Chapter 4

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Six years later in Another Time....

Six years have passed since Flukey went with Abeloth and left to find a much better life for himself than the one Union gave him and sure enough, Abeloth did just that and gave Flukey a better life than he ever thought possible, albeit some of his own feats and accomplishments played a part too. 

The scenario shows an otherworldly landscape far different from Union in every way. 

Right now, Flukey was taking a nice peaceful stroll and in the five years he's been gone from Union he's certainly gone through some changes. No longer human and now an Eldritch God, with the power to destroy Union with next to no effort if he wanted to.

Despite the many hobbies that Flukey has, walking is one of his favorites as he really enjoys the peacefulness to come out of a walk and given the life that Flukey's living, a little peace every now and then is very much welcomed. 

Eventually Flukey's walking, led him to a familiar cliff as he looked around and took a deep breath as he took in the sights more. 

Then someone behind him spoke. 

???: Figured I'd find you at this spot. 

Flukey looked behind him to see that it was Gorefield.

(Not his "true" form given that he has many but he and everyone who knows him considers this his "normal" form. He mostly uses this form to not only appear normal but also converse strength on a regular basis)

Gorefield or Garfield depending on the person is an Eldritch Deity who just like Flukey was once a normal being who didn't live a very good life and was a stray. As if things weren't already bad enough for Garfield, when he became an Eldritch, albeit through eating something he probably shouldn't have, he faced ostracization from others despite never hurting anyone. When he was attacked and close to the brink of death, pain and vengeance overtook him as he regenerated from his injuries and took revenge against not only his attackers, but his entire world. 

Not long after the destruction of his old world, he ran into Abeloth and with no sense of direction after getting his revenge, he stuck with her and became one of her enforcers as well as sharing a mother-and-son bond with her. 

After meeting Flukey and getting to know him and his situation, they both found a kinship within each other given that they both suffered unfairly in their world, the only difference is that Flukey never sought revenge while Garfield did. 

Regardless, this kinship formed into a strong brotherhood with both individuals willing to kill and die for each other should the need arise. 

Flukey: Well it is the best spot for me to see as far as the eye can see without the need to fly. 

Garfield: Yeah I hear ya on that. 

Garfield stood by Flukey as they both watched the landscape together. 

Flukey: long have we been boys? 

Garfield: Bout six years now going on seven. Why do you ask? 

Flukey: No special reason. Just....remembering everything that we've been through in those six years leading up to now. 

Garfield: Yeah we have been through a lot. But we always came back stronger through it all. 

Flukey: True. 

They stared out at the landscape a bit longer before heading back home to the mansion.

Once there, they headed inside and Flukey could smell food being cooked. 

Flukey: Something smells good. 

Garfield: Yeah that's another reason I went out to look for you. Pennywise just finished cooking.

Flukey: Gotcha. Well we better go eat. You know how he is when it comes to our well-being. Living up to the role of being a big brother. 

Garfield: True. At first he hated our guts but we showed him that we can rock with the best just like he can.

Flukey: Yup and don't only that but over time he's mellowed and become someone trusting and with a heart somewhere underneath all that darkness. 

Garfield: Yeah. Thanks to you and Abeloth. You two showed us that there can be more to life than just death and chaos. 

Flukey: Yup. And it's thanks to you guys that I've been able to make this far in my life. Sure I've accomplished some things on my own but still owe you guys for pushing me to do my best.

Garfield: Ah everyone needs a little push every now and then. 

Flukey: True that bro. 

Eventually Flukey and Garfield made it to the kitchen where Pennywise was there with food. 

Pennywise is the oldest out of the trio, being well over a million years old at least and unlike Flukey and Garfield, Pennywise was born an Eldritch and kept up the status quo of his kind to a tee. When he first met Flukey and Garfield through Abeloth he didn't think much of them and found them both to be nothing but wastes of meat not worth his time but upon seeing Flukey and Garfield's growth and rising potential, he started to see them in a different light and accepted them as his younger brothers, listening to them whenever they have something on their mind and being there in their time of need. 

Just like Garfield, Pennywise acts as an enforcer for Abeloth whereas Flukey is not only an enforcer but also an ambassador for her, handling her business affairs and other things she needs help with whenever she needs it. 

Pennywise: About damn time you two came back. I was beginning to think I'd have to bring you both back here myself. 

Garfield: No worries bro we're here. 

Flukey: Exactly. Now let's eat. 

With that Flukey, Garfield, and Pennywise all ate together. In the beginning, Garfield and Pennywise didn't care much for human food but over time they grew to like it. Though meat, especially humans, will always be their favorite food to eat. 

Throughout the universe the trio have become well-known in other worlds and to other Eldritch deities like the boys. Flukey even made a name for himself, Garfield, and Pennywise that represents the trio called....


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