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Hastinapur, Gajasahrya

Arjun's POV

"Come in Vidur, you're cordially permitted." A serene voice lulled out from within the chamber, as all of us followed Tatshree. Bhrata Bheem exchanged a glance at me, as I returned a confused one to him. The eleven of them stood in front us, masking me from further view.

"Pranipat Maharaani." 

"Your voice appears grim," Taishree's voice was soft with a glint of amusement.  

"Maharaani, I request you to admonish Prince Duryodhan a bit. He's crossing his boundaries, and today his words for late Bhrata Paandu weren't well," Tatshree's eyes fell upon the eleven of them miffed, yet laden with concern, "And moreover, he was about to enter into a ruckus with Prince Bheem and his brothers."

"Raajkumar Duryodhan should be rebuked, therefore-" 

A soft sigh escaped from Taishree's end  as her face turned towards the direction of her sons. With a little movement of them, my eyes fell upon a delicate royal woman decked in intricately designed scarlet and gold raiment, seated on an extended couch with her limbs stretched. Her golden complexion was half visible, since a piece of cloth was wrapped around her eyes. 

A smile stretched on my lips as I had heard about her greatness from Maa, on how she had blindfolded herself for the sake of Tatshree, to signify her devotion towards him. 

Her lips moulded back into normal from the small smile that was etching on her face as she regained her posture to the steady one. Her sons slowly gathered around her with their head hung slightly low, while Tatshree saluted her for the final time and strode out of the chamber.

"Duryodhan? Son? Was this that was taught to you, dear?" She softly rebuked, her eyebrows knitting close to signify her displeasure. Nakul gazed at me biting his lips, probably wondering how much harshly would they be punished. 

"And you all brothers? Is this the way to behave? Doesn't Raajkumar Bheem stand elder to you?" Her face gradually turned towards the rest of them, amusing of her to exactly know where each of her sons stood. 

"But Maata-" Dushassan was about to intervene but Taishree halted him, "Learn to respect your elders, you are Raajkumars. And the fact should be known to you I believe?" 

"Apologize to Bheem, Arjun and Nakul." She breathed out, her face turning from one end to the other.

Bhrata Duryodhan's lowered gaze fell on his brothers, as they exchanged dilemmatic glances, as if they would follow what their eldest would do rather. 

"Apologize and touch his feet Duryodhan, do not disobey me." 

Bhrata Duryodhan left a deep sigh, clearly visible that he wouldn't desire to do what his mother had instructed. Nevertheless, he subtly strode up towards Bhrata Bheem and pressed his palms together with a lower gaze, making me swiftly change my mind on what I was earlier wondering.

"Pardon us, Bhrata Bheem."  His eyes lifted up towards Bhrata, a sense of sternness was swiveling in those dark orbs, but who knows maybe it was his trait rather? And Pitashree had always believed in forgiving the ones who ask for forgiveness. 

Arjun, you're analyzing too much. Maybe it was just a small tiff and you were wrong. 

One who asks for forgiveness and realize what they err, can never be haughty. 

I passed a small smile towards Nakul who did the same, finally all misunderstandings would stand cleared. And probably his gesture would melt Bhrata Bheem too, and I wasn't wrong.

"Its alright, Duryodhan. Even I had over reacted beyond what was required." Bhrata Bheem's face held slight guilt as he glanced around and held his palm, lowering it. The others too folded their palms and then strode towards us, "Forgive us, brothers."

"No no. Its alright, lets forget I believe." I instantly intervened, smiling widely at them to display that I had already shoved away the incident, "You all our my brothers, and tiffs are common."

"Bhrata Arjun is right there." Nakul joined me as we folded our palms genuinely. 

"Very well." Taishree's lips bloomed into a smile, as Bhrata Duryodhan and his brothers took her permission and proceeded out after sometime. A sigh of relief left my lips, I was growing perturbed without any reason. 

"Now you three, come over to me dear." Her stance shifted into a gleeful one, as she held Nakul's arm lovingly and sauntered him over to her. He grinned cheekily, while Taishree began to caress his cheeks and tried to feel him with her palms, "You are Nakul, am I right?" 

"Yes, but-but how did you recognize?" Nakul stood amused as he passed wide glances at me and Bhrata Bheem, making me chuckle lowly. 

"Oh, I know all you. Over there Bheem is standing, beside him, just a few inches far is Arjun." She chuckled, planting a firm kiss on Nakul's cheek, "Bheem, aha?" Bhrata Bheem bit his lips to hide the smile which was almost blasting off as Taishree caressed his mace like arms with her tender ones.

 "Goodness, your arms really signify how much strength you possess son." Her fingers went up to tousle his hair lovingly and then rested on his cheek. 

"Servants," Taishree peeked from Bhrata Bheem's huge figure, "I request you to get me the platter of sweets which I had specially made for them!" 

"As you wish Maharaani." A few of the servants strode out of the chamber to carry out her orders while I grinned at Bhrata Bheem's whose eyes subtly twinkled on hearing about his delicacy. 

"Why are you standing so far, Arjun?"

"Come here, right."

Taishree's stance hauled me out of my thoughts, making me shift slightly from my position. I pursed my lips and lowered my palms together, meekly striding up towards her, "Taishree." I softly answered. My eyes landed on her lotus feet as I bent to receive her blessings, having no idea how else to greet the wonderful lady. 

"Long live, dear Arjun." She gripped my bony shoulders with her tender palms, her long fingers subtly feeling the silvery marks with which I was blessed from birth. I found her eyebrows curving as her lips quivered, her tips spreading over my skin as if endeavoring to assess something-.

 "I can't fail to recognize Lord Shiv's devotee. Never." 


Wo kshama bas jeebh se nikli hai Arjun, dil se nahi 🙂. Poor him is gonna learn the hard way 🙃....par kya kare, jo hai so hai.

Le Arjun is too young to judge after Gandhaari so yeah U_U.

Signing off for today~

Kiritija Nushkie 

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