Chapter 11

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At Union Academy....

At Union Academy, Yang was in the fitness room keeping up with her physical prowess on a punching bag. Despite losing her arm and getting it replaced with a robotic one, she's not letting it slow her down one bit as she continues to strive to be the best she can be among her peers. 

After a while, Yang took a break and sighed as she wiped some sweat from her forehead. 

Yang: Man! Nothing like a hefty workout to get the blood flowing! 

Then Yang heard footsteps and looked to see Weiss and Blake heading towards her. 

Yang: Hey girls you here to work out too?

Weiss: Not right now. We're looking for your sister. Do you know where she is?

Yang: Uh no. I thought she was with you guys.

Weiss: Where could that dolt have gone off to?

Blake: Hmmm....

Blake looked deep in thought. 

Yang: You got an idea Blake? 

Blake: This may sound crazy but....I think she went back to the forest to fight that thing again? 

Yang and Weiss's eyes went wide. 

They knew Ruby was stubborn, but would she be "that" stubborn. 

A part of them didn't think so but they also knew that Ruby wasn't one to give up so they quickly got themselves ready to go after with the help from a few others. 

Unbeknownst to them was that Ruby was in good hands with (Algorim)Flukey. 


Flukey and Ruby continued onwards and stopped and grabbed Ruby to prevent her from moving ahead. 

Ruby: What is it? Is it the monster? 

Flukey: Yup. 

This scared Ruby to a point but Flukey's presence managed to keep her from freaking out. 

Flukey: You're not showing it but I can tell you're scared. Alright Ruby you got a choice to make here: You can go back and I take care of the problem myself. Mind you, I am more than capable of eliminating the threat. can continue onward with me, and get a little taste of the world that I live in. 

Flukey's tone was serious as he looked at Ruby and she looked back, contemplating over what to do. 

One part of Ruby's brain was telling her to just leave and let Flukey handle this by himself but another part of her wanted to stay and help. 

So against her better judgment she decided to stay. 

Flukey simply gave a nod and they continued on from there. 

Eventually they came across the monster and Ruby was horrified as it was just as creepy as it was the first and last time she saw it.

While Ruby was horrified, Flukey had a smirk on his face at his prey. 

Flukey: (An Abomination huh? Tsk. Nothing I haven't dealt with)

The Abomination was eating the insides of an adult bear before it stopped, sensing Flukey and Ruby's presence. 

Suddenly it threw the bear carcass at the two and Flukey pushed Ruby out of the way with one hand and caught the carcass with his other hand with some of the blood getting on him but not fazing him. 

He then lightly set the carcass down and as he did so the Abomination charged at him and Flukey expected this as he exhaled and with a serious face, threw a punch.

At face value, the punch didn't look like much but in reality it was much more than that. 

When Flukey's punch connected, the Abomination exploded into blood, limbs, and guts with much of the contents getting on Flukey. 

Ruby looked in shock at what she just witnessed. 

Ruby: (H-Holy crap! Even with the full might of Union we couldn't take that monster down but Algorim obliterated it in a single punch! Looks like Yang's met her match)

Flukey then walked over to the bear carcass and proceeded to give it a proper burial before turning towards Ruby and walking to her before he held his hand out. 

Flukey: You okay? 

Ruby blushed a bit as she took Flukey's hand and he lifted her up with ease, surprising her. 

Ruby:'re really strong Algorim...and caring....burying that poor bear. 

Flukey: Yeah....

Then Flukey and Ruby heard incoming footsteps and looked to see that it was his former bullies, classmates, and teachers. 

Flukey just looked as one thing was on his mind. 

Flukey: (Well....I knew this was bound to happen sooner or later. Let's get this over with)

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