Chapter 7 : The Sad Truth

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As Joe returned to Mad-Jack with the captive Meganeura. At the entrance of the cave were Steve's friends, Joe told them the news, the tallest of them broke down in tears. Joe left the solemn group to mourn with the Meganeura as Jack called him. "I heard you give them the news Joe i'd hoped you'd both come back as i've been here as long as steve. Actually scratch that longer." Jack said as he entered the cave. Joe replied with "What do you mean i thought Steve was here the longest?" Jack led Joe to the back of the cave that had a corridor leading to a large cavern. Inside the walls were covered in lines about 3-4 inches in length each. "Count these and i've been here that many days?" Jack ordered. There were thousands of the lines more than Joe could count. "Follow me." Jack barked. He led Joe to another chamber full of the large Pulmonoscorpius. "Each of these represents every one whose died. Come with me." Jack said walking into the wilds of the cave. Joe followed obediently him and Jack sneaked round the caves. There was a crimson coloured Scorpion ahead feeding on a dead Titanoboa. Jack shot a blue fuzz tipped dart in between its leg segments. It turned around angrily and scuttled towards them Joe readied his spear. "Don't" Jack said simply. The angered arachnid collapsed in front of him. Jack tapped his implant while pointing it at the Scorpion. "This Pulmonoscorpius is Steve." Jack said firmly. He was serious Joe thought maybe he wasn't so crazy after all.

On the way back he told Joe about how he was the first person on the island who's still alive. There was him Liz, James and Mary. He told Joe about how they died and how he was alone for a year. As they all died very quickly and how he found Steve and took him in.

As they got back a strange dinosaur, one neither of them had seen was eating the Araneo's eggs. "What is that?" Jack said "I don't know" Joe said. Carlos who had stayed behind on the quest woke up and trotted out of the hut. He hissed at the creature and it hissed back much louder.

(Carlos's POV)

As I opened my eyes I heard some humans talking one was my friend Joe. I weasled my way through to half open door then spotted it. An Oviraptor i'd never seen one before, but I somehow knew what it was, I did my most ferocious hiss but it hissed back. I must stand my ground I hissed again it attacked, how rude. I used my sleek body to dodge then leaped onto its back. Sliding down its right side I dug my claws into its skin slowing my descent. Screeching I bite its throat with my small but short teeth. It shook me off and kicked my in the head, not again I thought.

(Third POV)

Joe watched as his friend was beaten and decided to act. Grabbing Jack's Tranq rifle he shot one, two, three shots into it. It dropped to the floor quickly Joe aimed for the head. "Don't we need it so we can find out what it is." Jack shouted it echoed ominously in the cave. Joe walked off in a strop and gently picked up Carlos as Jack attempted to tame the egg lover with more eggs.

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