New Life In Forks

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Here's the next chapter..........


My eyes slowly open as I felt the sun's rays heat my body, and I flinch, feeling one side of my neck felt sore, and it made me sit up, and touch my fingers upon my neck in that area on my right side of my neck, my eyes moving side to side, and I tilt my head to the right, then left, but my neck felt fine, which was weird.
My phone was playing a song on it as my alarm, a Japanese song that only had guitars playing and some classical instruments, which was Hizaki; a renowned and famous guitarist was doing his guitar skills in the song, the song called Race Wish.

I reach over; grabbing my phone; me putting my face to it, and I could make out the buttons if my face is to it or even apps, and I turn the alarm off.
I noticed my phone was fully charged so I took it off the charger, and I get out of bed, and yawn, my hand in front of my mouth.

I noticed my luggage bag that has all my clothes and necessities in it was open by the blurry blobby shape of it, and I kneel down, my fingers trailing inside it, and yes it was empty, so Charlie must've put all my clothing and necessities away, including my sonic toothbrush into the bathroom, along with my bathing stuff, toothpaste, water pick, and my pads for when I get my cycle.
I felt around the room for the light switch, and I found it by another door, and flick it on, and I feel the door the light switch was nearby, and I could smell water, meaning the bathroom was beyond this door.

A knock sounded behind me, which I turn my head to.
Are you awake?"
Charlie asked and I heard the door creak open.
"Oh you are!
I'll show you where your clothes are at and stuff."

He; I heard walk over to me, him opening the door, and he guided my hands to the sink, and then to where my sonic toothbrush was plugged in, including my water pick that he told me he filled with water, and showed me where my bathing stuff is, my pads, and where the waste bin was at.
He guided me to where he put each article of clothing inside the dresser, and as he did, I grabbed me some clothes to wear.
"I'll leave you to groom yourself.
Breakfast is already made."
He left my room; him shutting the door behind himself.

My phone then pinged; meaning Mom must've sent me a voice text message, and I would listen to it later, because I needed a bath and to groom myself.
I set my clothes onto an intable in the bathroom, put my rag on a round ring by the shower, and my towel too.
I then feel around for the knobs to the showerhead, and found them, turning them so that the water could get warm.
It takes me awhile to get used to new surroundings since I'm half blind, maybe a month or two, especially if I'm going to school.
Once the water was warm enough; I shut the door to the bathroom, but left it unlocked, and I started stripping out of my clothing, my chubby body showed, the pale snowy skin of mine, and yes my arms and legs had hair I know so, since I can't shave, my under arms, including my core too, since I can't see well enough to shave.
I set my bra onto the counter that I grabbed too before I came into the bathroom.
My chubby kidney areas showed, my thick chubby thighs, slim boney lower legs, slim lower arms, but chubby arms, and my big breasts, as well as my slight pot belly showed.
I had lots of freckles upon my arms.
I step into the warm water, me turning my back to the warm streams of water, and I tilt my head up, allowing my boy short hair to get wet, that was dark brown, and my eyes were gray now from my blindness, but they used the be an emerald green before I became half blind.
The scars around my eyes were visible too that looked like chemical burn scars.

I heard a squeak of a door sound and I perk up at that.
I call out, but I heard nothing, so I figured it was the house settling, and I started humming a random tune as I started washing my hair, my fingers working my brown short locks.

The smell of avocados hits my senses, and I then rinse my hair out, and I reach for the rag and grab it, me wetting it with the streams of water, then suds it up with my honey body wash, then I start cleaning every crevice of my body, and rinsed myself off, and my rag.
I take some body wash into my hand and start washing my face, and I lean my head back holding my breath, as I let the water cover my whole face, then I rub away the soap to go away.

If you don't hurry up you'll be late!"
Charlie yelled; and I finally turn the water off, and stepped out of the shower, me drying off, and I dress into my clothes quickly, and comb my hair, brush my teeth well, then spit the toothpaste out well, and I sat on my bed, fumbling with my boots, me pulling them on, and I zip the sides of them up, and tie them in order.

Another ping from my phone went off, me knowing my mother was leaving voice texts for me.
I grab my phone, placing it into my purse, and it's portable charging bank, as well as it's plug in charger.
Charlie knocked on my door, and I heard him open the door.
"Are you ready?
I have your breakfast and lunch packed."

"Thank you."
I tell my stepdad Charlie.
He tried to help guide me down the stairs, but I say next.
"I can go down them myself."

I won't coddle you then.
You are in your thirties after all."
He replied, but I could tell he wanted to coddle me by his voice, and truly I needed to do things on my own.

I heard him grab a lunch cooler; and I follow him out of the home, but I carefully walked on the slick concrete, but misstepped, me falling on my rear, and I flinch in pain, my rear hurting, and I felt a burning pain in my hand, and I blink, me smelling the irony smell of blood.

"Sweetheart; you're bleeding!
Stay right there and I'll get the medical kit!"
I sigh at that, as he ran into the home.

I could feel my blood dripping to the concrete slowly of my right hand, and I could hear it too drip to the concrete, and soon bootsteps walked up to me, and I tilt my head up, me seeing a blurry blobby dark figure in front of me.
I blink and say.
The person I heard kneel, their boots crunching the concrete, and I felt them grab my hand into their own hand, and I blink in shock when I felt a cold wet....I think tongue lick my hand as it bled, making my heart race rapidly, me knowing exactly that this person isn't Charlie.

"I'm coming pumpkin!"
Charlie called out to me from inside the house, and in seconds my hand was let go, and I watched the blurry dark blob move away from me at inhuman speed, it disappearing, making me wonder what and who that was.


If I told Charlie about what I just experienced he would indeed think I'm crazy.
I thought to myself as I stare at my hand wrapped in gauze as Charlie was now driving me to school at Forks High.

Then my attention went to my breakfast on my lap in a container; which was I could smell a homemade waffle, fluffy powdered eggs, and turkey bacon strips.
I pick up a piece of turkey bacon and bite into the crispy slice, and chew it up well.
I picked at my food as my mind was on that experience; making me wonder who the hell that was, who licked my bleeding hand like a sweet candy?
I couldn't get that incident out of my mind as I picked like a chicken at my food, until I finally finished it, in which finally Charlie pulled into a parking spot, and turned his gears so it would stay parked.

"I'll take your lunch box that has your breakfast home.
Enjoy your first day at school!"
Charlie tells me, and I get out of his vehicle, and I heard many voices chattering around me, and I'm not used to such loud buzzing of voices, so it was overwhelming.

You're the new girl right?"
I jump a little at the male voice, me turning my body in their direction, my eyes moving side to side.

"Excuse'm half blind so..."
I say to that person, me shy.

"Oh; sorry.
I'm Eric Yorkie."
The male voice says to me.
"Did you hurt your hand?"

"I fell this morning; which is normal if I don't know my surroundings."
I tell him.

"Well; I can help you know your way around then!"
Eric says cheerfully to me.

"Can you guide me to the office?"
I ask him.

I felt him wrap his upper arm around my right upper arm.
"Follow me!"
Eric says to me, and I felt many eyes on me from the other side of the parking lot, and I tilt my head to the side in confusion.

I heard Eric pull open a heavy door with a creak, and then guides me through it.
"The office is a short walk to the right from the entrance.
The bathrooms are by the lockers down the long hall to the left."
Eric says to me.
"The gym is through doors of a walkway by the lockers, and you go outside to go across the way to the gym.
The lunch room is by the lockers down a different hall to the right."

I tell him as I heard him open a door.

"Hey Miss Martin; this is the new girl!"
Eric says cheerfully.

"Oh; the blind girl!
I have your brail schedule."
Eric; I heard take a paper and he handed it to me, which I started feeling the brail letters, and the schedule told me my first class was biology.

"My first class is biology."
I tell Eric.

"I'll guide you there immediately."
Eric says to me.

"Thank you."
As he guided me down a hall, I memorized the corridor we went down, and he stopped at a third door, him opening it with a creak, and I saw blurry blobs of desks and chairs to the left, and a big blobby desk to the right.

"I'll come back when your class is done after I leave mine."
Eric says to me.

"Thank you."
I tell him as I walk over to the first desk to the left by the windows, and I sat next to, I believe a student already sitting there, who I could could see had golden eyes, and had brown blobby hair, wearing all black.

I set my purse down onto the desk, and I take out my recorder so I could listen to the teacher talk later to remember the lesson, since I can't read no more or write.
I tilt my head to the side, me hearing the student next to me take in a gruntled sounding gulp of air.
"Hello; I'm Connie."
I tell them.

I heard them get up suddenly, making me blink in shock at their reaction, and then they scooted their chair farther away from me, and I then take my shirt, me smelling my shirt, me wondering if I stink to them.

The bell rang; making me cover my ears, the sound popping my ears, since my hearing is more intense than normal people, and it felt like my brain was rattling too.
"Ugh my ears!"
I complain.

The bell then stopped ringing; and I relax at that, and I rubbed the inside of my ears with my first fingers of both my hands, and set my hands onto the desk flat, my arms flat.
I felt the student staring at me, giving me a heated glare.
I sigh, and say.
"If your glares could kill they would."
I sass them, my eyes moving side to side, and I take my sunglasses off, me knowing my chemical burn scars around my eyes showed prominently, including my once emerald green eyes are gray.

"You're blind?"
The student asked, their voice male.

"Indeed; me legally half blind.
I only see blurry blobs and the eyes of others."
I tell him.

"I see."
I heard his tense body relax as he said that as students filed into the room, and I felt some students pass by me stare at my face where my chemical burn scars were.

The teacher soon entered the room; and I turned on my recorder.
"Alright; today is sex education."
I frown, my hand on my cheek, me not amused at all, since I already know about sex.


To be continued.......

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