Chapter 50: Know

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Chapter 50: Know

V went inside his room, Chanyeol was preparing for the meeting. He wants to take a rest for a while. He stood up in front of the mirror and was staring at himself. These days, he seems lost to his own world, he doesn't know who he should've trusted. Also, he was being suspicious of Chanyeol. He felt like he was hiding something. Yet, V can't figure out what is it.

He was confused about himself and his situation.

He didn't understand what was happening to him, he doesn't know why those 2 guys seem very familiar to him. Why he feels comfortable with them? why does he feel safe with them? Why does he feel like he knows them?

Was Jungkook telling the truth? Does Chanyeol lie to him? Who are they? And lastly Who is he? Who is Taehyung?

Due to thinking too much, his head starts to hurt. He knew he had to take those pills again. He hissed and his eyes met the mirror. Suddenly, a flash of memories came into his mind.

"It's okay, Taehyung, baby, you just did what you think what's right. You don't have to worry about it, he cheated on you. He deserved it, you did nothing wrong. You're right to leave him, he doesn't deserve to have you." Jimin explained, comforting him.

He nuzzled his face on Jimin's neck, letting out all his pain. Jimin is the only one who can understand him.
"Hyung" He called someone.

When a guy look at him, he smiled because he saw Jin hyung.

"Yes, Tae?" Jin responded.

"Who is Alisha?" He asked.

Jin looked at him then told to him everything about her.

He got confused because he's with Alisha. What's Alisha's connection to Taehyung?

V saw their faces but it immediately got interrupted when he heard something got broken.

"Jeon Jungkook, Do you accept Kim Taehyung as your husband?" A priest asked.

Jungkook and he was facing each other still staring with love(?) In their eyes.

"I do." Jungkook said while wearing to him the ring.

"Kim Taehyung, Do you accept Jeon Jungkook as your husband?" A priest asked.

He looked at Jungkook and smile.

"I do." He said and wear to Jungkook the ring.

"I may now pronounce both of you are married. You may kiss the groom." A priest exclaimed.

Jungkook cupped his cheeks, their noses touching, and feel the warm breath. Jungkook closed the gap between them and connect their lips.

"Urghhh!" V whimpered in pain.

Everything was gone that's all he saw and now, it was clear, he wanted to know more about what he saw but he can't, the pain is too much for him to handle. His head stinging due to the pain. He was tugging his hair, as usual, thinking it might lessen the pain.

Maybe, he knew Alisha before that's why he hates her a lot. He needs to find out about Alisha too and what's his connection to Jin.

V went to the bathroom to take his pills, he was about to take them but he got confused about the pills. He looks at the pills first because he feels so suspicious of this medicine, he feels like it removes his memories.

However, it helps him to remove all the pain he felt. But those pills don't have any labels every time Chanyeol was giving him those pills.

"If I drink it, I won't remember it again. If I didn't, I will get hurt." V uttered while looking at the pills.

He threw the pills away and then proceeds to wash his face. He wants to calm down for a while before he goes on his mission. He wiped his face with a dry towel. He should've prepared for a later mission. He doesn't know what might be able to happen during Chanyeol's plans.

He left the bathroom, walking on his bed. He lay on a bed, and he took a deep sigh.

"I will know who am I. I'll find out everything soon." V mumbled desperately to know about his real identity.

He closed his eyes, letting the darkness fill him.

Once he remembered everything, he will kill whoever was lying to him without any hesitation. For now, maybe, he will get revenge for his parents, they're death was brutal, and he won't let it pass to him. He wants justice for them.

"Do you trace her, hyung?" Jungkook inquired after successfully doing his acting.

"Yes, she's currently going somewhere." Yoongi responded.

Well, Jungkook acts as if he wasn't interested in a later meeting. His guts were telling him something was wrong will happen. Besides the time of the meeting, the place where will they meet is also suspicious. Jungkook isn't that stupid to not know that they were up to something.

He just put a tracking device on Alisha without her knowing. They had to know what's their plans since Taehyung was with them. He can't just let Taehyung be in danger.

"Any update about V?" Jungkook asked Namjoon.

"It's strange, I can't find any clues about him. It looks like his identity was private." Namjoon retorted.

"Let's call Jin hyung, he can help us." Jungkook stated.

Hoseok called Jin who quickly answered his calls.

"Hyung, tell your governor friend to give us information about V." Hoseok started.

"Why?" Jin asked through the phone.

"Namjoon can't find any information about V. And Jungkook tell you to do it so." Hoseok retorted.

"Yeah, fine, I'll email you once he gave me the information." Jin replied, sighing.

"Send it to us before 9 pm." Hoseok added.

"Yeah, yeah sure." Jin retorted.

"Okay, bye." Hoseok ended the calls.

"Just standby there, hyung. Let's wait for the email. We had to know V's real identity before we go to the meeting." Jungkook ordered.

Namjoon nodded his head and also tried to find any information.

"Where's V? He should've been here." Alisha inquired without noticing a tracking device on her back.

"He's coming." Chanyeol responded.

Yoongi smirked when he finally traced her successfully.

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