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They returned to the institute when it was almost dark, with bright smiles adorned on their faces. They went to their respective rooms to pack their bags. Next day, they were to reach Delhi, complete some formalities and then move to Lucknow, where their parents longed to see them.

They reached Delhi next morning.
"Suraj let's go to our flat!, It's waiting for us from six long months!", said Chakor excitedly.
Suraj, "Did you forget the promise! Chakor!", and it reminded Chakor about something they promised each other before leaving for training.
"Okay we won't go there now!", said Chakor smilingly.

And they left for Lucknow. Their parents haven't seen them from so long and hence they desperately waited. And on top of that, they made so many special arrangements for the night that would mark one year of Sukor's marriage.

As they reached their, mothers welcomed them with tears! Kn met them once but others could not. They could see the change in them. It was obvious that they were now at a better position in this relationship. Shashwat welcomed them with joy!

On reaching home, they were told that a grand party was planned tonight. Last year, because of Suraj's work, they couldn't give a reception and so was this. The marriage anniversary party. Suraj's room at his parent's place was now Chakor's. She has definitely stayed there before but without Suraj. Today, she actually felt what a daughter in law feels. They entered Suraj's room together. It was the room where Suraj studied, where he spent his childhood, where he made his dreams come true! Everything in the room was so Suraj-like.
And it made Chakor smile.

Suraj saw her smiling, and so he back hugged her.
"May I know the reason, why my wife is continuously smiling at the walls!?", he said snuggling close to her.
"Because she can feel the essence of her husband's life here!", replied Chakor.
"Oh! Ok! So you loved me as baby there!?", pointing towards his childhood picture..
The picture was really adorable. He was wearing a hat, and smiling with just two teeth in his mouth, red lips, holding a toy duck in his one small hand and pointing one above, as if in joy...
"I was five months old then!", he said.
"Ohh!", said Chakor.
"And that hand above shows, I was asking God to send my better half soon!", making her chuckle at this.
"By the way, you were cute then!", said Chakor holding his hands, which were hugging her.
"Am I not cute now!?", he said with a fake anger.
"Not now at least, when you are flirting with me!", she said.
"After freedom of speech, the best freedom I want to practice is, freedom to flirt with you...and you don't have to stop me! Otherwise many woman are ready to enjoy my flirting!", getting a hit by her elbow.
"Okay Suraj, go to the washroom and change....I'll change here!", she said trying to move out of his hold.
"I want a mini version of myself soon!", as he left to the washroom, leaving behind a smiley Chakor.

They came down for lunch. The whole family was having dinner together after a long time. Chakor prepared everything and served everyone.
Shashwat, "So here's an announcement. At 12 tonight, Suraj Chakor are going to cut a cake. I have called all our friends and family. Also some professional acquaintance of ours and many business related people among Uncle's friends. In short! It's a grand party! Both of you ( pointing at Sukor), your dresses must have reached your room. And please behave like married couples and not business partners. Also, announce about when we are going to celebrate your child's first birthday! So I can make arrangements accordingly!", earning a hit from Suraj and glare from Chakor! Parents laughed at this.

It was party time and Chakor was getting ready. A black colored dress, having golden embroidery elegant enough to give a IAS officer feel, and Indian enough to show that she completes one year as a wife. The dress was spreading on the floor, giving her a Queen's look. She wore her mangalsutra, that adored her better than any other piece of jwellery would do. Ears adored with simple earrings and hands with a set of bangles.
She looked herself in the mirror. She feels strong with her title and her husband. She likes herself simple, and smiling always helps. Just then, Suraj came out in his smart suit that made him smarter! Again black after all they are a couple.

"Beautiful huh!", she just smiled!
Suraj pouting, "No matter how much time we spend together, you are never going to say that yeah! your husband is a bit good looking! No woman on earth takes me as lightly as you do!"
Chakor turning around and encircling her hands around his neck.
"If your looks would have excited me, we would have prepared a football team!", she said making Suraj cough.
"How you came to know about football team!", he asked.
"Shashwat told me how this thought makes you happy than any other. You forgave him when he said I right? Mr. Rajvanshi!", catching him red handed.
He nodded in yes.
"But but but... don't take anything seriously. I am in no plan to have a football team or even a captain at least before five years from now. I want to enjoy my life! I want to achieve more! I want to work freely! You were my responsibility till now, but now you yourself are responsible for a big lot! Making me free of yours.", he said roaming around the room.

"Suraj! It's not that you are the only one who can read me! I too have the ability to see what goes on, in your heart! I know who you want to live freely. I know who you want to work freely. I know who you want to enjoy the life. I know who you want to achieve in life!", she said smirkingly.

He smiled back saying, "This is very good feeling Chakor!
From your "hmm hmm", we moved to "yes Suraj!", we moved to "Hello Mr. Rajvanshi" and finally to your explanation about us! This means so much for me!"

Chakor out of curiosity, "Suraj! Life would have been different if you and me, would have made out everything on our wedding night itself!", looking up at the sky, through the window.

Suraj, "Yes definitely! I would have turned a miserable man, unable to look into my own eyes, feeling discarded, disgusted...that to have few minutes of bodily pleasure, I killed the real me and the girl in you! You would have hated me deep inside! Atleast now I have some respect for myself also!"

Chakor, "I told you before also...if not this...there would have been nothing in this world that could have soften my heart! I was a stone heart before marrying you. With a huge wall around me! Even the most determined man, could have not broken it! But you were different!"

Suraj, "So are you ready!?"
Chakor blushed and smiled, "yes!"......
Just then Tejaswini knocked the door, "Are you both ready! Let's go!"

And they left for the party. A countdown started twenty seconds before with Shashwat being the loudest. Sukor were standing in the middle. Suraj holding Chakor by her waist and other hand holding the knife to cut the cake with her...
HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! The huge crowd shouts in unison as Suraj- Chakor cut the cake, feeding each other, their family and Shashwat.
They take blessings from the elders, and receive gifts from the everyone present there. After this kn announced that since Chakor is now an IAS officer and completes one year with his son, he wants to gift her something. And that was that she is now declared as his heir. And everything that belongs to kn would be Chakor's after him. Everyone clapped at this, except Chakor. She directly asked him, "Dad! This was not needed. Suraj deserves it more. And whatever belongs to him is mine. So why me here!?"
Kn, "Child first of all...Suraj knew about this. Secondly, Suraj is my biological son. He says he owes me a life. It is just that I want you to be financially stable always! Obviously your job will keep you that. But it is kind of a materialistic assurance that we love you like we love Suraj!"

Also, Bhuvan made an announcement that he is merging his business with kn's and that both will work together and live together. As Suraj Chakor would hardly get time to live with the family, the two families can become one and permanently settle in Lucknow.

After a grand party, both of them with the family came to Delhi. Chakor was taking her oath today. That oath was a life-changer. And her life was going to change that day to a great extent. Whole family was present in her oath ceremony and everyone cheered her up!

After her oath, the parents decided to move back to Lucknow, leaving Sukor back in Delhi. It was almost evening till then. And now Sukor had to execute some of their personal plans.

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