Chapter 12 : A Fishy In My Dishy

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The crimson Dragon's head loomed out of the trees and a faint glow resided in the pit of its stomach. Joe cowered in the light projecting his shadow on the wall of his hut. Carlos his behind Tracy as she grunted a warning towards the dragon. However instead of attacking the dragon bowed its head in submission. Slowly Joe crept towards the dragon now he was closer he could see that it was female and her wingspan was to Mary's as Mary's was to a Pteradon. Joe placed his hand on the dragon's warm snout.

As Joe went to sleep the dragon stayed outside and wouldn't leave. Joe lay in bed thinking about the dragon if she wouldn't leave then, how would he protect such a creature from Jack.

The sound of crackling tree branches woke Joe from his slumber. He pushed open the door to find the dragon gone, in her place was a scorched area of earth. In the centre of that earth was a single egg about the size of himself. He hoped on Tracy's saddle and pushed the hefty embryo into the house on Mary's saddle. He couldn't leave it while he looked for Bob.

Soaring just below the clouds Joe felt free, he felt invincible. The ocean was just beneath them Carlos stared at the hunting Megalodon with curiosity. Joe had stopped at the harbour which was under Arthropodic control. But he manage to find out that Bob headed in the direction of the snowy lands. He'd also picked up the only set of fur armour in the harbour from the armoury. It was freezing here however the Pulmonoscorpius and Araneos couldn't survive the cold. So that meant Jack lied about having everywhere under control.

Seeing Bob's Mosasaur below him filled Joe with cheer he hadn't seen Bob since just before he was banished. But now he would. Joe lowered Mary onto a nearby iceberg that the Mosasaur was moored to. Bob greeted Joe with a friendly hug with warmed them both in the subzero temperatures. "Bob, Jack's taken everywhere you've got to help me." Joe said after releasing the embrace. "I know my good friend" Bob said in his Irish accent. "We must go to the Ice base he can't control there." Joe smiled as he delivered the good news. "I'm sorry my friend, he can and has, with an army of Gigantopithicus and a giant Gorilla they're calling the Megapithicus." Bob said quickly destroying Joe's smile. "You mean he's got everywhere even the swamp." Joe pleaded trying to rekindle his own hope. "Aye last week he acquired Yashcheritsa for that after the sky legion attempted the tame." Bob sulked. "How's he keeping the legion prisoner?"Joe asked. "Now that I don't know."

Loud noises woke Joe from his slumber. He exited the hut and saw an army of battle Quetz surrounding him and Bob. Bob had also woken up and had grabbed his rifle. "Joe yet again I stumble across you in my territory, I'm here for the egg I know you have it now hand it over or I'll kill you and you friend." Without answering Joe handed over the egg. "Oh well this is embarrassing, I've decided to kill you both anyway." As Jack finished the Mosasaur began to move and Joe notice Bob Tracy and Carlos were missing. The Mosasaur dived before Jack could react. Joe could see clearly through the fresh water and saw dozens of Anglers rising from the depths. The Quetzals started diving after the pair. But as they descended into the crystal clear waters the panicked as they spotted the Anglers. One's exit was covered by Anglers so rider and mount drowned together. Another speared one Angler but was crushed by another Quetz. They were disorganized. Joe began to run out of air so entered the base. Bob had made it airtight so no water could get in. However this also meant they had limited air.

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