Chapter 3 : The Stranger

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To Joe's disgust the mysterious figure then smelt his hand. "Who are you?" Joe said. The figure snapped round and was surprised to see Joe sitting up. "I'm Bob. And you are? Oh wait, that's a stupid question, you just arrived." Bob squirmed with excitement at his new guest. "What do you mean arrived?" Joe questioned, as he looked around in the dawn light he could now see several large boxes with steam leaving them. "Pick a name at random whatever pops into your head." Bob said configuring his facial expressions into a smile. "Joe" said our hero with a sense of confidence that surprised Bob. Bob turned his attention to the young Trike and tiny Compy "Wow a newcomer and you already have friends." He said inquisitively he took a step closer to the Compy "What is that?" He growled. Joe looked down to see the small therapod had awoken and was tilting his head at Bob. "He's a Compy. Why don't you know that?" Joe enquired. "It's new, only newcomers arrive with the knowledge of the more recent creatures on the island." Bob countered. The Trike woke up to the commotion with a large yawn, then immediately yelped with pain. "I've got something to help with that." Bob exclaimed looking with caring eyes at the Trike. "What attacked her?" He said not giving Joe a chance to react to the first sentence. "Compy's this guy was one of them." Joe said gesturing to his little friend. "WHAT? And you keep them together." Bob yelled Joe stepped back tripping on the soft pelts and almost crushing the Compy. "Yeah" Joe said cringing. "That's Awesome!" Bob said to Joe's surprise and relief. "Come with me i'll show you the gang."

(Carlos the Compy's POV)

Why the humans were thrilled to see each other I did not know. Was it some sort of mating ritual among their people or just excitement over new pack members. However as they travelled through the thick jungle I had but one thought on my mind, food. But now that my pack had abandoned me I couldn't hunt, breed or communicate. I was alone I was grateful that the human had taken me in even after being kicked by him. Chirping as I leaped onto my human's back much to his surprise the human allowed it quite possibly enjoying the company.

(Third POV)

Joe stared in awe as the approached two large gates that seemed to magically open as he neared. Bob started talking to someone at the gates so Joe looked around seeing a whole city before him. There were many people all around all of them with their own jobs Hunters, Gatherers, Tamers and Farmers. Tamers, from the moment Joe laid his eyes on the huge dinosaur paddocks with Bronto necks erupting from behind the walls, he knew what he wanted to become. Bob's friend turned to Joe and his reptilian party. "So I hear you have quite the knack for taming." Spoke the muscular man with dark glistening skin. "You manage to befriend a Trike and the newest creature on the island before even us. Even better yet you did this all on your first day. We shall tend to your Trike and Compy. Oh, and what are their names." The large man said with regular breaths. "Thank you, this is Tracy" he said referring to the Trike "and this is Carlos" he said pointing to the appropriate green lizard on his shoulder." Joe said with as much confidence as he could muster. "I'm Steve" the man said. "Because you're new you'll start off as a gatherer like everyone else. You'll find the head of gathering, Jane in the East part of the compound she'll get you started." As Steve spoke these words Joe's dreams of becoming a tamer were shattered. "However if you show exceptional loyalty and skill you may rise in rank or stay in gathering your choice. Oh and you'll find food for your Compy in your chambers. One last thing if while you're out you find another survivor bring him straight here there's another each month. There are predators on this island bigger than Compys" Steve was interrupted by a small beautiful women "Like Yashcheritsa." She interrupted. " What's that?" said Joe with fear in his eye. The whole camp had gone silent. " Yashcheritsa is the largest creature on the island bigger than the Brontos. She's an unusually large Rex with skin black as night and eyes as Red as the blood she spills." As she added this the camp returned to normal however had a large amount of tension in the atmosphere. "Oh and I'm Jane, follow me to your new quarters."

As he arrived at his room Jane told him that everything he needed was in the chest at the end of his bed. She also told him where the canteen was, Joe looked in his chest to find a stone axe, stone pickaxe and a set of leather armour. Joe tapped his crystal and his hologram came up again displaying his stats. He put his pickaxe against the screen it quickly disappeared into his inventory which seemed perfectly natural. He did the same with the rest of his equipment he looked out the window to see Tracy being healed in the infirmary just across the compound. Turning to Carlos he exclaimed "Lets get some food little guy." He could tell from his small reptilian features that the thought of food brought him pleasure. They both left the room together walking past dozens more beds as they did. How many people are here? Joe thought silently and so they exited their chambers together.

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