my room. Mommy how do I look. Oh, my princess. She picks me up and gives me a big hug. You ready to go. I shake my head yes. We grab Tommy and get into the car.

We head out to the car. First mom buckles up tommy into his car seat, he almost six month already man time went fast. She then comes over to me and buckles me in my training booster seat. It was a baby seat but I was still to little for a regular booster so they call it a training booster seat. She buckles me in and we head off to the addition. We finally arrive and I jump right out. we head in side and wait about fifteen minuets till they call my name. Amanda, will you come back now.

Go ahead baby girl, do your best. I head back to my addition, I was a little scared. So please tell me your name, age, what song you are going to sing and if you have any reason for choosing this song. Please don't be scared and speak loud and clear. My name is Amanda Crystal, I am four years old and I will be singing crazy by Shawn Mendes. This song is very important to me because when my baby bother was Tommy was born I was afraid that Mommy and Daddy wouldn't have any time to spend with me any more. I felt alone, I heard this song and I fell in love, I would listen to it almost every night to fall asleep. Then Tommy moved into my room when he was four month he is now six. One night he was in his crib and I was sleeping in my bed. I heard a faint high pitch noise coming from his crib. I go over to his bed and stand above it so I can see him. Tommy are you ok? His eyes were still closed but he was crying and he was tossing and turning. I tried to think what can I do to make him stop crying so he wont wake mom and dad, I can do this. I started singing this song to him and everything was better. Now when he is crying or upset I just sing this song and it makes everything better. Wow thank you Amanda you are one lucky girl, start singing whenever your ready. I start to sing I was very nevus. Remember I am only four years old so what did I expect. I herd Tommy crying, mom comes into the addition, sorry to interrupt but Tommy wants you. Not a problem at all work your magic Amanda, will you sing the song to him. I start singing and he stops cry after ten seconds of me singing.

Wow fantastic job you did. Will talk it over and call in one week to see if you got the job thanks so much. We walk out the door and head over to pizza hut were daddy was going to meet us all at work. I walk into the restaurant and run to daddy. Daddy. Hi princess how are you? Did you addition go good. ya, they said I did a very nice job. They will call her in one week to see if she will be part of the top ten that gets to be in the music video. Well insist that exciting. I know and I'm going to win, I brag. We all take a set and order are food because I was very hungry. Tommy was just starting to talk a little. He said ma ma and da da just last week. At first I thought that having a baby brother was a terrible idea but then I found out that I really love him and I could not live without him in my life. I would not trade him for the world. He quietly drifted of to sleep and I kiss his soft little head. I love you little bro but don't grow up to fast.

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