chapter three

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Romelia sat down at the Slytherin table at breakfast, ignoring the whispers that followed her. She knew they were whispers about her uncle, how she could be connected to him, as no one knew the real relationship between the two family members. Hell, Harry didn't even know their connection, only that her mother knew his family growing up.

She kept ignoring the whispers, her hair unknowingly going a tad red, angry at the fact that no one bothered to stop the rumors. There were also rumors that Romelia had been recruited to kill Harry, on Sirius' orders. She'd never even met the man.

She eventually got sick of it and huffed, getting up and deciding to walk to the library. She could hear a familiar voice call her name. The voice followed her until she got to the library. She turned to see Harry.

"What can I help you with, Harry?" She asked.

"I just wanted to ask a question. You're related to Sirius Black, correct?" The third-year asked.

"Yes, why?" The girl's hair was now orange with streaks of brown and red. "I've never even met the man, and before you ask, no he's not my father."

"What is your relation then?" The jet-haired boy asked curiously.

"He's my uncle." Romelia answered. "Now, I got to get some reading done before class, so I'll see you later, okay?" She said, as he seemed to take this as an acceptable answer, before she left him standing there as she walked inside the library.

She took the time to calm down as her hair went back to it's signature color. She grabbed a book from her bag and began to flip through it, reading about omens for her divination class. She heard footsteps come up behind her, and looked up to see none other than Remus Lupin.

"What can I help you with, Professor?" She asked, before looking back to her book.

"Just wanted to talk to you, your mother thought it'd be good for us to... catch up." He said, causing Romelia to snort and chuckle.

"Yeah, after you deserted her after she basically lost her whole family. You were all she had left since Sirius was incarcerated, as Dumbledore refused to give her what remained of her brother and his family." She said, being vague as to who she was referring to, in case there were eavesdroppers. "Nice catching up, but I got to go to class." She said, getting up, before feeling him grab her wrist, feeling a sensation of warmth she had never felt before. She looked up to see Remus' face with a brief look of shock before it returned to its original state.

"At least let me make it up to you both. I had also lost everything at the end of the First Wizarding War, and I just... couldn't bring myself to confront things. But I can now."

Romelia sighed and nodded reluctantly. "Fine."

Remus smiled warmly. "Thank you. Now, go get to your class before you're late. I have to get to mine."

Romelia nodded and checked out a book, before waving goodbye and going to her next class. However, she couldn't stop thinking about that warmth she felt, and decided to dig further into what that could have possibly been.

She arrived at her class: Divination, where they were doing tea leaf readings. Romelia looked down at her cup, and when asked what she saw, she answered.

"Hearts and angels, both signs of love, apparently." She said before handing the cup off to Trelawney, who inspected it and then grabbed her wrist, staring into her eyes and thinking.

"Hmmm, yes, there is love in your future. But with who?" The bespectacled woman mused. "All I can sense is that it's someone older than you, that you were destined to be together. Soulmates, a very rare thing to see in this world..."

Romelia's hair turned a magenta sort of color as she blushed profusely before Trelawney let go, soon after dismissing class. Romelia stayed behind, curious about something.

"Professor?" She asked. "What do you know about soulmate magic? What's the first sign of it?"

"Usually a warm, powerful feeling upon contact of any kind, my child, why?" The older woman asked before realizing. "You think you've met your soulmate, haven't you?"

Romelia blushed, embarrassed, but nodded. "But how do I know for sure?"

"Your patronus, especially if you are soulmates, should be the exact same. Sometimes they're the same as someone you feel a lot of love for, even if it's one-sided, but soulmates, it's very common that they match. Here, darling, let me grab you a book I have on the subject." She said before bustling to her office bookshelf and grabbing a book that looked ancient and dusty, and handed it to the young teen. "Good luck." She said before dismissing the young girl as she thanked her.

Romelia then went to her next class, which was Defense. She walked in to the classroom, to see everyone gathering around a struggling, rattling cabinet.

"Now, today's lesson will be a fun one. I've decided to do this for all the years as I think it can be particularly exciting to encounter something you've never seen before. Does anyone know what this is?" Remus asked.

"It's a boggart, isn't it?" Romelia asked.

"Good job, Ms. Black, it is indeed a boggart. Now does anyone know what a boggart looks like?" The professor asked before another student answered. Lupin nodded, confirming the statement, and told everyone to line up to take turns facing the Boggart.

Romelia was nervous, but she concealed it pretty well. When it was her turn to face the Boggart, it turned into something she did not expect: her mother being taken by the killing curse. Her hands started to shake as she tried desperately to think of something to make people laugh, before uttering "Riddikulus." under her breath, before changing it to a clown doing an Irish river dance.

"I need to go." She said softly, before turning around and leaving the classroom, going to go for a walk on the campus grounds. When, as luck would have it, she ran into a dementor. She tried to slowly back away from it before a voice called out "Expecto Patronum!" frightening the dementor away, but soon she fainted not long after.

When Romelia woke up, she was in Remus' office. He handed her a piece of chocolate and as she munched on it, she spoke. "Teache me the patronus charm, please." She requested.

"Well, if you keep getting attacked by the dementors, much like your cousin, I might have to." He said. "You sure you're up for that? That's some really advanced magic." He warned.

"I'm positive." Romelia affirmed.

"Well then, stand up, get out your wand, and think of the happiest memory you can think of." Remus instructed, as Romelia did just that.

"Now, say it as firmly as possible, 'Expecto Patronum.'" He said.

It took a couple tries, but after the fifth try, Romelia got a fully formed Patronus, and it seemed to stun Remus, as he had only ever seen one other person with the same patronus, and that was himself. "A.. a wolf, that's interesting..." He muttered softly.

"Why?" Romelia asked.

"It's quite a rare patronus form to have." He said vaguely. "Well, I've got to go meet up with your mother, she wants to catch up after all this time."

Romelia nodded and smiled before thanking her professor and leaving.

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