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Hastinapur, Gajasahrya

Arjun's POV

"How can you expect me to restrain myself right now, Vidur?" Kunti Maa burst out, her eyes turning crimson as tears pricked her eyes. She breathed out heavily, her expressions crumbled down due to agony and panic, "After everything happened, how can you ask us to hold us back?" 

The four of us exchanged tensed and worried glances at each other, not having any idea what to expect or what to do. I attempted to hold back myself as every time my heart gambled against the idea of Bhrata Bheem being safe. Hope had already dwindled further after stumbling upon his discarded clothes. I cupped my mouth to prevent the mew from escaping my throat. 

"Devi, trust me. Panicking wouldn't help, nor spreading the news of Bheem like wildfire would." Kakashree Vidur uncomfortably glanced around, "Who ever is behind everything, shouldn't get an idea of it. It would only give rise to more disturbance." 

"So what should I do?" Maa all of a sudden exploded, jerking up from the floor, "Sit here with my hands folded quietly? My Bheem is missing Vidur! He is missing since a prahar!" Her voice quivered wildly as she almost lashed out, and with an instant she wiped away her tears. Kakashree Vidur was speechless, neither could he comfort nor he could further reason. As much as grief overcome my, it only worsened witnessing Maa in this condition along with my brothers.

Each passing moment appeared to be a examination of our patience, our restrain. A part of me suddenly began to feel slightly enraged. Enraged over myself, for being careless. And a childish unreasonable part of me began to feel angry over Bhrata Bheem. 

Where is he for God's sake?

Didn't he, didn't he promised us he will never leave our side? Never leave our side, to be with us, every moment!

Doesn't he know how much we love him? Doesn't he know how much Maa loves him? Then why? 

Tears pricked my eyes as my fingers curled around my garments to fist it tightly, loathing myself for being this unreasonable, yet couldn't help myself for it. The fact that we knew so much more, yet couldn't speak out and were uncertain, was making my insides bubble up in anguish. The possibility, the unsurity over the doer of this heinous act and where is the victim and the subtle efforts to hide everything, made a muddle of my mind. I had no idea, how meddlesome were the conditions internally but could fathom a part of it. 

 I am not prepared. Prepared for another loss! No, visions of Pitashree and Maata Maadri began to flash in my blur mind, allowing me to shut my eyes firmly, no this cannot be. Bhrata Bheem can't, he has no right to desert us, he has no right to do so! He has no authority to leave us in this muddle, this confusion and alone!

I can't afford to lose my brother! 

"Enough." Maa spoke after a while with a solemn expression, "Enough. Unless Bheem is found, I ain't going to intake a single drop of water nor a single morsel of food. I trust my son, he has to be safe!" 

"Devi Kunti, please. Calm down we are," Kaka Vidur sighed, stepping forward. But Maa couldn't be, I knew every inch of her. My heart exploded to witness her disheveled self, years had been a testimony of her love for us. Kunti Maa wouldn't calm down unless Bhrata Bheem is found. 

"No Vidur. If you can't search for him, I will and no one is going to halt this mother!" Determination dripped from her tongue as her nose flared, her bosom heaved in anger and grief, "I vow to find my son by hook or by crook." Without sparing anyone a look she stormed out of her chamber, taking us aback.

"Maa!" We all screamed in horror, hurling out of the chamber while she panted across the corridor while rushing. Perplexed, upset, angry, hopeless. I felt everything consume me all at once as I aimlessly rushed behind my mother. For a moment, all hopes from everyone had drained from me. 

Our feet halted all of a sudden as two messengers instantly appeared in front of us, blocking Maata and our ways and heaving, "Raani Kunti! Raajkumaar Bheem has been found near the shores of Pramanakoti." 

Pitch black darkness surrounded us, a few flickers of light from the torches around was the only source of visibility. 

My limbs couldn't halt anymore, all I knew in this world was to flung myself over my brother leaving aside every thing. I could still feel my blood racing down my veins vigorously, the tension desired to subside yet could not. Not before my eyes catch a glimpse of the figure, not before my eyes could rake over his safe and secured self. 

My heart wouldn't pause thumping vigorously unless my figure is wrapped around his enormous arms, not before I can ensure that there is no more danger looming over my brothers. Not before I hear my name being lulled out from him that jovially.  

All we could hear in the silence was the heavy breathing sounds and the gushing of the river Ganga, as we insanely rushed towards Pramanakoti. 


"Bhrata Bheem!" I almost gasped along with my brothers, witnessing the outline of the enormous figure, leaning across the steps of the Pramanakoti, with a few attendants tackling him. He was drenched from head to toe, ornaments separated and huddled in a corner, him being wrapped with a warm cloth. His hairs were rummaged and falling on his face, as he breathed heavily, subtly removing the dirt that was smeared upon him. 

"I am, am alright." He responded with a faint smile, as Maata almost fell in his embrace, he wrapped his arms around her comfortingly. She held her like her entire life was dependent upon him, pressing herself close to him. 

It felt as if my soul which had departed rushed back to my body as I flung myself around his smiling self, he comforting the weeping me, "I felt my life being snatched away, Bhrata Bheem." If this is what relief and solace felt like? Then this what it is. Not a word more escaped my lips, my trembling self was leaning against him, not wanting to further delve into the imagination of us being without him.

Dark. The world had a darker side too. And darkness can come in any form, any way. Sometimes it was like a slashing gush on our face. Or is it sometimes so hidden underneath that its subtle revelations can cause waves of jolts down the hearts, and we witnessed even this too.



Majhle Bhaiyya safe 🌝🌝🌝❤❤❤❤. 

So let me tell you, why Arjun is behaving very restless right here, even more than the death of Pandu. That is because the five Pandavas and Draupadi (Not here right now) are one soul, if any one of them get into trouble, one would automatically expect the others to react in such a way. 

And yes, Bheem ain't poisoned yet 🙃

Signing off for today~

Kiritija Nushkie

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