Outpost Three - The Eastern Forest

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The Eastern Forest borders a beach with soft white sands. It has ample access to fish galore, as well as plentiful wood and thatch. Venturing out into the clear waters without some form of raft is a bad idea, but with a few people and some fishing poles, even the threatening Megalodons won't be much of a match. Pearls line the shores in large clam shells, which are beautiful as jewelry, and can be melted to make certain things. Other than that, there aren't many resources...unless you find a way to venture out into the deep abyss of the ocean.
The third Outpost here isn't quite as large as the one on Weathertop, but it's decent enough to be noticed. It's made mostly of wood and thatch due to the lack of threats, though there are spiked walls to keep out the rouge threats. If you're not one for work and having fish for practically every meal, the third Outpost is the best for you.
The Eastern Forest Outpost is the closest Outpost to the Green Obelisk, one of the three structures hanging in the sky. Thankfully to light sleepers, the Green Obelisk is usually obscured by the thick forestry.

Most Traded Items:
-Black Pearls

-Leader: Liznightangel
-Co-Leaders: N/A

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