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Life is a mysterious thing one minute your happy then the next your all alone in the world at least that what's Chloe thought her parents died in a car accident when she was only six leaving her all alone she was put in the foster-care system she then met her friend Kate they became fast friends soon enough Kate mom took her in she was finally happy at least for now " Wake up !" A voice boomed stamping Chloe out of her trance she looked up and saw Kate her hair was up in a messy bun Chloe smiled before sitting up " What time is it ?" She asked getting up to stretch she felt the wind blow on her face looking up at the sky the clouds began to circle and get darker Chloe took the camera that was around her neck started taking pictures " This is it !" Kate shouted in excitement Chloe nodded taking her hand leading her back to the rest of the gang ever-since they started collage they met some amazing .

Friends Javi , Addy Jeb and Praveen all storm chaser today they were testing out Kate project they had been waiting there for hours Kate hit the wheel of the van blaring the horn waking everyone one up " Jesus Christ , Kate !" Ella explained Chloe could only laugh " Storm's here guys let's go !" Chloe yelled " Nah ' nah it can't be . Ugh I went way too hard last night " Javi said he groaned and pulled the sleeping back up .

" Javi , Addy , get up come on " Kate said she pulled the sleeping back off Javi " Bro come on " Javi explained.

After everyone had woken up Kate began recording a video she was documenting her experiment Chloe sat beside the van " Jeb, are you sure it's recording? I don't see a red light " Kate said .

" Oh " Jeb said he checked the camera " Yeah recording "

" Okay , blah " Kate said she laugh " Don't make me laugh , stop it " .

" Okay , um " Kate started she cleared her throat flapping the cuffs of her long sleeve in the air "Today our science team, the Tornado Tamer Project, will be taking the field, about to chase the storms southwest of us. Our experiment is designed to decrease the moisture inside of a tornado to see if we can make it collapse." Kate explained.

"Tell the folks how you do that, Kate." Jeb prompted "Well, first we have to find a tornado to suck up our super absorbent polymers in these barrels." Kate started She gestured to the barrels behind her. "Diapers. Tell them it's the same stuff they use in diapers." Addy whispered, from off camera

Jeb panned the camera over to the blonde girl, she made a face, not expecting to be seen.
"Oh, yeah," Kate said "It's non-toxic." Addy said

"Uh, the doppler doesn't show a storm until the afternoon." Praveen commented

"Well the data doesn't see what Kate sees, remember?" Addy countered

"How bout Kate sees a few more hours of sleep?" Javi suggested Jeb panned the camera over to the blonde girl, she made a face, not expecting to be seen.He shoved some food in his mouth. He had black sunglasses covering his eyes. Chloe just rolled her eyes at Javi "That might work." Javi said Praveen put his computer on top of Dorothy, much to Javi's displeasure. "Praveen, what are you doing? Dorothy's not a desk!" Javi exclaimedPraveen quickly picked his computer up "Let's go guys " Chloe told them she hop in the  van it didn't take long for the rest of the gang to join her Addy and Praveen sat in the back with her Jeb and Kate hop in the front they all began to drive .

" One Mississippi, Two Mississippi " Addy counted Praveen look at her " That's not a thing " Praveen told her Chloe laugh at them both Kate phone began to ring " Hey mom !What's up , yeah just chasing weather around , yes we'll be careful I promise " Kate stated " Hey Mrs Carter " Addy Jeb and Praveen all said at the same time.

"I'll tell them gotta go" Kate said "Uh she said there is barbecue at the house when we're done "
" oh yes !" Addy cheered Chloe then began to stare out the window looking at the storm brewing up "Man, I love Oklahoma "  Chloe stated .

"All right how are we getting to this thing I'll need a southwest position to read my senses " Javi said over the radio . " Yeah coming right up" Jeb claimed turning off on the right side of the road Chloe smiled getting excited about the tornado they were headed to "Oh and the winds shear is strong " Praveen said looking at the computer calculating the storm Chloe look to the computer " Got some serious energy building in there " Chloe claimed as she open the window and started looking out thunder began to echo the sky  " Oh hey hey ! buckle up "  Jeb said through a grin Chloe took out her phone out .

And started taking pictures " Don't don't lean out the window " Praveen  pleaded " Come on , come back in Chloe please " Chloe rolled her eyes and sat back down " Ever since you got struck by lightning you're no fun " Addy laughed Praveen shook his head at them " Yeah well that's what happens " He said Kate began looking out the widow " Okay we should get the mixture ready " .

" Uh don't you want to wait for the rain to hit first?" Jeb asked Kate but within a couple seconds rain started to pour " Ok we should um we should get the mixture ready " Chloe knew that her sister and Jeb meant a lot to each other Chloe could never find that special someone all the people she would date told her she had to much baggage and she believed them " Yes we should " Kate grinned within a couple of minutes Chloe Jeb and Kate started mixing the buckets .

" There she is !" Chloe cheered as the tornado began forming they all hop back into the van the winds started whirling more the sky went dark Kate began to wipe off the window to try and see "Uh got a cape of 4000 , 100 knots gate to gate wind shear aloft " Praveen said . " Come on give us a nice respectable EF1" Chloe stated hoping they would get something " I mean Ef2 we'll take it " Kate nodded " Well Ef2 would be to big " Praveen says " You have no faith Praveen" Addy told him causing Chloe to laugh Just no more of those baby Ef0's " .

"Javi how's Dorothy's gps? "Addy asked through the radio

" Dorothy's coming in loud and clear "

The rain began to get heavy the wind was growing stronger Chloe could feel the storm coming sticks began start hitting the windshield of the van " oh wow " Kate muttered Chloe could notice everyone getting nervous " Are we in the tornado?" Praveen asked nervously

" No , no it's behind us "Chloe said looking behind her every else did to " okay " Kate says shocked trying to figure out what to do Jeb look to her "Wait should I drive faster ?!" Jeb asked Kate.

" No ,No, no , we've got to drop the barrels in its path "

"Are we going to see the path ?" Praveen asked

Suddenly a round bale hits the car causing everyone to get thrown around Jeb try's fighting it but it the car goes in the ditch the trailer gets flip over " This is the path" Chloe said looking at everyone " How close is it "Addy says the storm began to pick up more " That's a lot of lightning " Praveen nervously asked " Okay you guys stay here " Kate told them she climbed out of the van Chloe quickly followed behind her "Wait , Wait" .

Chloe saw the mixture falling out of the buckets " It's spilling we have to hurry !" Kate stated Jeb Praveen Addy began to help flip the trailer but it wasn't working " No we need leverage to tip it " Jeb said he try looking around trying to find something " Jeb hurry " Kate pleads . Jeb picks up a t post and begans to try and flip the trailer Chloe used all her strength trying to help finally it budges " Yeah " everyone says .

"Hey Kate you got muscles and brain " Jeb try's saying but hay is hitting him in the face every-one began laughing Kate runs up and kissed Jeb Chloe smiles at them "Come on love-birds " she grinned " Let's open them up " Jeb began to help Chloe undo the top of the barrels " Come on " Addy says hitting Dorothy the doors finally open "Praveen unhooks the trailer " We're clear ".
" Alright we got it let's go , let's go " Kate said taking Chloe hand leading her back to the van " We have to go !" Chloe tells them " Okay we dropped the trailer Javi " Kate says through the radio They began to drive away .

"Alright let's see if it takes the bait " Javi said

"Come on " Chloe stated

" What if there no tornado? What ifs it's just a dense wave of hell " Addy says the buckets began to explode the mixture began to fly up in the air "Whoo baby we just shot up 10,000 feet " Javi cheered " Yes !" Chloe and the rest of the gang shout " Okay that's not a hell wave "Addy stated "We did it Kate !"Jeb looked to her the light poles began to break and spark " Wait , wait it's getting closer " Chloe started looking trying to figure out what was happening Sensors rising?, 30,000 feet " Javi radioed she ran her hand through her hair

"The , the polyacylate should be active now" Chloe says

" Are the winds weakening Javi " Addy asked Javi through the radio " Dorothy can't tell you that Lagrangian mechanics a moving sensor can't give you the exact measurement of wind speed ah yeah 40,000 feet your tornado isn't shrinking Kate, 50,000 feet holy shit " Javi stated but stop talking Chloe could here Javi breathing becoming more heavy she knew something wasn't right "Nah,Nah ,nah this can't be right " Chloe took the radio " Javi talked to us " she demanded " Javi talk to us " the only thing she could hear was the rain and the sound of the wind shield wipers .
"Talked to us " Addy pleaded " sensors just shot up 70,000 feet Chloe could tell everyone was in shocked " What ? Uh the the nexrad velocity is 200 miles per hour " Praveen nervously says

"That's impossible "

" Unless it's a EF5 " Kate said looking behind us Chloe followed she could feel her body go numb "Guys Guys whatever in there it's big and it's moving fast drive !" Javi shouted worried Jeb began to drive even faster Chloe held onto the seat Kate was siting on she graft Chloe hand holding it tight " You got to get the hell out of there " the wind began to shake the van stuff began to get thrown " Go go go !" Kate says .

" How did it become a Ef5 "

"It's coming closer !" Praveen streams Jeb began to drive even faster " oh look out !" Chloe cries a post comes flying at the wind shield causing Jeb to swerve and spin Chloe held onto her sister tight the van finally came to a stop " Everyone okay ?" Jeb asked Chloe began to pant but nodded " We can't stay here " Chloe looked around trying to find a place to go " There !" Praveen streams pointing to an overpass "Over pass are the worst in tornadoes" Kate explain even though Chloe knew her sister was right but they didn't really have any where else to go .

" What do we do ?!" Addy asked Chloe couldn't see anything but the tornado that was headed there way " This car is gonna fly come on" Chloe quickly open the door and began to run taking Kate hand she didn't try looking behind her " If this was a way to die I don't want it " Chloe thought she looked behind her Praveen trip within seconds he was gone the tornado was coming closer to them Chloe finally made it to the overpass she pushed Kate in front of her .

" Go !" Chloe demanded Kate nodded began to climb up Jeb came behind her helping her sister Chloe tried climbing up but she only made it half way " Chloe !" Addy streams Chloe takes her hand and tries helping her up " Hang on "
Chloe said she tried using her strength, but she didn't have any left a stream echo causing her to look up a peace of metal flew up and cut Kate thigh this couldn't be happening she couldn't loose everybody she had already lost so much .

She could feel Addy hand start to slip " No ! No " Chloe cried a ton of sticks and dirt came flying at them causing Addy hand to let go of hers "Chloe !" She could hear her sister cry Chloe turn around and began to crawl up the underpass Kate eyes locked with hers she began to slip again Kate graft her hand trying to hold on tight " You have to let go " Chloe shouted trying to stay brave for her sister " No never !" Kate pleaded . Chloe could feel her hand start to slip " I'm sorry , I can't let you die " she pushed herself away she could feel herself get picked up hoping her sister and Jeb would be okay . She closed her eyes a sharp pain began to form in her stomach .

Opening her eyes all she saw was a open field looking down shocked began to fill her body she was impaled by a small post by her stomach "Damn it !" She cursed blood was pouring out her vision began to get buzzy sirens began to go off in the distance " Mam ! Mam your gonna be ok ?" A voice said but Chloe couldn't make out who it was she could feel herself start to slip away "stay with me " a voice pleaded but Chloe could only welcome the darkness.

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