The Start

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Welcome to the mushroom kingdom. This is a place where chaos is the usually the name of the game, but today was one of the rare calm days. We then close in on a mechanic shop at the edge of town. Going inside we see one of our main characters of this story, (Y/N). A young mechanic, who always seems to get caught up in the craziness of a day to day life in the kingdom. But, with how many times he's been caught up in it, he's also made many friends as well.

Our friend had his back turned to the front of the store, while he tinkered on a small machine. A jingle was heard as the front door of the shop opened.

(Y/N): Please wait there, and I'll be with you in a second

???: Huh and here I thought that you'd get to customers right away

Recognizing the voice, (Y/N) turns and meet eyes with his inkling turned human friend Meggy. He puts whatever he was tinkering on away and walks out from behind the counter to her.

(Y/N): Hey Meggy, sorry didn't realize it was you

Meggy: It's fine, anyway how ya doing

(Y/N): I'm doing good, so you just here to visit or do you need me to tune something up

Meggy smiles and shakes her head, before she playfully punches him in the arm.

Meggy: Nah, I just wanted to know if you wanted to hang out. I mean it's been kinda boring lately

(Y/N) looked down thinking before he bought his head up and smiled at Meggy.

(Y/N): Yeah sure, I could go for a break

Meggy: Cool let's head Inkopolis, hmm unfortunately the pipe there is closed for now, but fortunately I know a different way there.

(Y/N): Okay then, you go on ahead I need to close up shop

Meggy: Okay, when you leave the shop go left and you should eventually find an alleyway. Go down it and it'll lead to the outside of town, I'll wait for you there. Oh and also be a bit careful your, gonna have to do some jumping.

And with that Meggy ran out the store, leaving (Y/N) in the store chuckling to himself at Meggy's enthusiasm. Turning around he looked at the store before he sighed and scratched the back of his head. Moving to clean and close up the shop for today he suddenly thought of something.

(Y/N): I should probably leave a note for sis, just incase she wonders where I'm at

Doing so he quickly cleans the rest of the shop and writes down a note for his sister. With that he closes the shop and using the directions Meggy gave him, he began to make his way to the alley he was told to go down. Upon making it there he goes down it and began walking down it. He eventually came across a slightly deep hole with some large stone pillars giving him a way to jump to the other side.

(Y/N): Well looks like Meggy wasn't wrong about needing to jump a bit, well let's hope my jumping skills aren't to rusty

Stretching his legs a bit, he proceeded to jump to one of the pillars. Taking a breath he jumped to the next and then the next and after a few more jumps he makes it to the other side. Looking back he quickly fist pumps and turns making his way down the alley. Going down it he eventually sees Meggy waiting for him. Seeing him approach her, she smiles while putting her hands on her hips.

Meggy: So what took you so long (Y/N)

(Y/N): Sorry about that, had to close up the shop and leave a note for my sis so she wouldn't freak out if she came by the shop and sees that I'm not there

Meggy simply nodded and while turning and pointing down a pathway that supposedly lead to Inkopolis.

Meggy: Okay down this path will lead us to Inkopolis, and don't worry it's not a maze, just a straight path

(Y/N); Well that's good to hear

Meggy: Well let's get going

With that being said the two began making their way down the path. They walked down the dusty path for a few minutes, talking about many things from the everyday craziness of a day to day life in this world, to the stupidity of there other friends. Going down the path a bit more, they eventually find another one of their friends. The blue hair cyborg girl, Tari. Seeing her the two ran up to her.

(Y/N): Yo Tari, what're doing out here

Upon hearing his voice Tari quickly turns and sees the two standing there. A small smile adorn her face as it seemed she looked a bit upset. This not going unnoticed by Meggy and (Y/N) they decided to ask what was wrong.

Meggy: Hey Tari is something wrong

Tari: Uh, well yeah. You see, you two remember I have that tournament tonight and all

(Y/N) and Meggy nods.

Tari: Well I came out here to help clear my mind a bit and well....

A rock was then suddenly thrown at the group with them barely avoiding it. Looking from where it had came from, they saw a bunch of holes spread across the area with a monty mole appearing out of one of them sticking it's tongue out and showing the fleshy part of one of their eyes.

Tari: Well they've been pelting me with rocks for a while now and even when I asked them to stop they just laughed at me and kept throwing them

(Y/N) and Meggy looked at each other before smirking and nodding.

(Y/N): Well maybe me and Meggy can be.....more persuasive

He proceeds to roll up one of his sleeves to reveal a strange white and green watch, with a dial in the center of it.

(Yes I am giving the reader this because one: I think it will be interesting, two: I already thought of a way to make it not overpowered, three: I can think of some interesting scenarios with it and four: my story)

He proceeded to press a button on the watch causing the dial to come up with a hologram of a circle appearing around it. The hologram showed multiple different symbols and faces on it as well. Turning the dial a couple of times he eventually lands on one and smiles before raising his hand above the dial.

(Y/N): Alright let's do this

Pushing down the dial he was enveloped in a bright green flash of light. When the light had died down, their stood a human sized crab like creature.

(I will be using the 5 years later designs by Kuro The Artist for all the original aliens and I will also be using some 5YL aliens in this story as well, by the way if you had not read the comic 5 Years Later I suggest you do, its good. Now back to the story)

(Y/N)??: Brainstorm!!

(Y/N) then jumped and landed on a rock near the holes looking down on them. Some Monty Moles popped out of the holes looking up at (Y/N) wondering what exactly he was.

Brainstorm/(Y/N): Now then I'd say it's time to give you gaggle of rambunctious hooligans, a good electro shock therapy of 50,000 volts of pure electromagnetism. Or to put in terms that you Neanderthals can understand....

The head plates on (Y/N)'s head then opened and revealed a brain with bolts of electricity surrounding it, as he gave a menacing smirk down to the moles.

Brainstorm/(Y/N): I'mma shock ya bitch

He then sends a couple of bolts down towards the moles, with some of them getting the hint and ducking down to avoid it, but unfortunately some who were stupid enough to stay up were hit and electrocuted sending them back down into their holes, burnt from the bolts and smoke coming up from said holes now.

(Y/N) chuckled to himself, before seeing another Monty Mole come up and sending another blast of electricity hitting it directly and again sending it back into the hole. Another came out of a hole that was in (Y/N)'s blind spot lifting a rock above itself and chucks it at him. Before the rock made contact with him a bolt came from his brain and seemingly magnetized the rock and holding it in place. He quickly snapped his gaze onto the Monty Mole glaring at them.

Monty Mole:

The rock was then chucked right back at it, making contact and sending it back into it's hole with the rock covering the hole as well. (Y/N) looked back towards the rest of the holes. Large amounts of electricity sparked around the brain as he began to chuckle to himself.

Brainstorm/(Y/N): Well as much as this was an entertaining activity to indulge in, I must bid you all adieu.

Sending all them down into the holes, and then silently stood as if waiting. Tari gave a confused expression.

Tari: Um...

Meggy: Just give it a second

She looks down a Meggy confused.

Tari: But nothings happening

Meggy: Ssshhh...

Tari still confused looked back at the holes. It stayed silent for a few more seconds until....

Beams of electricity shot out from all the holes (Y/N) laughing the whole time, until they died down and leaving smoke to be coming out of them. Seeing his work done (Y/N) turned back into his regular self wiping his hands off with a content smile. He jumps of the rock and walks back over to Tari and Meggy.

(Y/N): And there we go

Tari: Thanks (Y/N), but I think I'm gonna head back to the castle now

Meggy: Hm why

Tari: Well....

She looks back over to the holes seeing the smoke come up from them, before turning her attention back to Meggy and (Y/N).

Tari: Let's just say, the smell here is kinda unbearable now

Meggy and (Y/N) quickly realize what she meant by that, causing Meggy to chuckle lightly and (Y/N) to sheepishly scratch the back of his head while chuckling too.

Meggy: Well if you say so Tari, we'll see later tonight

(Y/N): Yeah we'll see you there Tari

Tari shyly giggled before she walked off waving at the two, eventually she gets out of sight leaving the two there.

Meggy: Well let's get moving then, we still got a bit to walk before we get to Inkopolis

(Y/N): Well what are we waiting for let's get going.

And with that the two continued down the path on their way to Inkopolis. Back at the holes one charred Monty Mole popped his head out a hole and looked at the two going down the path.

Monty Mole:

Going further down the path the two continued to joke and make quips, Meggy than ran ahead of (Y/N) into a bunch of tall bushes ahead of them.

(Y/N): Meggy?

Following behind her, he continued through the bushes, sometimes hearing other bushes rustle near him or distance giggles of Meggy. Running was then heard coming right towards him, turning quickly he was met with, Meggy jumping at him scaring the hell out of him.


Meggy just giggled at him.

Meggy: Sorry (Y/N), but I just had to.

Moving further through the grass, they eventually make it to the other side of it. Continuing to go down the path and passing by a couple of rocks and shrubbery, they soon come upon other one of their friends. The blue mario recolor memester, SMG4.

He was looking over a bush at something. Walking up to him, (Y/N) tried to get his attention.

(Y/N): Hey, SMG-...

He was cut off by SMG4 clasping his gloved hand over his mouth.

SMG4: Ssshhh, be quiet

Taking his hand away from (Y/N)'s mouth, he continued to look over the bush into a small area beyond it, with four large boulders around the area as well.

Meggy: Why exactly

SMG4: *sigh* Well you see I kinda dropped my bag-o-memes in the area ahead

(Y/N): So why don't you just go get it

SMG4: Well I would do that but, I kinda hurt my knee running

(Y/N): And why exactly were you of all people running

SMG4: Well one fuck you and two because of that

Looking into the area they see the reason of why SMG4 was running. The locomotive type Goomba subspecies and a very aggressive one at that, a Choomba, a large one too.

Meggy: Yeah, I guess that would be something to run away from.

SMG4: Yeah, so do you think one of you two could help me out

They both look at him like he was mad. But soon enough Meggy just sighed and began stepping forward through the bush.

Meggy: I'll go do it

(Y/N): You sure, I could just go alien and-...

Meggy put her hand up stopping (Y/N) before he could finish.

Meggy: I'll be fine don't worry

(Y/N): Alright, just be careful

Meggy smiles while she blushed a bit, before giving him a thumbs up.

Meggy: Okay I will

Moving into the area Meggy immediately hide behind a boulder, to not be caught by the Choomba. Moving gently across the rock to the other side of it peeking out, she looked out seeing the Large Goomba roaming around the area with puffs of smoke coming from it's chimney.

Moving quickly she heads to another boulder stepping on something that emitted a loud snap, attracting the attention of the Choomba. He snapped his gaze onto were the sound came from and began moving over to it. This also causing Meggy to quickly and quietly begin to move around the boulder and away from the Choomba. Making it around the rock she eventually finds a large bag with SMG4's logo on it.

Breathing out a small sigh of contempt, Meggy reaches down and grabs it, but soon finds it hard to lift. She struggled for a couple of seconds before finally being able to hoist it over her shoulder, still struggling to keep herself on her feet.

Meggy: (What the hell did he put in this damn thing, a ton of bricks)

Taking slow steps she quickly hide behind a boulder on the other side of the area. Taking a quick stop at the edge of the boulder, she looked from behind it she sees the Choomba coming her way. Seeing this Meggy quickly tried to come up with a way to change his direction. Looking to the ground she found a small rock laying on the ground next to her. Thinking quick, she picked up the rock and chucked it at one of the boulders across the area. The rock colliding with the boulder made a small sound, again gaining the attention of the Choomba. With it immediately rushing over to it to inspect it.

Taking the opportunity, Meggy quickly or as quick as she could with the heavy bag made her way to the boulder near the exit of the area. Taking a quick and finally look towards the Choomba seeing it still distracted by the noise. She let's out a small sigh before slowly trotting her way over to the bush out of the area.

Getting out of there she put the bag down in front of SMG4, while she let out a couple of slow breaths.


SMG4 grabbed the bag and easily hoisted it over his shoulder surprising Meggy and (Y/N). SMG4 let's out a sigh of relief to have his bag-o-memes back and then quickly rushed and got into his death bus. Starting it, he looks over to his two friends.

SMG4: Thanks for that you two, I'll see you at the convention center for Tari's tournament, bye!!

And with that he drove off, leaving the two confused and in Meggy's case irritated.

Meggy: Are you.....FUCKING KIDDING ME!!! He could move just fine and I risked my skin for nothing!

(Y/N) sighed and put his hand on her shoulder gaining her attention.

(Y/N): You know how he is sometimes, come on, I can see Inkopolis we're almost there

Meggy: Fine, let's go

After that fiasco, they continue making there way down the path and finally make it there. And with that they go and began to enjoy themselves around Inkopolis. Many hours later in the outskirts, we make our way into a large cave where we see many mushroom like creatures, coming in many colors but the main one being purple.

Many UFO like machines were seen as well along with strange versions of already existing creatures of the mushroom kingdom were seen as well such as spineys, wigglers, Goombas, and even Rexes.

In the back of the cave we see two figures shrouded in shadow. One figure was small a slender, having a similar body type to Princess Peach. While the other was large a bulky and having a more hunched over posture. They both wore a pink dress signifying that they both were females.

The large bulky mushroom creature walked forward past all the other creatures, each one of them giving her a form of salute. Making it to the exit of the cave, she looks up seeing the sun has almost set. Looking in a direction she let's out a load roar as the camera paned in the direction of Mushroom City, with many of the UFOs vehicles with the purple mushroom creatures in them flying straight towards it, the screen fading to black afterwards.

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