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Jagdish drew the curtains back, allowing the light into the dark room as sun shone brightly against his perfectly sculpted face. The corners of his mouth turned up when he noticed the view in the garden. A few girls running around the mandap that was still in the midst of decor, the ladies preparing for the pre-wedding ceremonies and at the other side of the lawn, the elders were gathered for breakfast having a hearty conversation.

It was a beautiful sight.

Last night was not bad at all for an event he hated to attend. Elders here doesn't seem to bother about people's personal life, whether he or she is married or not, have kids or not or what are they planning for future. They were so cool talking about so many interesting topics Jagdish, wished his relatives were as unconventional as the elders he met last night. He definitely needed to thank Yashodha for being the winding reason for him to get the experience of meeting these people and learning that not all elders of the family are nosy about young one's life and for also changing his thoughts about such events too.

Thought of Yashodha reminded him that he was supposed to ask her out for a short while since his friends already had their trip in Jodhpur planned meanwhile the wedding preparation goes on.

He wondered if Yashodha would agree to come with him. Her entire family is here, will she spare some time for him? He sighed and took a glance at his so-called luggage that has nothing much of impressive clothes to wear for the events.

All he had was casual t-shirts and pants. What was he thinking when he packed his luggage? Going for a vacation?

He sighed in resignation and got himself ready to join the folks for the morning ceremony. 


"Did you just say 'shopping'?" Gayathri squealed as she burst out from the bathroom, braiding her long hair.

Jagdish almost jumped out of his seat at the unexpected intervention.

"Ermm... Yes... yes I did" he replied.

"Oh! Fantastic! Can I come with you too, please?" Gayathri requested clasping her hands together. "I know this place good enough to bring you out," flashing her perfect white teeth. 

Yashodha quietly watched Gayathri as she excited spoke about the shops, she can bring him. Did the word shopping really switched her mood? she thought while observing Gayathri. 

"Ahem... what happened to the Gayu earlier who was being worried on 'what Patti is going say about me roaming round', huh?" Yashodha dropped both her elbows on the coffee table and rested her chin in her hand.

Jagdish filled himself a cup of tea as they had their conversation. 

Gayathri only grinned and hummed.

"I was reflecting about events that happened here earlier and you came in mind" she began, dropping herself on the nearby couch. 


Gayathri nodded vigorously. "Yeah, like how you forgot everything that happened between you and Patti last night after I left...

I came back to call you down. Sorry, akka. I heard almost all of it but left the place immediately after that" she mumbled feeling embarrassed for eavesdropping their conversation.

Yashodha heaved a heavy sigh. "That's alright. Even Jagdish heard it, partially. So what's with me that got you changed your mood?" Yashodha diverted the topic back. 

"Well, I saw you happy, not bothered about Patti's words last night. You didn't let her spoil your day. You were you without sulking. You were as if nothing happened.

If it was me, I would have stayed, crying all day if it was not you sending me out.

I want be like you, akka. Happy and carefree" she finished, smiling wide.

"Okay but I will love to see you as you instead you like me. You will get tired trying to be me, Gayu. Just be you and you will be the happiest. What say, Jagdish?" 

"Divine words. Keeping in mind, Gayu" he winked at Gayathri ignoring Yashodha's scrutinizing gaze.  

She huffed. Though his words sounded as if ridiculing, his eyes said otherwise, she caught the glimpse of it when he finally turned to meet hers. 

It seemed funny to herself, how a person's gaze could make one feeling numerous inexplicable feeling. Familiar yet unfamiliar. It gave her goosebumps as the thought played in her mind. 

Yashodha cleared her throat as if it would brush the thought away. 

"Are you okay with her coming with us?" she ask Jagdish.

"The more the better," he replied instantly and showed a thumbs up to Gayathri who than jumped in joy.

"Alright, then. We can go after lunch. There isn't much to do until evening anyway" Yashodha chuckled while Jagdish watched Gayathri singing in amusement.

"She seems to be very happy about going out" he commented.

"It's been quite some time since the last she actually went out to enjoy" Yashodha said quietly, inaudible to Gayathri.


Hustle and bustle, bumping onto almost everyone they walked past. Shopkeepers screamed out offers on top of their voices attracting customers and customers trying their best to bargain prices. It was the bazaar that always drowns in sea of people. Not a single empty spot can be visible between stalls. 

 The three however, squeezed their way through the crowded street under the scorching sun.  They walked around going in and out of every possible shops they came across as Gayathri lead the way. 

On their way, they spotted Lakshman at a stall bargain with the shopkeeper. They decided to stop over and pull him with them to shop for Jagdish because Yashodha was bad at selecting and Jagdish was not really happy with Gayathri's striking colour of choice.

He needed a man.

"Lakshman?" Jagdish called.

"Were you following us?" Jested Yashodha and stuck her tongue out.

"I should ask the same because I left the palace right after the ceremony ended" he replied wiggling an eyebrow at Yashodha. She rolled her eyes.

"Oh, should have told me. I would have come with you instead. Unnecessarily dragged Yasho and Gayathri here"

"Hahaha, I don't mind joining you guys anyway" Yashodha grabbed Gayathri's hand and headed to the next shop leaving the boys behind. 

The group strolled through the bazaar leisurely. The crowd was still heavy in the mid-afternoon which ended up Jagdish and Yashodha missed the other two as they moved swiftly through.

"We missed them" Yashodha panted as she took the water bottle Jagdish offered.

"Yeah, we probably will not find them in this crowd" Jagdish sat next to Yashodha at the side of a shop. 

After waiting for about twenty minutes, Yashodha suggested they should maybe wait for them in a restaurant while they have something to pump up their drained energy. 


Two cups of hot chai and a plate of Kachori made its way to the table Jagdish and Yashodha occupied. Jagdish drummed his fingers on the table excitedly as the waiter placed their order before them. 

"Hmm... smells good" Yashodha breathed the strong aroma of the hot chai. 

"Yes, it is" Jagdish agreed and begin counting something with his fingers. 

"What are you counting?" 

"It's been two years and ten months to be exact since the last we met for coffee. Only difference is, this time it's chai" he grinned and sip his drink. 

"That's close to three years. So, where have you been stationed in that period?" she asked.

"Currently at Vishakapatnam"

As they indulged in random talks, Jagdish remembered Yashodha said about Gayathri and he was curious to know hence he asked. 

"Gayathri got married three years ago to Kathir. An army man" she smiled as if he should have known by now, knowing her family is full of militarians. 

"A year ago, Kathir and I got stationed at a rehabilitation camp for surrendered Naxalites for the first time. In the beginning of the camp, it was normal, peaceful. Those who surrendered were changing for good. After a couple of months situation begin to grow worst that one day, everything fell apart. 

It happened in a blink of an eye, one of the naxal managed to snatch a gun from a soldier. He threatened to shoot to the solider if we refused to let the rest of the naxals free. Ten of us surrounded with guns pointed at him while the rest controlled the those who were locked. 

When we refused to give in, he shot the soldier he held. In an instant, another gunshot blast from my right side. It was from Kathir's but what followed next left me with sleepless night. 

The moment I turned to look at him, he was shot on the head. It was the leader of the Naxal group who shot the bullet on Kathir. Following that was the last bullet from our end, the leader was down but some who were free managed to escaped. We never got to find them. 

More than seeing Kathir laying lifeless before me, the fear of how Gayathri would take the news had me feeling guilty for some reason.

Since then, she was mostly told to stay indoor, locked. It was her preference too but I'm glad some of my cousins helped her cope a little. Now, she is better almost getting to her old self" Yashodha ended Gayathri's story with a shrug. 

"She is a strong girl because she has a good support from her sisters" Jagdish commented, pointing to her. 

"It was them not me"

"You never know your strength until someone tells you, sweetheart"


Yashodha and Jagdish headed out of the bazaar soon after they got a text message from Lakshman on where to meet them. On their way out through the less crowded street, Yashodha got knocked by someone who seem to be moving in hasty, he unmindfully apologised as he gave a quick glance at her. However, the quick glance turned to a couple of seconds of staring in shock while she was trying to remember who he was in that span of time before he sped his way through the crowd. 

Standing stun in the middle of the street, Yashodha tried hard to recollect memories of the man she bumped into. She was certain she knew the man however, failed to do so. 


Somewhere in the back alley of Kapra Bazaar

"Hello, anna. I just met the lady from the group" the man who bumped into Yashodha spoke over the phone. 

"Who? Yashodha?" responded from the other side of the line. 

"Yes, anna. I saw her" 

"Where are you?"


"Alright, follow her and keep me updated on her whereabouts. We will use her to reach our target" ordered the man.


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