Chapter 9 : Taking Control

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Joe petted Tracy on the head gently her scales rubbing against his hand. Tracy grunted with delight at this contact. It'd been a while since Joe had seen Tracy. Between all the errands and the battle he'd been too busy. Fortunately the dinosaur pen hadn't been scratched in the battle so Tracy was safe. Carlos also seemed happy to see Tracy. She was now fully grown twice the size of Joe. The dinosaur that Jack had tamed a couple of days ago was an Oviraptor. It could easily steal eggs from wild dinosaurs. Recently flying dinosaurs like Quetzals and Argents had been falling under a mysterious sleep caused by Pulmonscorpius venom. However after trying to get a cure from Mad-Jack they discovered him and all his arthropods were missing.

Joe placed the leathery saddle on Tracy's back. His training would begin today he would learn how to ride a Trike. He mounted Tracy's saddle, then immediately fell off. "More balance" Zach said. Zach was head of dino riding he had his own impressive male Trike. One third larger than Tracy. Joe tried again gaining a better seating this time. "Well done there we go, now move forward." Zach ordered and Joe obeyed. Moving forward Joe swayed gently as Tracy plodded ahead. Then he slipped off again. "Again!" Zach shouted.

Finally Joe had perfected it after 42 tries, him and Jane rode into the jungle. Him on Tracy and her on Albert her Mammoth. They were both great mounts for gathering thatch and wood these were needed for repairs. After a couple of hours of harvesting they decided to turn back. Just as they turned around there was a low chittering.

Joe turned to see Mad-Jack riding the Broodmother surrounded by Pulmonscorpius and Araneos. "What are you doing Jack and how is that thing still alive." Jane yelled. "Well the one Joe summoned is dead however i've had one since day 245 before Steve turned up. Then it was only the taming I had to deal with. Oh that's right you didn't know he summoned her right of course he didn't say." Jack screamed from the broodmother's abdomen. "What is this true Joe?" Jane asked surprised. "Yes but that doesn't matter anymore I helped defeat her." Joe countered. "Excuses, excuses, as I'm taking control of the tribe Joe your banished. By the way before you try to stop me Steve did put me as co-leader, so now I am the leader." Jack said. "Run, I don't care what you've done warn camp." Jane yelled. Tracy ran at Joe's command, Joe turned as Albert was overrun by by Pulmonscorpius along with Jane.

"Everyone prepare for battle." Joe said as he ran through the gates. Some cowards quickly got on their mounts and tried to escape. However they were swiftly overrun by the arachnids. The Broodmother climbed to the highest point in the camp as Jack assumed control. "I am Jack, some of you may know me as Mad-Jack. However I can assure you that I'm perfectly sane. I am now your chief. Steve did appoint me as Co-Leader so this is totally legitament."

After that Mad-Jack took control and Joe was banished to wander the islands forests. However this is not the end.

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