Chapter 4

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Yo yo yo...Do I honestly only have two readers. I might cry :(... Oh well. I continue to

write! :O Ok so ummm...uhhhhh....Ideas? Vote. Comment. Read.( Tell ya friends too.)



"Sure thing..." he paused, his eyes sparkling with something unfamiliar. Something he wasn't telling me. Something that he probably thought I wouldn't understand. " ... Your Majesty." 

I only rolled my eyes at him. What an idiot.


I managed a tentative step outside, a cold wind striking itself against my bare forearms and legs. Shivering, I could feel goosebumps prickle against my skin, and I automatically stepped backwards, running into Jack. There's no turning back at this point, I encouraged myself, and slid on the coat Jack had offered from within our hovel. He snickered, not needing one.

"Why is it so cold?" I inquired, between the sound of my chattering teeth. He looked at me funny, as if he were enjoying the weather, and I could only assume that he'd grown up in a different climate.

"Arctic shift," he said, casting a hand over his eyes as if to have a better view of the land stretched out before us. Trees and other greenery cloaked our hideout in their verdant reaches, and I wondered how we would find a way out. Were we anywhere near civilization?

"It refers to permanent climate change. Certain regions will adapt to new weather patterns; thousands of years ago, this place was a sea - awfully different from what it was before, yeah?"

I nodded at his words, pretending to understand. It was all so different - so new. I wondered if maybe I was dreaming, but quickly pushed the thought out of my mind. If I was going to worry about anything, it had to be my family.

"Thanks, Jack," I mumbled, disliking the way his name sounded at my lips. I disliked him in general; we had nothing in common.


As he pushed through the verdant terrain, I watched carefully, my eyes only finding anything of interest as he stepped through the branches and disappeared at once.

"Jack?" I called out, not sure what had become of him. Sliding through the closely-packed trees, following the direction he had gone, I brushed my hair out of my eyes. Suddenly, our grassy surroundings had disappeared, and we were in civilization again. I turned, noting the trees were still there. He had taken shelter around an urbanized neighboorhood. 

Houses scattered here and there, and the ruin was obvious in some; several homes had collapsed completely, the only thing remaining behind was their poorly-constructed outline. Appliances and toys lay strewn across the streets, and parts of the asphalt had been torn away completely. Many of homes still stood, the only things broken were the thin glass of the window, or maybe the 

He walked up to a house and I raised my eyebrow at him. Then he kicked down the door and I gaped at him.

"You coming or what?" I just stared at him.


"You-you-you...!" He let out a musical laugh and I glared at him.

"You can't just bang down a door and take stuff! That's illegal!"


"We are going to get into so much trouble!"


"I'm too young to go to jail-"

"Stephanie!!!" I looked at him.

"What?" He sighed.

"Stephaine, I think you're fogetting that the people that live here are dead and that no one's gonna care. It's survial of the fittest!"

"Ugh, brunette moment!" He laughed.

"Come on, Steph. We don't have all day."I glared at him.

"You can't give me nicknames." He laughed and walked inside. I saw what looked to be a fancy bedroom and ran in. It was!

Was this how all rich people lived? Okay, maybe I was stereotyping a bit, but I'd never lived like this. My mom didn't handle money well and usually spent it on gambling, so we never had enough money. This was new for me.

I saw a king-sized bed and a 34' Plasma screen. There were three doors in the large bedroom and I opened one at random.

A scream excaped my lips.


:O What happened to Steph? You have to wait and see! MUAHAHAHAHAHA

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