Chapter 14 : The Final Battle

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Yashcheritsa glared across the room at Joe through his one good eye. Joe remembered the battle the giant Rex had saved him in. For no other reason than to protect his territory. He held respect for the Rex but was also wary. "Joe I know why your hear I knew you'd come. However it took you longer then I thought."Jack remarked smirking. "I have the Dragons, the Broodmother, the Megapithicus and the legendary Yashcheritsa. And what do you have, Carlos betrayed you he was mine from day one and I don't see you're Trike. Just you and Bob." Jack commented. "Aye it may just be us but not for long." Bob fought. This caused Toast to emit a loud screech. The screech angered Yashcheritsa who knew something was coming.

Crashing and the falling of rock resounded around the stone palace. And moments later a huge beak smashed through the gate and made a croaky shriek and released a cloud of fire. A massive clawed foot dug into the stone foundations, chunks of rock leaped into the air. Its tiny useless arms flailed in defiance of their size. Soft downy feathers covered the behemoths body. Yashcheritsa charged in anger at the birdlike Dodorex.

(Yashcheritsa's POV)

Another monster in my territory time to end this. The mortal Jack promised me peace and solitude if I win this war for him. I'd never seen a creature bigger than me apart from the Dragons. I towered over even Gigas this beast wouldn't be a problem. Then I can Finally be left alone and not have to fight of hunting parties looking for me.

I charge first hoping to get the first hit before it could burn me with its fire. Launching myself forward I chomp onto the creatures neck. Warm blood spurted down my throat, I pushed it into the wall and dragged him up it I smashed him into the roof. The roof collapsed onto my back pressing me to the stone floor chilling my stomach. He kicked me in the ribs spilling my blood on the stone. He kicked me again shattering a rib. When he went to kick again I snapped around and dug my teeth into his leg then dragged them to the ground. I stamped on his leg until I heard it snap. Limping he regained his footing then fire sprouted from his jaws. I saw red as my skin was charred I felt my skin melt of my muscles but I sprinted forward charging the abomination. My head hit on target and I felt his muscles crunch. Lunging I chomped on his neck again and pushed down with all my strength till I heard a snap, his body went limp.

(Third POV)

Joe gazed onwards and couldn't believe what he saw. The magnificent DodoRex was dead, gone, finished. "It's over Joe, it's over! Bob I'll give you one last chance to work for me." Jack shouted. "Never, I'll never work for you!" Bob said. "Well then I'm sorry Bob. Yashcheritsa kill him." The lumbering giant staggered off at Jack's words to hunt Bob.

Joe leaped out from behind a pillar clashing swords with Jack. "You can't win this Joe, It's the end for you." Jack remarked. "Shut up." Joe said. As he pulled another sword from his back and slashed at Jack's leg landing a blow in the back of Jack's knee. Severing a tendon. Jack grimanced in pain but kept his cool he ended the checkmate then hit Joe in the face with the sword's hilt. Then spun round and cut into Joe's right arm cutting it off just above the elbow. Joe knelt in pain dropping his sword and clutching the stump. "Looks like it's over for you Joe, I would start with the whole backstory but you already know that.

Suddenly Bob smashed through a pillar on Yashcheritsa knocking the monster unconscience. He jumped off the pillars stump then pulled out his sword and clashed blades with Jack. "Two against one seems a bit unfair lets even the odds." Jack stated then whistled within seconds the Broodmother scuttled through the hole the DodoRex made. Joe picked up his sword again and aimed for Jack's other leg with little intelligence blinded by pain. Jack kicked him in the chest and sent him across the room and continued his duel with Bob. Moments later Jack impaled Bob and ended Bob's life. "Tut, tut, tut I expected more from someone so highly regarded by Steve it's over for real now. Now I could leave you here to bleed out, unfortunately I'm not stupid and I know you would find a way to survive." Jack whispered.

(Joe's POV)

I see Jack I know it will be the last time I do. The Broodmother standing behind me blocking my escape. Jack leans back from my ear "Any last words" he says. "Why?" I croak as blood gushes from my stump "Because I can, as for Liz well she's dead now." Jack answered. "And so are you" Those would be the last words I'd hear as soon after I felt a sharp pain and looked down to see Jack's sword. "S-s-someone w-will stop yo-u-u?" And that was the end of me...

Now if anyone enjoyed this even the slightest and would like a sequel. I did in fact start to write one and I could finish it on here. Zenith out...

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