Bringing Out The Dead

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"Katherine took you on a shopping spree?! These outfits will look so amazing on you!" Caroline squeals, making Ariel roll her eyes. "...She got you Gucci?!"

"Yep and there's Chanel for you. It's in those bags over there." Caroline squeals even louder causing Ariel to cover her ears. "Okay before you explode from excitement, didn't you say you were going to check up on Bill?"

Caroline sighs. "Are you still angry with him? He's in the hospital, can't you feel a little sorry for him?"

"Of course I am. After what he did to you, he's not getting any of my concern. Now-" Ariel is cut off when Damon bursts open her door.

"How can you not tell me that you were back?! Do you know how agonizing it's been without you for the past two weeks?!" He whines, walking up to his best friend.

"Sis. Can you please tell this man-whore to leave or I'll strike his junk with my golf club." Ariel says making Damon's jaw drop.

"Man-whore. Get out or say goodbye to your junk." Caroline tells him with a smile receiving a glare from the older vampire.

"Name calling and threats again?! We're back to that?! Little Mermaid, it's been two weeks! I told you I was sorry!" He continues whining.

"Sis. Can you tell this whiny bastard that I don't give a damn about the timing. He betrayed me in the worst possible way so expect his suffering to not go away anytime soon."

"Take your whining elsewhere. You're still not forgiven." Caroline tries shooing him out the room.

"You're enjoying this too much." He says to Caroline with an annoyed look before returning his attention to Ariel. "You have to talk to me at some point because we're going to Klaus' for dinner."

"Sis. Tell this man who has zero standards that I refuse to sit at a table with the likes of him."


"He promised burgers for you!" Damon informs Ariel, cutting Caroline off.

Gotta go, sis! Love you!" Ariel quickly runs out of her room making Damon smirk.

"No, come back here! You eat too many of those things! Ariel Claudine Forbes, get your butt back here or no burgers for a week!" Caroline chases after her.

"Stop attacking me with my whole name!"

"Are you really texting me when you're in the car with me?" Damon asks as he turns around to look at Ariel. "And to answer your question, Stefan is here because he has to take part in the neogotations."

"Giving me the silent treatment too, huh?" Stefan mutters, tapping his fingers against the steering wheel.

"You know something? He did worse than me and I beat him up for it, so shouldn't that earn me some points?" Damon asks making Stefan glance at him with a look of disbelief.

"Are you kidding? You compelled her best friend to leave town, I just knocked her out."

"... Just knocked me out?" Ariel speaks, shocking the eldest Salvatore. "Between my burger and Elena, who do you think I would pick?"


"I was minding my business while you were kidnapping Elena! Take the bitch, I didn't give a damn but leave me in peace with my burger! You had to knock me out and make me drop it! Out of all evil things you could have done to me and you had to do that?!"

Her eyes glisten with tears before going back to her phone and typing something.

"You're talking to him?! Really?!" Damon yells with a look of disbelief.

His phone rings and looks at the message.


I'll take you beating up the burger killer into consideration

But you're still a traitor so you won't be forgiven that easily😒

"My little mermaid, how much longer are you going to keep up the silent treatment? Movie you chose to give up her voice but you still have yours. Come on! Considering you're holding onto me must mean your undying love for me hasn't faded out yet." Damon teases.

Ariel doesn't answer Damon's question as she twirls her hair with one hand while the other is entwined with his arm. He groans when he doesn't receive a reply.

"Why is she here?" Stefan asks his brother.

"Don't talk like I'm not here, buzzkill." She snaps at him.

"You're mad at the both of us but still talk to him!" Damon yells with a look of disbelief. "And to answer your question, she's here because Klaus likes her. And with her here, he might not kill us... Might." He explains as they wait at the front door.

The door opens to reveal Elijah causing Ariel to squeal and hug him. Causing a chuckle from the Original, he hugs her back.

"Eli, I missed you! When did you get undaggered?"

"It's nice to see you as well, Ms. Forbes. You should give Damon your thanks for that."

"Enough of the Ms. Forbes! I want a nickname already!" She whines as Elijah escorts her into his home. "You just like teasing me, don't you?!"

"Hmm... Not sure what you mean, Ariel. Niklaus! Our guests have arrived."

"I see how it is. Just wait! One of these days you will give me a nickname!" She says before pouting.

"I didn't get a thank you!" Damon yells and is still ignored. "This is the longest she's gone being mad at me. I can't take it anymore!" He whines.

"Hmm, maybe if you hadn't compelled her best friend to leave town, she wouldn't be treating you like that." Stefan tells him, earning a glare in return.

"You're not helping." Damon snaps and takes out his ringing cell phone. "...She's thanks me in a text message but I'm still not off the hook?!"

"Be lucky that you got that. She sent me a text message saying if I ever threaten the life of burger again, she'll shave all my hair off." Stefan remarks making his brother smirk and goes to follow Elijah and Ariel.

Elijah leads them to the dining room where Klaus is. "Damon. Stefan." The younger Original smiles seeing Ariel and lightly pinches her cheek. "Ariel." She smacks his hand away.

"What is with you always pinching my cheeks?" She pouts and rubs her cheek.

"Now Elijah tells me that you two seek an audience. And seeing that you brought Ariel with you, it's very fortunate for you both since her presence here is most welcoming out of you three. Now let's discuss our terms like civilized men, shall we?"

"What about-" Ariel stops when a familiar scent passes her nose.

"Of course you have a say in the negotiations, sweetheart." Klaus chuckles at the look of awe on her face. "And you're welcome."

"Klaus, whatever you need from me, let me know and I will do it."

Klaus glances at the others before pulling out his phone and sending her a text. She quickly checks her phone and nods.

"You got it. It will be done."

"Oh, I see where you got the texting from!" Damon mutters making Ariel stick her tongue out at him.

Elijah shakes his head, amused. He then guides Ariel to the table and pulls out the chair between his and Klaus' seats. She thanks him while Stefan is annoyed by everything.

"I didn't come here to eat Klaus. In fact, I didn't want to come here at all. But I was told we had to cause you would hear us out." Stefan says in an annoyed tone.

Klaus smiles as he joins Elijah and Ariel at the table. "Well, we can sit and eat or I can reach down your throats and pull out your insides. The choice is yours."

After a moment, the brothers join the three at the table and everyone except Stefan eats and drink.

"You've lost your appetite." Klaus states motioning towards Stefan's untouched plate.

"Eat. I thought we agreed to leave grumpy Stefan at home." Damon tries to feed his brother and Stefan smiles sarcastically, taking the fork from him. Damon then puts more brussel sprouts on Ariel's plate earning himself a glare. "Eat your veggies too."

"That's the spirit. Isn't it nice. The five of us dining together? Such a treat. Is this what you had in mind when pulled the dagger from my brother?"

"Well, I know how he felt about you, so I figured the more, the merrier." Damon playfully winks at Elijah.

"Well, Elijah and I have had our fair share of quarrels over the century. But we always make it through."

"Kind of like you and Rebekah, right?" Stefan tries to challenge Klaus.

"Hey, when's Rebekah coming back? I have seen her since homecoming." Damon tenses at Ariel's words.

"So your friends didn't tell you?"

Tell me what?"

"Elena daggered Rebekah at homecoming."

"WHAT?!" She bursts out of her chair.

"Little mermaid, calm down please." Ariel gives Damon a look to explain himself and he sighs. "We were worried Rebekah would ruin the plan to kill Klaus so we didn't want to take any chances."

She throws a brussel sprout at Damon then at Klaus. This act amuses Elijah and causes Stefan to snicker.

"Little mermaid, I didn't give you those to play with!"

"Why are you throwing food at me?!"

"Because you didn't undagger her! What? You decided the dagger would stay in because she isn't getting on your nerves? News flash, Nicky! As your sister, it's her job!" Ariel snaps at Klaus while taking out her phone from her purse.

Damon pulls out his phone after it begins ringing making him sigh.


You suck! You're lucky that I didn't bring my golf club with me!😤😤😤

Damon looks down at his junk and whispers, "We really did get lucky."

Later on, Ariel ignores Damon and Klaus while she catches Elijah up on what he's missed.

"Oh really? So Damon went your back twice? He knew Rebekah was your friend and allowed Elena to dagger her. Then compelled Jeremy to leave per Elena's request?" Ariel nods as Damon groans. "Since the lovely Elena is playing a huge part in your deteriorating friendship, where is she?"

"Oh god." Ariel gulps all her wine as Klaus tries to prevent himself from laughing.

"I don't know, ask Damon." Stefan replies but Elijah looks to Klaus for an explanation.

"Let's just say that things took an intriguing turn." Klaus explains, looking amused.

"Are you really doing this right now?" Damon annoyed with his brother while taking a glance at Ariel. "She doesn't need to know about this."

"Oh you didn't tell her?" Stefan snorts earning a glare in return.

"Mr. Salvatore, you and Elena seem to be causing a lot of problems." Elijah states to Damon while rubbing Ariel's back.

"One more word about Elena and this dinner is over." Stefan says causing Klaus to put a finger over his mouth.

"Good with me. Let's keep Elena over in the do-not-discuss pile." Damon suggests with an awkward smile earning another brussel sprout to the face by Ariel.

"It's just the allure of the Petrova doppelgänger, still so strong...or it used the be." Damon glares at Klaus who chuckles. "What do you say, brother? Should we tell them about Tatia?"

"Why?!" Ariel starts gulping down more wine.

"Hey, hey! No more wine for you!" Damon reaches to take the glass from her. "You're a lightweight and I'm not about to get shot by your mother."

She rolls her eyes at him as Elijah pours a glass of water.

"Now, why should we discuss matters long resolved since?" Elijah asks as gives Ariel the glass.

"Well, given their both shared affection for both Elena and Katerina, I think our guests might be curious to learn about the originator of the Petrova line."

"I'm not." Ariel states raising her hand.

"Fine. Hearing that you two fell for the same girl, things just got interesting. Stefan takes a sip of wine. "Go ahead."

"Someone knock me out first! Not you, burger killer!" Ariel pleads making Stefan roll his eyes.

Elijah chuckles as Klaus covers her ears. He tells the story of Tatia, how he and Klaus both loved her. But it was Elijah she chose. However it was Tatia's blood they consumed so their mother perform the spell to turn the family into vampires. After he finishes, Klaus removes his hands from Ariel's ears.

"I couldn't hear a thing but let me guess. If Tatia was anything like Elena then you two didn't have any standards either, did you?" She questions making the Mikaelson brothers laugh. "Oh wait, I'm sorry. Katherine is the best one of course. So you guys fall for her too?"

The night is coming to a close, as the five try to come to agreements of the deal.

"So, why don't we move this evening along and discuss the terms of this proposal?" Elijah politely asks his guests.

"That's very simple. Klaus gets his coffin back, in exchange, he and the Original extended family leave Mystic Falls forever. Me, Stefan and Ariel live happily ever after. No grudges."

"Aren't you forgetting someone? Elena too." Stefan adds as Ariel sends Damon a confused look that Damon avoids. "That deal sounds fair, doesn't it?."

"I don't think you understand. Elena's doppelgänger blood insures that I will always have more hybrids to fight those who oppose me." Klaus stands from his chair. "Let's say I do leave them here, under your protection, what then? How long before one of you turns them into vampires? Or worse, how long before they die caught between your feuding? You see, each one of you truly believes that you're the one that can protect them, and that is simply a delusion. Gentlemen, the worst thing for the girls is...the two of you."

"More like the worst for the two of them is Elena." Ariel mutters.


"I have to agree with her on that. Think about it. Damon, you have put your friendship on the line with probably the only likeable person is this bloody town and for what? Was it all really for Elena...or someone else?" Damon glares at Klaus and looks away. Before Ariel can question them, Klaus continues. "Stefan, what about you? How much longer will you continue trying to destroy me that you might end up using Ariel along the way?"

"I'm going to get some air." Damon walks out.

"Let me deal with this." Elijah follows Damon out the room.

Klaus looks at one of the servants and she walks over to him.

"What do you say, Stefan?  Can I interest you in a little drink?" Klaus bites her neck and drinks her blood.

"Nicky, I am sitting right here. Or did you already forget about my entire existence?"

"You know I hate that nickname. And no one can ever forget you, sweetheart."

"Ariel, why did you agree with Klaus about Elena being the worse thing for both me and Damon?" Stefan questions her.

"Because it's true. I care about the both of you and Elena but she has done nothing but cause a wedge between the two of you. She obviously has feelings for the both of you but she refuses to choose or let both of you go. You two can do better. And to be honest, you know Elena doesn't want to become a vampire. So why stay together when the relationship isn't going to go anywhere? Either she lets you two go or the two of you need to let her go."

"See? She's smart as well, that's why I like her." Klaus states as he pats Ariel's head.

"Hey, Nicky. What did you mean earlier? About how Damon did everything for Elena or someone else?"

Before Klaus can respond, Damon and Elijah return.

"What do you say, Klaus? It's time for you to put something on the table. We've made our offer, now you counter."

"Okay. I offer Elena's future happiness. You see, what she needs right now is to be rid of you lot. And to fall in love with a human, maybe that nice football player? You know the blonde one?"

"Matt Donovan? Really?"

"Please. Matt can do better too." Ariel mutters and rolls her eyes.

"Why not? They'll marry, live a long and fruitful life, and pop out the perfect family."

"Continuing the Petrova line. Every few hundred years, you'll have a new doppelgänger to drain and never run out of hybrids. Right, Klaus?" Stefan says, walking towards Klaus.

"Consider it a small investment in her well-being. See, after you hand me back the coffin, I'll ensure her safety for the rest of her natural life. You know it's what's best for her." Klaus stretches his hand out for Stefan. "So what do you say Stefan, hmm? Do we have a deal?"

Stefan grabs Klaus hand. "Nice try, Klaus. But no deal."

"I am surrounded by dumbasses." Ariel mutters.

Klaus breaks Stefan's arm, kicks his leg and forces him to his knees. He then pushes his hand into the fireplace. Damon tries to help but Elijah pushes him pins him the wall.

"What are you doing?!"

"Klaus, let him go!" Ariel yells standing up from her seat. "He means yes deal!"

"No! I meant what I said! No deal!" Stefan yells making her facepalm.

"Bring me my coffin before I burn him alive." Klaus orders the eldest Salvatore.

"I'll get it." Damon leaves as Elijah follows him.

"Klaus, enough! Do you know it's so irritating when you and Damon always insist on being the bad guys?!"

"That's who we are, sweetheart!" He feels something hit his head and looks down to see a brussel sprout on the floor. "Why do you keep throwing brussel sprouts?" He asks, looking back at her.

"Because I don't like them!" Ariel answers, making Klaus roll his eyes. "Stefan take back what you said already and say yes deal!"


"Fine, get- Wait! Klaus go for the hair! He values that more than anything!" Ariel suggests making Klaus look back at her and Stefan's eyes widened.

"...You're right." Klaus nods and puts his attention back on Stefan.

"Wait! Ariel, who's side are you on?!" Stefan yells.

"Simple. You killed what's most precious to me so shouldn't I return the favor?" She asks with a smile.

Seeing Damon and Elijah return next to the female servant holding a tray, Klaus lets Stefan go.

"Dang it, he got lucky!" She mutters and sees Stefan glaring at her, she quickly takes her paint spray out her purse. "Try it and you'll get a new hair color."

"Elijah... why haven't you left?" Klaus questions his brother.

"Where are your manners, brother? We forgot dessert." He removes the cover of the tray, revealing three silver daggers. Ariel realizes that the rest of the Originals are finally awake.

"What have you done?" Klaus asks his brother.

"What have you done? You see, I've learned not to trust your vulgar promises, Klaus. We're doing this on my terms now."

Klaus' eyes widened as the eldest Mikaelson brother walks in with a glare on his face.

"Finn." Klaus frightened, takes a step back.

"Been quite some time hasn't it, Niklaus?"

Klaus tries to get away and Finn stabs him through the hand with one of the daggers. Klaus screams and rushes away but runs into Rebekah.


"Hi, sweetheart." Rebekah smiles at Ariel then stabs Klaus with another one of the daggers. "You treacherous bastard."

Klaus falls back into Finn's arms as Rebekah goes to hug her friend. "I'm sorry. I didn't know. I just found out."

"I know, you have nothing to apologize for. I know you would never that to me. To any of us." Rebekah smiles, patting Ariel's back.

"You're free to go. This is family business. But Ariel, you can stay if you like." Elijah tells her with a smile.

Before Ariel can response, another person walks into the room who she suddenly became entranced by.

"Long time, brother."

"Kol, I-"

Ariel's phone rings, getting the attention of the handsome man causing  the two to stare at each other. Kol confused to who she is while Ariel feels a sudden longing to be near him.

Damon not liking what he's seeing, takes Ariel's phone out of her purse and quickly puts it in her hand, succeeding in breaking the eye contact and getting her attention back. She looks at the text from her sister and her eyes widened.

"Maybe another time. Something important just came up." She grabs Damon's hand and the trio quickly leave.

Rebekah and Elijah notice Kol looking at the door even after Ariel had left.

"...Are you alright, Kol?" Elijah asks, putting his hand on his shoulder.

"...Yes... I'm fine." Kol replies, confused about the indescribable feeling he got from looking at Ariel.

Ariel enters Caroline's room, finding Bill sitting on the bed and looking through a photo album. He looks up, surprised to see Ariel.

"Wasn't expecting to see you." He lightly chuckles. "I know you hate me for what I did to Caroline."

"Yeah but I'm doing this for her." She states while crossing her arms.

"...It's hard for your sister to accept my choice. Not wanting to be a vampire."

"Of course she is, you're her father. But at the end of the day, it's your life and your choice. I'm not going to take that from you."

"You grew up to be a young wise woman." He says with a smile.

"Thanks. I was told that I got my wiseness from my biological mom. And how I how inherited the burger and cotton candy obsession from her."

He laughs. "You did. You're a lot like Cheria... And she would be proud of the bright, intelligent and beautiful woman that you've become. I know I am." He sighs and stands up. "I'm pretty sure that this won't happen but don't ever change. I love you, sweetie." He says with a sad smile.

She stares at him for a moment before walking up to him and giving him a hug.

"...Thanks for everything." She whispers, shocking him and his eyes begin to glisten with tears as he tightly hugs her back.

How are you feeling about the new rewrite? Notice some changes with a certain Salvatore?

So Ariel being mad at Damon over Jeremy is something I felt I should have added in the original but I hadn't thought about it since I made Damon one of her best friends. I hope I did a better job with it.

So made some changes with Ariel and Bill. He's not her adoptive father this time, Liz adopted Ariel sometime after the separation. They weren't as close but he did care her. There also wasn't a goodbye scene in the original. But what did you think? Did their goodbye seem alright?

How do you feel Ariel and Kol's meeting this time?

What do you think about the text messaging?

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