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⚔️J, Y & team on mission - Part III ⚔️


"If you are thinking of evacuating your people out of the building. I'll suggest you to rethink your decision, Captain Yashodha," said Nageash, smirking while showing off his bloodied teeth.

"What did you just say?!" Javead dangerously minced his way to Nageash.

"Every seven kilometers for the next thirty kilometers out of this palace, there's a bomb. Explosion can bring fatal up to eight kilometer in radius. If they escape this building, they can't escape out there. Entire Jodhpur will go down in ruins in just one click," Nageash snorted without having a tinge bit of fear in him.

"You bloody scoundrel" Javead lunged a kick on his chest, Nageash flew back along with the chair tied to him.

White knuckles from clenching her fist too hard and gritted teeth trying to remain silent. There seems to be no way out. Yashodha had the slight doubt when Nageash mentioned 'outside of the palace' but she did not expect them to go to such extend. No, naxalites never harmed common people. These were for personal revenge in the name of rebel. She had to think and she had to be quick. 

The current situation was if she was tied upside down from a cliff. 

"What's the plan, Captain?"

"I'm trying to think of a best possible way to keep the people safe, Major. If our officers manages to defuse all explosives within the compound we can at least get those outside to take shelter in the palace, right?" Yashodha suggested.

"You are right. Our officers can't go out but we can certainly get aid from the local bomb squad. I'll give a call right away to the police" Javead agreed and proceeded to make necessary calls.

Yashodha impatiently marched to and fro. Ten minutes had passed with no update from the bomb disposal unit. Yashodha couldn't wait any longer, she called Jagdish who was in charge of the task.

"What's the update?" She asked immediately as soon as the call was answered.

"We managed to defuse one. We can't find the other two. It's not in the location he said!" Jagdish on the other side frantically replied. She could hear him moving around. They must have been searching for it.

"Keeping searching. We'll try to get some help"

She was anxious and petrified at the same time. What if the leader of the Naxalite group found out about them searching for the explosives? What if he just decides to press the button? What if he refuses to have a deal? 

"I have called the bomb squad. They will be here in minutes" Javead intervened her thought process.

"Have you explained to them the complexity of the situation?" Yashodha asked.

"I have. They are fully prepared" he nodded.

The continuous cough and wheezing pulled their attention back to the traitor who had lied about the explosives. The man laughed, "I thought you were smart, Captain Yashodha. You turn out to be a fool. Fool like the rest," he spat.

The words he uttered were raging fire in her, she flounced towards him and slapped the man as hard as she could. The man had been playing with them and many lives out there. What seems to be a game for these people, it means life for many. There was only one way out.

"You will be the fool in this game of vengeance," she sneered and took his mobile phone that they had snatched earlier.

She ran a quick scan through the mobile device before tapping on the screen and placed it to her ears.

"This is Yashodha. Let's settle this once and for all. Room 330" she cut off the call as soon as she delivered her message and threw the devices to a corner. 

"And you," she turned Nageash. "In case you have forgotten, this is the Indian Army. No one plays the fool here. Good bye"

The milliseconds of fear arose in the eyes of her prey was all she wanted to see. She wanted him to feel the fright that they wished to instill in others. That satisfaction was enough to give her the strength for the upcoming rage she was about to face.


The room door swung open, Yashodha and Javead was expecting the Naxalites but it turned out to be Jagdish who ran into the room. He as a navy knows, he shouldn't be emotionally driven  during such mission but somewhere he felt he should be with the lady who had taken responsibility to lead the team. Whether his expertise was needed there or not, it would give him a certain relief to be around her in the time of crisis, he thought. 

"What happened?" She asked. 

"We managed to deactivate  two bombs but there are more. The K9's are on duty" he reported, his eyes fell on the man laying lifeless at a corner.

A silent understanding of the situation passed between the three. He did not question further. 

"What about the wedding?" Yashodha was still worried about her brother's wedding amidst of the havoc. 

"Finished. I think it's best we should evacuate the guest out of the palace" Jagdish said.

"No. We can't," replied Javead. "Explosives are placed outside too. They have kept all the way outstretching thirty kilometers. No one will survive. I just don't understand how did they get so much of explosive!"

"We have to take the next step carefully–" a sudden commotion out at the corridor took away Yashodha's remaining words.

Without a delay they sprinted out of the room only to be greeted with naxalites attacking the guests. Snatching their golds, money and other pricey possessions leaving them injured. The situation did not give them much time to think as each one indulged in an unarmed combat with the many young naxals. 

Their prime goals was to move the guests to a safe place, in a room or a hall. However, Jagdish wondered why the remaining officers who attended the wedding hasn't come to help. They should have known by now about the attack. It's highly uncommon for the military personnel not to come for rescue. With just the three of them, the difficulties in keeping up with the number was quite challenging. 

As they were attempting to keep the naxals away from the guests, the three officers were forcefully dragged to the exact same room they had kept Nageash. Each were held tight by two youngsters keeping them in place as they tried to wiggle themselves free. 

Officers were shortly greeted by a bunch of Naxals easily outnumbering the three officers in the room. It took quite some effort from the officers to show strength as much as possible before the leader.

Agasthya, the leader of the Naxal group. Brother of the former leader whom they had killed a year ago walked it dismissively with a cigarette lit between his lips.

"Good to see you, Madam" Agasthya joined his two palms before him, greeting her and her associates who were badly bruised by the naxals. 

"What do you want, Agasthya?!" Yashodha fumed. 

"Ohho! What's the hurry, madam? We have all day. Let's start with, how are you?" He mocked. His eyes caught the sight of his man lifeless at  a corner.

Agasthya's demeanor changed. His eyes turned red and gritted teeth in anger, he roared "you killed my man?!"

"He deserves it," she commented, unnerved by his burning gaze.

Her unaffected attitude enflamed the revenge in leader.

On instruction of their leader, all three received an equal number of punches leaving them bloodied. The officers stood unperturbed with the physical assaults, enraging him even more.

"Madam, if he deserves to die than... so do they" he pointed out to the window and gestured his men to bring them to get a view. 

The guests, the locals and her family were gathered at the far end of the compound surrounded with armed men. Everyone she knew were there, clung to each other for support. 

"You bloody coward! Using Naxalites' name to fulfill your vengeance. Shame on you!" Yashodha angrily spat.

"Shut up! That's what we do! Take revenge of things that weren't entitled to us" Agasthya retorted. 

"You will need to check on your history, Agasthya. Naxalites don't harm common people but you do!" 

"I don't give a damn! All I want is to see you all die" Agasthya's eyes held anger and hatred over everything his vision fell upon. 

"What the hell do you want?" Javead thundered, pushing the two young chap away from him with much effort. They fell either side of him. 

Both Yashodha and Jagdish took that as a cue and followed suit. Resulting another battle within the room. Bullets flew wildly in the air, the naxalites clamored at the sudden outbreak of the soldiers and the leader stunned for a moment before going after the one they had all come for. 

The lady among the three was his target in the suite before he get the rest. 

The intensity was high. Yashodha was moving in lightning speed bashing each one that came her way. Beating them with whatever she got in hand. However, she wasn't prepared for the lunge that came from the back. 

It pushed her to the wall, tearing the ligament of her left arm. Agasthya crouched down and grabbed a fistful of her hair. He silenced the room once again with his victory call. 


It didn't take much time for Yashodha to agree to Agasthya's condition. The brutal bashing of both Javead and Jagdish left her almost defenseless as it left the former unconscious and the latter severely hurt. 

"Call all of them. All of those who were there on that fateful day" Agasthya ordered as one of his men handed Yashodha her phone. "I want to see them death right here under my feet or!.... " he pointed his finger to the group held captive outside. "They will blast into pieces" he said showing of the remote that controls the explosives.

Her shaky hands dialed a number as she remembered their emergency code word, "Hello? Farukh? Farukh? ... Farukh? Can you hear me?" she deliberately dragged as she made her emergency call.

With the most villainous laugh, Agasthya mercilessly ordered his men to drop her down from the third floor to the courtyard while dragging the wounded officer to witness the scene. 

I have no idea how okay this chapter is. I'm quite unsure about the turn out.

Do let me know about it and don't forget to vote. 

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