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Hastinapur, Gajasahrya

Arjun's POV

What we saw as an end was just the beginning. The beginning, we didn't have an idea about. 

We were yet to witness, the extreme side of human nature as days unfolded.

That day ropes and vines were lying scattered, clearly indicated that Bhrata Bheem was attempted to be drowned. Eyes bulged out, my jaws clenched as I saw Bhrata Bheem heaving wildly and sitting leaned against the walls of Pramanakoti one day, enraged as he threw the dead vipers in the river. Vipers, extremely poisonous ones which assumedly 'all of a sudden' had crept into our area? His waist, shoulder and palms were crimson and appeared to be pricked by the snakes, clearly indicating those creatures being purposely left here.

He didn't pause, he straight up went towards Bhrata Duryodhan and grabbed him by his shoulders, "You vile human! I won't even spare you!" Saying so, he immediately shoved him behind, flaring his nose and gritting his teeth, "How do you even dare!" The Kauravs came for his assistance but were of no avail. Bhrata Bheem was already enraged, and Jyesth had to almost plead him to stop. That day Bhrata Duryodhan was left with a bloodied nose, shooting glances of heavy distaste as he mouthed derogatory and foul words. 

And with each passing day, our bond with the Kauravs just grew thinner and thinner, almost it was none to be found. Our rivalry increased with each passing moment, Bhrata Duryodhan discarded even his pretense of making an effort to accept us. He was now more rash, spewing harsh words every time he spotted us. 

The Kauravs began to display what they wanted, openly. The enmity, the distaste and hatred, weren't underneath but outward.

Whatever hope I had inculcated, all went in drain. All subsided, all warmth from my side had subsided for them that day. That day had completely made me believe that no efforts would work from our side, when Yuyutsu came rushing and screamed about the Kalakut poison, one of the most deadly poison to exist, in Bhrata Bheem's kheer after he felt uncomfortable consuming it. He coughed vigorously, but nevertheless he tolerated it, much to our astonishment and sheer relief.

Maa was devastated, devastation would be an understatement that moment she received the news of such incidents. "I can't stay in Hastinapur anymore, Mahamahim." Pitamah's face was blanched at her declaration. "When everyday some new gimmick, some new plot is hatched to get rid of my sons?" 

"No, Kunti I plead! Your sons are the future of the Kurus! If you'll desert this Kingdom, then certainly doom shall befall," Pitamah almost folded his palms in plead, "I assure you. Nothing will happen to your sons, but don't desert Hastinapur."

"I cannot allow the destruction, cannot witness the destruction of Kurus with my eyes Kunti. Not again..." His vulnerability had melted Maata, while Taathshree Vidur repeatedly assured her that he will always keep a look out for our well being. 

I never knew such a day would come, a day would come where I would develop distaste for my own cousins, living the under same roof. Couldn't help how all the warmth in my heart from them appeared to dismantle with each blow they caused to us. They broke our trust, our belief in them. And the fact that they tried to get rid of us, specially Bhrata Bheem. To what extent can jealousy lead to such heinous deeds?

We stayed in duality, externally expressing we were unbothered but the internal conflict spoke something else. A part of us became constantly anxious, constricted as suspicion began to be our first instinct upon anyone along with a constant look out for each other and as instructed, we kept all the incidents to ourselves. 

Hastinapur, it became a place divided with love and hatred. Outwardly we were loved and conditioned, inwardly there was a constant fear, constant skepticism. Disparity, mistrust, hatred spewed one side with them, yet our hearts were steady due to the elders who assured and stayed by us with each moment.

And the unity and love between the five of us, the sheer trust and protection we assured for each other, was a blessing in disguise for me amidst the tremendous events that unfolded one after the other. 

Hastinapur, dilemmatic as I can be, appeared as home and a foreign land at the same time. It was dependent upon us whether we chose the homely atmosphere or consider it distant, but can one only chose upon any one when both were intertwined in such a nuanced fashion? 


Hastinapur, outside Gajasahrya

"Ah, now consider the game is over," Nakul dejectedly held the wall of the well, peeking inside with drooping eyebrows. I clicked my tongue, lowering my head into the darkness of the well. The wooden ball was right there, floating in the minimal water. All of it didn't happen if the ball hadn't gone a haywire in the air due if not for a fiddly hovering.

 "Now what to do?" 

"Sheesh! The entire game got ruined!" Bhrata Bheem sucked in a breath and almost gave a death glare to Bhrata Dussah, wo returned a same one to him.

"If you don't know how to play, then why do it?" Bhrata Jalagandh instantly began to shift all the blame upon us, as expected. Entering into an argument with them was as futile as it can be, or rather in can turn up to a physical fight. 

"Our mistake, Jalagandh? But ball was hovered like that by Dussah!" 

"Bheem, don't you dare-" Witnessing the situation getting out of hands within moments, I intervened, "Look, arguing won't assist, let us think together to get the ball back." Bhrata Dussah gritted his teeth and continued shooting daggers from his eyes.

"If the water wasn't that shallow, the ball would have been easily brought out." Jyesth sucked in a deep breath, crossing his arms and looking around, "Well is too deep."

"Why don't you five try? Always occupied depicting your valor, now go? Get the ball!" Bhrata Duryodhan wouldn't leave any chance to mock us then and now. At this point, we had even halted bothering about his harsh words, knowing that it would only cause trouble to arise. But situations do, do get to a point of physical fight and this was enough to rile both Bhrata Bheem and Bhrata Duryodhan into another dirty verbal argument. 

"Wait Duryodhan, it can't be analyzed how deep the well is. Allow me to inform an attendant," Jyesth suggested and glanced around, walking towards the other end. A few of the Kauravs by now were attempted to get the ball by shooting pebbles inside, but it wasn't going to work. 

"Can something work with this?" Sahadev located a thin rope and inserted it in the well, "Let's try. It may work or something." I kept my gaze lowered to, as he attempted to get hold of the ball with the loop, but it slipped refusing for a firm grip. Even I tried my best to fit it in the loop, but it tumbled away continuously. Bhrata Bheem brought a long branch after sometime and attempted to prod and poke the ball, but it only raised up to some height and landed back into the well. 

"Only if the well wasn't that deep!"

"Cannot retrieve even a simple ball? How amusing!" A hoarse was with a tinge of mock and laughter made me halt my tracks, turning behind to have a glimpse. 



My most favorite track is about to begin! 🥺😍✨

Trust me, when I say favorite I mean it ❤___❤.

And by the way, you guys got to know about the two more murder attempts on Bheem :)

Signing off for today!

Kiritija Nushkie 🐨

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