Info / Rules / Positions

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1. Every character has an implant in their non dominant arm. This implant can produce a hologram which has many uses; it tells the character's age, how long they have been on The Island, and their name. It can also be used as a form of long distance communication, like a built in face time.

2. Death is not permanent here. Unless suffering major wounds, such as decapitation or being eaten and pulled apart, your body can be dragged to safety. Your soul (for lack of better terms) is held in a strange, grey colored place while your body is healed. However, the scars from your battles will always remain.

3. The Obelisks can revive dead creatures as well. If the implant from the creature is removed and brought to one in time, the creature can be brought back with a brand new body.

4. However, there is a price for coming back from the dead to both human and dinosaurs. For weeks you are ill with vomiting and fever, chills and aches (Though it varies from person to person). This is called Post-Mortem sickness. However, most people are much stronger after dying and going through Post-Mortem sickness; becoming less hungry and thirsty, physically stronger, and a higher tolerance to pain. Just pray that you are somewhere where you can recover well before you come back...

5. Time and realities seem to have merged, allowing creatures and features from both the Free mobile version, and the full paid version, to interact. The only thing that doesn't seem to have crossed over are the dungeons and the Ancient Amber system. These features also include the giant rideable dodos, and the gliding Terror Birds.

6. There will only ever be one unicorn, tamed or wild.

7. The Royal Griffins are to be taken and tamed with respect and caution. They are wise creatures, just as smart as any self respecting human. If they don't want to go with you, they will tell you to leave. And if you don' most likely won't get to be revived from how badly they tear you apart. Oh, and they can speak short, broken sentences.

8. You have most of your memories wiped, though somethings are still familiar and come easy to you. As time goes on, people occasionally gain back a single, important memory from before. However, this is rare.


1. This is a survival roleplay, not a smut or a romance roleplay. Granted romance will happen naturally and I encourage that, but that is not what this is about. Do not have your character falling in love at first sight. (Having them admire a character's looks at first sight is alright, mind you).
1A. If you decide to force ship, there are people in this roleplay who will gladly call you out on it.
1B. If you decide to force ship with MY character, I can and I will kill off my own character.

2. Your character is human in this roleplay. There are no supernatural beings here. However, your character can be altered beyond normal human limitations due to the nature of this game; being able to carry extreme amounts of weight, going weeks without water and longer without food, take extraordinary amounts of damage and still be fine. I expect these, but I will be regulating how much you can do this.

3. This roleplay is story driven. I do have a plot in mind, and you have to be aware of that. There will be a main chain, and you'll have to join it. You don't always have to be active in the main chain, but just keep an eye out for big events.

4. Do not go OP. You can not have your head severed completely and still survive. No. You will get three warnings and then you're out.

5. No Mary or Gary Sues, or Anti Mary or Gary Sues. No triggering behavior (cutting, intentionally starving themselves, etc.) This is a safe roleplay zone, and these will not be tolerated.

6. No cursing or smut in this rp. If you want to do the dirty, take it to PMs or time skip. (Note: Hell and damn are not considered curse words, and kissing and such is fine)

7. No killing another person's character without their consent. While they can come back, that's still not cool. You have to ask and if they say no, you don't. Hurting, however, is fine.

8. You will listen to me and my admins. We have the say of this rp.

9. If you have any questions about the roleplay, feel free to ask me or my admins. We don't bite too hard

10. Be accepting of the characters. As in, I will not tolerate bullying out of character for someone's race, gender, sexuality, or anything else. That is an immediate ban, understood?

11: The password is to tag 3 people in the Forms / Characters chapter.

12. My admin is TheKingOfTheMonsters

Added Rule 1: No loner OC's, they have to join or be in an Outpost. I'm tired of getting (no Outpost they're a loner) or (oh hey can my character be a loner-) no, no you can't. Not everyone can be a loner. If everyone is a loner the plot won't advance because no one will be aware of it. No more loner OC'S will be accepted


Leaders: There are 3 of this position, one of whom is taken by Hunter. These people lead the Outposts, which are small towns in three different locations. They are in charge of everything running smoothly in their own Outpost.

Co-Leaders: These people help the Leaders keep everything and everyone in line, of which there are 6 positions; 2 for every Outpost.

Healers: Healers help to heal both human and dinosaur wounds, and care for the Post-Mortem sickness people. They use knowledge they've gained and plants and herbs to heal and seal up wounds.

Farmers: Farmers are in charge of keeping the plants growing healthy, and pests out. They usually work in tandem with the Healers.

Caretakers: Caretakers are the people that make sure the tamed creatures are happy and healthy. They're also the people in charge of hatching and caring for baby creatures when they're born.

Builders: Builders are the people who build and repair structures, such as huts for new people or repairing a wall or a trap.

Crafters: Crafters are like Builders, except they are usually crafting weapons and armor. People who are usually Crafters will be Builders as well, but it's not required.

Tamers: Tamers are the people who go out and look for animals to tame or capture. Usually injured creatures are tamed.

Scouts: Scouts are people who go out with a small mount, such as a Raptor or a Wolf and go around, taking note of any immediate threats or gatherable resources. They don't usually go far from their Outpost and often travel in groups for safety.

Warriors: Warriors are people who are given the most firepower and who take care of threats. They usually go with Scouts in case they're attacked.

Gatherers: Gatherers go out and collect valuable resources such as wood, stone, obsidian, the like.

Hunters: Hunters hunt for food or eggs and are usually gone for days. The most casualties happens to the Hunters, as they can't bring along a big party.

Chefs: Chefs make the best food, because we all know that bad food is practically intolerable.

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