Chapter 5 : Yashcheritsa

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As Joe stepped forward brandishing his sword a resounding roar reverberated through the jungle. Joe turned around to see the Broodmother cowering in fear. He looked at what she was giving the painful stare at. Only to see a large black scaly body glistening in the evening sun and a set of red burning eyes. The eyes burnt deep into his soul examining his very existence. It released another great war, he was a head higher than the Broodmother's massive chitin carapace. Could it be, it was there was no doubt Yashcheritsa had come to claim his dominance. The Broodmother countered his roar with a viscous screech. She lunged with her forelegs and got within a hairs breadth of him. Her claw dug deep into the ground momentarily getting stuck, Yashcheritsa took the opportunity to kick her leg breaking it. A foul smelling liquid spouted from the stump burning the forest moss. Yashcheritsa leaped for her abdomen but his teeth slide off the blemishless chitin. She slashed at him catching him in his eye gouging it out, she released a scream of pleasure. He chomped her leg with his long teeth and pushed her into a large stone tower shattering it. The stone rained upon the Broodmother denting her exoskeleton. He took advantage of this and grabbed a bite into her abdomen grabbing a hold he pulled back, as he pulled back the plate that protected her organs came with it. Yashcheritsa then burried his face into her abdomen tearing out many vital organs and gulped them down. He then turned his massive head to Joe and released a growl of displeasure. Joe dropped his sword in fear then Yashcheritsa roared in irritation as the Broodmother's minions nibbled at his thick skin. He turned tail and trotted into the steamy jungles.

Three days after the battle and many of the large spiders were still about making repairs impossible. Steve jogged up to him wearing metal armour "Thank you for your help at the battle we lost 23 people that day." He stated solomly. "Sure but what are we going to do about the spiders?" Joe questioned scratching the back of his head. "We're going to go see Mad-Jack he lives in the caves arthropod expert, would you like to accompany us?" Steve asked. "of course" Joe said.

As they arrived at Mad-Jack's cave dragging the Broodmother's massive head behind them. There was a large gate blocking the entrance to the cave. Steve and two others who'd accompanied them pushed the door open. They dragged the head in as Steve looked for Jack. "Oh guests, we have Adam, look guests." Jack said with one of the pony sized spiders by his side. "Who's Adam" Joe said looking around for more humans Carlos also looked around for Adam. "He's the Araneo" Steve said pointing at the spider. "Ok Jack down to business ever since this boss spawned Araneo's are everywhere above ground. We need to know how to get rid of them?" Steve questioned. "Oh you need Pulmonoscorpius, I have enough for you however it's gonna cost yah." Mad-Jack said. "What do you want?" Steve grimaced. "You know what I want. I want a Level 120 Meganeura."

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